
Title: Generative adversarial learning with optimal input dimension and its adaptive generator architecture

Title: GraphSL: An Open-Source Library for Graph Source Localization Approaches and Benchmark Datasets

Title: Foundation Models for Video Understanding: A Survey

Title: Detecting Anti-Semitic Hate Speech using Transformer-based Large Language Models

Title: Synthetic Data from Diffusion Models Improve Drug Discovery Prediction

Title: MoDiPO: text-to-motion alignment via AI-feedback-driven Direct Preference Optimization

Title: MVDiff: Scalable and Flexible Multi-View Diffusion for 3D Object Reconstruction from Single-View

Title: FedSC: Provable Federated Self-supervised Learning with Spectral Contrastive Objective over Non-i.i.d. Data

Title: Simple Drop-in LoRA Conditioning on Attention Layers Will Improve Your Diffusion Model

Title: Structure-based drug design by denoising voxel grids

Title: AdsorbDiff: Adsorbate Placement via Conditional Denoising Diffusion

Title: Navigating Chemical Space with Latent Flows

Title: Locally Differentially Private In-Context Learning

Title: A2-DIDM: Privacy-preserving Accumulator-enabled Auditing for Distributed Identity of DNN Model

Title: ELiTe: Efficient Image-to-LiDAR Knowledge Transfer for Semantic Segmentation

Title: Exposing AI-generated Videos: A Benchmark Dataset and a Local-and-Global Temporal Defect Based Detection Method

Title: GPT-Enabled Cybersecurity Training: A Tailored Approach for Effective Awareness

Title: Sora Detector: A Unified Hallucination Detection for Large Text-to-Video Models

Title: Enhancing Physical Layer Communication Security through Generative AI with Mixture of Experts

Title: Vidu: a Highly Consistent, Dynamic and Skilled Text-to-Video Generator with Diffusion Models

Title: Exploring Correlations of Self-supervised Tasks for Graphs

Title: Open Implementation and Study of BEST-RQ for Speech Processing

Title: Inf-DiT: Upsampling Any-Resolution Image with Memory-Efficient Diffusion Transformer

Title: Diffusion-driven GAN Inversion for Multi-Modal Face Image Generation

Title: Diff-IP2D: Diffusion-Based Hand-Object Interaction Prediction on Egocentric Videos

Title: Towards Geographic Inclusion in the Evaluation of Text-to-Image Models

Title: Adapting WavLM for Speech Emotion Recognition

Title: S3Former: Self-supervised High-resolution Transformer for Solar PV Profiling

Title: Toward In-Context Teaching: Adapting Examples to Students' Misconceptions

Title: Edit-Your-Motion: Space-Time Diffusion Decoupling Learning for Video Motion Editing

Title: ChatHuman: Language-driven 3D Human Understanding with Retrieval-Augmented Tool Reasoning

Title: Tactile-Augmented Radiance Fields