
Title: Training a high-performance retinal foundation model with half-the-data and 400 times less compute

Title: Re-visiting Skip-Gram Negative Sampling: Dimension Regularization for More Efficient Dissimilarity Preservation in Graph Embeddings

Title: Uncovering What, Why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causation Understanding of Video Anomaly

Title: Synthetic Image Verification in the Era of Generative AI: What Works and What Isn't There Yet

Title: In-Context Learning with Long-Context Models: An In-Depth Exploration

Title: Leveraging Active Subspaces to Capture Epistemic Model Uncertainty in Deep Generative Models for Molecular Design

Title: A Primer on the Inner Workings of Transformer-based Language Models

Title: Graphical Reasoning: LLM-based Semi-Open Relation Extraction

Title: Synthetic Face Datasets Generation via Latent Space Exploration from Brownian Identity Diffusion

Title: Semantically Consistent Video Inpainting with Conditional Diffusion Models

Title: ASAM: Boosting Segment Anything Model with Adversarial Tuning

Title: Social Life Simulation for Non-Cognitive Skills Learning

Title: How Can I Improve? Using GPT to Highlight the Desired and Undesired Parts of Open-ended Responses

Title: MoPEFT: A Mixture-of-PEFTs for the Segment Anything Model

Title: Streamlining Image Editing with Layered Diffusion Brushes

Title: Exploring Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Deepfake Detection: A Comparative Analysis

Title: Self-supervised Pre-training of Text Recognizers

Title: Detail-Enhancing Framework for Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution

Title: Lazy Layers to Make Fine-Tuned Diffusion Models More Traceable

Title: In Anticipation of Perfect Deepfake: Identity-anchored Artifact-agnostic Detection under Rebalanced Deepfake Detection Protocol

Title: Get Your Embedding Space in Order: Domain-Adaptive Regression for Forest Monitoring

Title: Discovering robust biomarkers of neurological disorders from functional MRI using graph neural networks: A Review

Title: The Real, the Better: Aligning Large Language Models with Online Human Behaviors

Title: Lane Segmentation Refinement with Diffusion Models

Title: Deep Metric Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection with Synthetic Outlier Exposure

Title: NLU-STR at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Generative-based Augmentation and Encoder-based Scoring for Semantic Textual Relatedness

Title: RGB$\leftrightarrow$X: Image decomposition and synthesis using material- and lighting-aware diffusion models