
Title: Neural Modes: Self-supervised Learning of Nonlinear Modal Subspaces

Title: Alice's Adventures in a Differentiable Wonderland -- Volume I, A Tour of the Land

Title: Generative Dataset Distillation: Balancing Global Structure and Local Details

Title: Causal Diffusion Autoencoders: Toward Counterfactual Generation via Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Title: High-quality Surface Reconstruction using Gaussian Surfels

Title: Temporal Scaling Law for Large Language Models

Title: Dynamical Mode Recognition of Coupled Flame Oscillators by Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches

Title: Meta In-Context Learning Makes Large Language Models Better Zero and Few-Shot Relation Extractors

Title: Recall, Retrieve and Reason: Towards Better In-Context Relation Extraction

Title: ODCR: Orthogonal Decoupling Contrastive Regularization for Unpaired Image Dehazing

Title: Evaluation of Few-Shot Learning for Classification Tasks in the Polish Language

Title: VANER: Leveraging Large Language Model for Versatile and Adaptive Biomedical Named Entity Recognition

Title: Revisiting Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Conversation from the Perspective of Graph Spectrum

Title: Noisy Node Classification by Bi-level Optimization based Multi-teacher Distillation

Title: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection via Masked Diffusion Posterior Sampling

Title: SERPENT-VLM : Self-Refining Radiology Report Generation Using Vision Language Models

Title: Accurate and fast anomaly detection in industrial processes and IoT environments

Title: Spatio-Temporal Side Tuning Pre-trained Foundation Models for Video-based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

Title: Critical Review for One-class Classification: recent advances and the reality behind them

Title: Random Walk on Pixel Manifolds for Anomaly Segmentation of Complex Driving Scenes

Title: A Method of Moments Embedding Constraint and its Application to Semi-Supervised Learning

Title: Enhancing Pre-Trained Generative Language Models with Question Attended Span Extraction on Machine Reading Comprehension

Title: Implicit Generative Prior for Bayesian Neural Networks

Title: DM-Align: Leveraging the Power of Natural Language Instructions to Make Changes to Images

Title: Exposing Text-Image Inconsistency Using Diffusion Models

Title: Grounded Compositional and Diverse Text-to-3D with Pretrained Multi-View Diffusion Model

Title: CRE-LLM: A Domain-Specific Chinese Relation Extraction Framework with Fine-tuned Large Language Model

Title: Generative AI for Visualization: State of the Art and Future Directions

Title: Masked Attention as a Mechanism for Improving Interpretability of Vision Transformers

Title: Exploring the Robustness of In-Context Learning with Noisy Labels

Title: Paint by Inpaint: Learning to Add Image Objects by Removing Them First

Title: From Persona to Personalization: A Survey on Role-Playing Language Agents

Title: Fisher Information Improved Training-Free Conditional Diffusion Model

Title: SAFE-RL: Saliency-Aware Counterfactual Explainer for Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies

Title: MultiMAE-DER: Multimodal Masked Autoencoder for Dynamic Emotion Recognition

Title: Exploring the Limits of Fine-grained LLM-based Physics Inference via Premise Removal Interventions

Title: PKU-AIGIQA-4K: A Perceptual Quality Assessment Database for Both Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image AI-Generated Images

Title: Mixture-of-Instructions: Comprehensive Alignment of a Large Language Model through the Mixture of Diverse System Prompting Instructions

Title: U-Nets as Belief Propagation: Efficient Classification, Denoising, and Diffusion in Generative Hierarchical Models

Title: Enabling Efficient and Flexible Interpretability of Data-driven Anomaly Detection in Industrial Processes with AcME-AD

Title: IncidentResponseGPT: Generating Traffic Incident Response Plans with Generative Artificial Intelligence

Title: SIDBench: A Python Framework for Reliably Assessing Synthetic Image Detection Methods

Title: FashionSD-X: Multimodal Fashion Garment Synthesis using Latent Diffusion

Title: Anywhere: A Multi-Agent Framework for Reliable and Diverse Foreground-Conditioned Image Inpainting

Title: CSTalk: Correlation Supervised Speech-driven 3D Emotional Facial Animation Generation

Title: FlexiFilm: Long Video Generation with Flexible Conditions

Title: Convergence Properties of Score-Based Models using Graduated Optimisation for Linear Inverse Problems

Title: Towards Dog Bark Decoding: Leveraging Human Speech Processing for Automated Bark Classification

Title: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Video Anomaly Detection in the Wild: Online Learning and Inference for Real-world Deployment

Title: Flow AM: Generating Point Cloud Global Explanations by Latent Alignment

Title: From Density to Geometry: YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation for Reverse Engineering of Optimized Structures

Title: ConPro: Learning Severity Representation for Medical Images using Contrastive Learning and Preference Optimization

Title: It's Difficult to be Neutral -- Human and LLM-based Sentiment Annotation of Patient Comments

Title: A Survey on Vision Mamba: Models, Applications and Challenges

Title: Truth-value judgment in language models: belief directions are context sensitive

Title: Learning Mixtures of Gaussians Using Diffusion Models

Title: A Survey on Diffusion Models for Time Series and Spatio-Temporal Data

Title: Hide and Seek: How Does Watermarking Impact Face Recognition?

Title: Sample-Efficient Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in the Face of Environmental Uncertainty

Title: TheaterGen: Character Management with LLM for Consistent Multi-turn Image Generation

Title: Stylus: Automatic Adapter Selection for Diffusion Models