
Title: Science Written by Generative AI is Perceived as Less Intelligent, but More Credible and Trustworthy than Science Written by Humans

Title: Fake Artificial Intelligence Generated Contents (FAIGC): A Survey of Theories, Detection Methods, and Opportunities

Title: Can't say cant? Measuring and Reasoning of Dark Jargons in Large Language Models

Title: Soft Preference Optimization: Aligning Language Models to Expert Distributions

Title: Deep Reward Supervisions for Tuning Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Obtaining Favorable Layouts for Multiple Object Generation

Title: Guided Conditional Diffusion Classifier (ConDiff) for Enhanced Prediction of Infection in Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Title: Beyond Human Vision: The Role of Large Vision Language Models in Microscope Image Analysis

Title: SonicDiffusion: Audio-Driven Image Generation and Editing with Pretrained Diffusion Models

Title: Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Learning for Histopathological Classification of Ischemic Stroke Clot Origin

Title: EchoScene: Indoor Scene Generation via Information Echo over Scene Graph Diffusion

Title: Generative manufacturing systems using diffusion models and ChatGPT

Title: Context-Aware Clustering using Large Language Models

Title: Part-aware Shape Generation with Latent 3D Diffusion of Neural Voxel Fields

Title: On Mechanistic Knowledge Localization in Text-to-Image Generative Models

Title: Explicitly Modeling Generality into Self-Supervised Learning

Title: A text-based, generative deep learning model for soil reflectance spectrum simulation in the VIS-NIR (400-2499 nm) bands

Title: Automated Virtual Product Placement and Assessment in Images using Diffusion Models

Title: Why Tabular Foundation Models Should Be a Research Priority

Title: SynFlowNet: Towards Molecule Design with Guaranteed Synthesis Pathways

Title: Self-Supervised Learning for Interventional Image Analytics: Towards Robust Device Trackers

Title: Interpretable Data-driven Anomaly Detection in Industrial Processes with ExIFFI

Title: Towards Inclusive Face Recognition Through Synthetic Ethnicity Alteration

Title: StoryDiffusion: Consistent Self-Attention for Long-Range Image and Video Generation

Title: Advancing human-centric AI for robust X-ray analysis through holistic self-supervised learning

Title: Digital Twin Generators for Disease Modeling

Title: Controllable Text Generation in the Instruction-Tuning Era

Title: Navigating Heterogeneity and Privacy in One-Shot Federated Learning with Diffusion Models

Title: LocInv: Localization-aware Inversion for Text-Guided Image Editing

Title: A separability-based approach to quantifying generalization: which layer is best?

Title: Customizing Text-to-Image Models with a Single Image Pair