
Title: FlowMind: Automatic Workflow Generation with LLMs

Title: Towards Efficient Resume Understanding: A Multi-Granularity Multi-Modal Pre-Training Approach

Title: Modeling Emotions and Ethics with Large Language Models

Title: Equivariant Imaging for Self-supervised Hyperspectral Image Inpainting

Title: Privacy-Preserving Debiasing using Data Augmentation and Machine Unlearning

Title: Beyond Pixel-Wise Supervision for Medical Image Segmentation: From Traditional Models to Foundation Models

Title: FilterPrompt: Guiding Image Transfer in Diffusion Models

Title: Multi-feature Reconstruction Network using Crossed-mask Restoration for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Title: PCQA: A Strong Baseline for AIGC Quality Assessment Based on Prompt Condition

Title: STAT: Towards Generalizable Temporal Action Localization

Title: Pixel is a Barrier: Diffusion Models Are More Adversarially Robust Than We Think

Title: Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with Self-Supervised Anomaly Prior

Title: Generating Daylight-driven Architectural Design via Diffusion Models

Title: NeurCADRecon: Neural Representation for Reconstructing CAD Surfaces by Enforcing Zero Gaussian Curvature

Title: Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs

Title: Dynamic in Static: Hybrid Visual Correspondence for Self-Supervised Video Object Segmentation

Title: Reliable Model Watermarking: Defending Against Theft without Compromising on Evasion

Title: SmartMem: Layout Transformation Elimination and Adaptation for Efficient DNN Execution on Mobile

Title: Motion-aware Latent Diffusion Models for Video Frame Interpolation

Title: Exploring Diverse Methods in Visual Question Answering

Title: Exploring AIGC Video Quality: A Focus on Visual Harmony, Video-Text Consistency and Domain Distribution Gap

Title: "A good pun is its own reword": Can Large Language Models Understand Puns?

Title: Mixture of LoRA Experts

Title: Bt-GAN: Generating Fair Synthetic Healthdata via Bias-transforming Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: FiLo: Zero-Shot Anomaly Detection by Fine-Grained Description and High-Quality Localization

Title: A Dataset and Model for Realistic License Plate Deblurring

Title: Hyper-SD: Trajectory Segmented Consistency Model for Efficient Image Synthesis

Title: Detecting Compromised IoT Devices Using Autoencoders with Sequential Hypothesis Testing

Title: Concept Arithmetics for Circumventing Concept Inhibition in Diffusion Models

Title: ArtNeRF: A Stylized Neural Field for 3D-Aware Cartoonized Face Synthesis

Title: A Nasal Cytology Dataset for Object Detection and Deep Learning

Title: Towards General Conceptual Model Editing via Adversarial Representation Engineering

Title: Object-Attribute Binding in Text-to-Image Generation: Evaluation and Control

Title: Automated Text Mining of Experimental Methodologies from Biomedical Literature

Title: AnyPattern: Towards In-context Image Copy Detection

Title: Universal Fingerprint Generation: Controllable Diffusion Model with Multimodal Conditions

Title: Enforcing Conditional Independence for Fair Representation Learning and Causal Image Generation

Title: ICST-DNET: An Interpretable Causal Spatio-Temporal Diffusion Network for Traffic Speed Prediction

Title: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation in the Dark: Towards Data Distribution Compensation

Title: Distributional Black-Box Model Inversion Attack with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Title: Towards Better Text-to-Image Generation Alignment via Attention Modulation

Title: Accelerating Image Generation with Sub-path Linear Approximation Model

Title: NeRF-DetS: Enhancing Multi-View 3D Object Detection with Sampling-adaptive Network of Continuous NeRF-based Representation

Title: MaterialSeg3D: Segmenting Dense Materials from 2D Priors for 3D Assets

Title: Gorgeous: Create Your Desired Character Facial Makeup from Any Ideas

Title: An Economic Solution to Copyright Challenges of Generative AI

Title: Non-Uniform Exposure Imaging via Neuromorphic Shutter Control

Title: RHanDS: Refining Malformed Hands for Generated Images with Decoupled Structure and Style Guidance

Title: Infusion: Preventing Customized Text-to-Image Diffusion from Overfitting

Title: OccFeat: Self-supervised Occupancy Feature Prediction for Pretraining BEV Segmentation Networks

Title: PointDifformer: Robust Point Cloud Registration With Neural Diffusion and Transformer

Title: RingID: Rethinking Tree-Ring Watermarking for Enhanced Multi-Key Identification

Title: Multi-view Disentanglement for Reinforcement Learning with Multiple Cameras

Title: Multidimensional Interpolants

Title: FLDM-VTON: Faithful Latent Diffusion Model for Virtual Try-on

Title: Face2Face: Label-driven Facial Retouching Restoration

Title: MultiBooth: Towards Generating All Your Concepts in an Image from Text

Title: AI-Generated Faces in the Real World: A Large-Scale Case Study of Twitter Profile Images

Title: Towards Better Adversarial Purification via Adversarial Denoising Diffusion Training

Title: Self-Supervised Alignment with Mutual Information: Learning to Follow Principles without Preference Labels

Title: X-Ray: A Sequential 3D Representation for Generation

Title: Calc-CMU at SemEval-2024 Task 7: Pre-Calc -- Learning to Use the Calculator Improves Numeracy in Language Models

Title: TAVGBench: Benchmarking Text to Audible-Video Generation

Title: SEED-X: Multimodal Models with Unified Multi-granularity Comprehension and Generation

Title: GeoDiffuser: Geometry-Based Image Editing with Diffusion Models

Title: Guess The Unseen: Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction from Partial 2D Glimpses