
Title: Prospective Role of Foundation Models in Advancing Autonomous Vehicles

Title: Neural Additive Image Model: Interpretation through Interpolation

Title: TFCounter:Polishing Gems for Training-Free Object Counting

Title: Efficient Exploration of Image Classifier Failures with Bayesian Optimization and Text-to-Image Models

Title: COPAL: Continual Pruning in Large Language Generative Models

Title: A Survey of Time Series Foundation Models: Generalizing Time Series Representation with Large Language Mode

Title: CVTGAD: Simplified Transformer with Cross-View Attention for Unsupervised Graph-level Anomaly Detection

Title: Continuous Learned Primal Dual

Title: Beyond Helpfulness and Harmlessness: Eliciting Diverse Behaviors from Large Language Models with Persona In-Context Learning

Title: Spatio-Temporal SwinMAE: A Swin Transformer based Multiscale Representation Learner for Temporal Satellite Imagery

Title: SR4ZCT: Self-supervised Through-plane Resolution Enhancement for CT Images with Arbitrary Resolution and Overlap

Title: A Literature Review and Framework for Human Evaluation of Generative Large Language Models in Healthcare

Title: A Data Mining-Based Dynamical Anomaly Detection Method for Integrating with an Advance Metering System

Title: Generalizing CLIP to Unseen Domain via Text-Guided Diverse Novel Feature Synthesis

Title: UnSAMFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Guided by Segment Anything Model

Title: Contrastive Dual-Interaction Graph Neural Network for Molecular Property Prediction

Title: Generic Multi-modal Representation Learning for Network Traffic Analysis

Title: From Generalization Analysis to Optimization Designs for State Space Models

Title: Position Paper: Quo Vadis, Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection?

Title: DiffuseTrace: A Transparent and Flexible Watermarking Scheme for Latent Diffusion Model

Title: Stable Diffusion Dataset Generation for Downstream Classification Tasks

Title: Towards a Scalable Identification of Novel Modes in Generative Models

Title: Enhancing News Summarization with ELearnFit through Efficient In-Context Learning and Efficient Fine-Tuning

Title: CoE-SQL: In-Context Learning for Multi-Turn Text-to-SQL with Chain-of-Editions

Title: U-DiTs: Downsample Tokens in U-Shaped Diffusion Transformers

Title: Systematic Review: Anomaly Detection in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Title: A self-supervised text-vision framework for automated brain abnormality detection

Title: Efficient Text-driven Motion Generation via Latent Consistency Training

Title: Adapting to Distribution Shift by Visual Domain Prompt Generation

Title: Is Flash Attention Stable?

Title: Verlet Flows: Exact-Likelihood Integrators for Flow-Based Generative Models

Title: SMCD: High Realism Motion Style Transfer via Mamba-based Diffusion

Title: MVIP-NeRF: Multi-view 3D Inpainting on NeRF Scenes via Diffusion Prior

Title: Boundary-aware Decoupled Flow Networks for Realistic Extreme Rescaling

Title: Score-based Generative Priors Guided Model-driven Network for MRI Reconstruction

Title: JOSENet: A Joint Stream Embedding Network for Violence Detection in Surveillance Videos

Title: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning with Discrete Fourier Transform

Title: Matten: Video Generation with Mamba-Attention

Title: Convolutional Learning on Directed Acyclic Graphs

Title: AnoGAN for Tabular Data: A Novel Approach to Anomaly Detection

Title: Intra-task Mutual Attention based Vision Transformer for Few-Shot Learning

Title: AniTalker: Animate Vivid and Diverse Talking Faces through Identity-Decoupled Facial Motion Encoding

Title: Video Diffusion Models: A Survey

Title: DeepMpMRI: Tensor-decomposition Regularized Learning for Fast and High-Fidelity Multi-Parametric Microstructural MR Imaging

Title: Oracle-Checker Scheme for Evaluating a Generative Large Language Model

Title: Hyperbolic Geometric Latent Diffusion Model for Graph Generation

Title: Mind the Gap Between Synthetic and Real: Utilizing Transfer Learning to Probe the Boundaries of Stable Diffusion Generated Data

Title: Exploring the Frontiers of Softmax: Provable Optimization, Applications in Diffusion Model, and Beyond

Title: Multi-Modality Spatio-Temporal Forecasting via Self-Supervised Learning

Title: Animate Your Thoughts: Decoupled Reconstruction of Dynamic Natural Vision from Slow Brain Activity

Title: Enhancing Spatiotemporal Disease Progression Models via Latent Diffusion and Prior Knowledge

Title: GLIP: Electromagnetic Field Exposure Map Completion by Deep Generative Networks

Title: LGTM: Local-to-Global Text-Driven Human Motion Diffusion Model

Title: UnsafeBench: Benchmarking Image Safety Classifiers on Real-World and AI-Generated Images

Title: Is Sora a World Simulator? A Comprehensive Survey on General World Models and Beyond

Title: CCDM: Continuous Conditional Diffusion Models for Image Generation

Title: Position Paper: Leveraging Foundational Models for Black-Box Optimization: Benefits, Challenges, and Future Directions

Title: GREEN: Generative Radiology Report Evaluation and Error Notation

Title: Classification of Breast Cancer Histopathology Images using a Modified Supervised Contrastive Learning Method

Title: Collecting Consistently High Quality Object Tracks with Minimal Human Involvement by Using Self-Supervised Learning to Detect Tracker Errors

Title: Field-of-View Extension for Diffusion MRI via Deep Generative Models

Title: An Empty Room is All We Want: Automatic Defurnishing of Indoor Panoramas