
Title: Unveiling Hallucination in Text, Image, Video, and Audio Foundation Models: A Comprehensive Review

Title: A Survey of Generative Techniques for Spatial-Temporal Data Mining

Title: When AI Eats Itself: On the Caveats of Data Pollution in the Era of Generative AI

Title: Simulating Policy Impacts: Developing a Generative Scenario Writing Method to Evaluate the Perceived Effects of Regulation

Title: Point2SSM++: Self-Supervised Learning of Anatomical Shape Models from Point Clouds

Title: An Autoencoder and Generative Adversarial Networks Approach for Multi-Omics Data Imbalanced Class Handling and Classification

Title: LLM and Simulation as Bilevel Optimizers: A New Paradigm to Advance Physical Scientific Discovery

Title: Many-Shot In-Context Learning in Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: Manifold Integrated Gradients: Riemannian Geometry for Feature Attribution

Title: MediSyn: Text-Guided Diffusion Models for Broad Medical 2D and 3D Image Synthesis

Title: Chameleon: Mixed-Modal Early-Fusion Foundation Models

Title: IGOT: Information Gain Optimized Tokenizer on Domain Adaptive Pretraining

Title: Dual3D: Efficient and Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with Dual-mode Multi-view Latent Diffusion

Title: Generative Unlearning for Any Identity

Title: DiffAM: Diffusion-based Adversarial Makeup Transfer for Facial Privacy Protection

Title: Cross-sensor self-supervised training and alignment for remote sensing

Title: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge

Title: MiniMaxAD: A Lightweight Autoencoder for Feature-Rich Anomaly Detection

Title: KPNDepth: Depth Estimation of Lane Images under Complex Rainy Environment

Title: Language-Oriented Semantic Latent Representation for Image Transmission

Title: VirtualModel: Generating Object-ID-retentive Human-object Interaction Image by Diffusion Model for E-commerce Marketing

Title: Frequency-Domain Refinement with Multiscale Diffusion for Super Resolution

Title: Listen Again and Choose the Right Answer: A New Paradigm for Automatic Speech Recognition with Large Language Models

Title: LaT-PFN: A Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture for In-context Time-series Forecasting

Title: Generating Coherent Sequences of Visual Illustrations for Real-World Manual Tasks

Title: Libra: Building Decoupled Vision System on Large Language Models

Title: PIR: Remote Sensing Image-Text Retrieval with Prior Instruction Representation Learning

Title: DiverGen: Improving Instance Segmentation by Learning Wider Data Distribution with More Diverse Generative Data

Title: GPT Store Mining and Analysis

Title: When LLMs step into the 3D World: A Survey and Meta-Analysis of 3D Tasks via Multi-modal Large Language Models

Title: Timeline-based Sentence Decomposition with In-Context Learning for Temporal Fact Extraction

Title: CAT3D: Create Anything in 3D with Multi-View Diffusion Models

Title: Analogist: Out-of-the-box Visual In-Context Learning with Image Diffusion Model

Title: Text-to-Vector Generation with Neural Path Representation