
Title: IM-RAG: Multi-Round Retrieval-Augmented Generation Through Learning Inner Monologues

Title: Intelligent Tutor: Leveraging ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot Studio to Deliver a Generative AI Student Support and Feedback System within Teams

Title: Leveraging Human Revisions for Improving Text-to-Layout Models

Title: A Robust Autoencoder Ensemble-Based Approach for Anomaly Detection in Text

Title: Score-CDM: Score-Weighted Convolutional Diffusion Model for Multivariate Time Series Imputation

Title: EmInspector: Combating Backdoor Attacks in Federated Self-Supervised Learning Through Embedding Inspection

Title: A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Gait-Based Neurodegenerative Disease Diagnosis

Title: Comparative Analysis of Different Efficient Fine Tuning Methods of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Low-Resource Setting

Title: CamViG: Camera Aware Image-to-Video Generation with Multimodal Transformers

Title: Computational Tradeoffs in Image Synthesis: Diffusion, Masked-Token, and Next-Token Prediction

Title: A rapid approach to urban traffic noise mapping with a generative adversarial network

Title: FLARE up your data: Diffusion-based Augmentation Method in Astronomical Imaging

Title: DiffNorm: Self-Supervised Normalization for Non-autoregressive Speech-to-speech Translation

Title: Single color virtual H&E staining with In-and-Out Net

Title: High Performance P300 Spellers Using GPT2 Word Prediction With Cross-Subject Training

Title: How to Trace Latent Generative Model Generated Images without Artificial Watermark?

Title: Why In-Context Learning Transformers are Tabular Data Classifiers

Title: Dynamically enhanced static handwriting representation for Parkinson's disease detection

Title: Class-Conditional self-reward mechanism for improved Text-to-Image models

Title: Directly Denoising Diffusion Model

Title: MotionCraft: Physics-based Zero-Shot Video Generation

Title: MetaEarth: A Generative Foundation Model for Global-Scale Remote Sensing Image Generation

Title: Cross-Modal Distillation in Industrial Anomaly Detection: Exploring Efficient Multi-Modal IAD

Title: LogRCA: Log-based Root Cause Analysis for Distributed Services

Title: Curriculum Direct Preference Optimization for Diffusion and Consistency Models

Title: Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Self-supervised Reinforcement Learning

Title: CrossCheckGPT: Universal Hallucination Ranking for Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: Prompt Mixing in Diffusion Models using the Black Scholes Algorithm

Title: Challenging Gradient Boosted Decision Trees with Tabular Transformers for Fraud Detection at Booking.com

Title: Uncertainty-aware Evaluation of Auxiliary Anomalies with the Expected Anomaly Posterior

Title: Learning Diffusion Priors from Observations by Expectation Maximization

Title: InstaDrag: Lightning Fast and Accurate Drag-based Image Editing Emerging from Videos

Title: Score-based Generative Models with Adaptive Momentum

Title: ComboStoc: Combinatorial Stochasticity for Diffusion Generative Models

Title: NeurCross: A Self-Supervised Neural Approach for Representing Cross Fields in Quad Mesh Generation

Title: A Versatile Diffusion Transformer with Mixture of Noise Levels for Audiovisual Generation

Title: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-Image Synthetic Data

Title: Slaves to the Law of Large Numbers: An Asymptotic Equipartition Property for Perplexity in Generative Language Models

Title: Maximum Manifold Capacity Representations in State Representation Learning

Title: Transformers Learn Temporal Difference Methods for In-Context Reinforcement Learning

Title: ReVideo: Remake a Video with Motion and Content Control

Title: FreeCustom: Tuning-Free Customized Image Generation for Multi-Concept Composition

Title: Learning Latent Space Hierarchical EBM Diffusion Models

Title: Text-Free Multi-domain Graph Pre-training:Toward Graph Foundation Models

Title: Design Editing for Offline Model-based Optimization

Title: Unleashing the Power of Unlabeled Data: A Self-supervised Learning Framework for Cyber Attack Detection in Smart Grids

Title: Removing Bias from Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Model Autophagy

Title: Leveraging World Events to Predict E-Commerce Consumer Demand under Anomaly

Title: Bayesian Inverse Problems with Conditional Sinkhorn Generative Adversarial Networks in Least Volume Latent Spaces

Title: One-shot Training for Video Object Segmentation

Title: MagicPose4D: Crafting Articulated Models with Appearance and Motion Control

Title: Watermarking Generative Tabular Data

Title: BrainMorph: A Foundational Keypoint Model for Robust and Flexible Brain MRI Registration

Title: A Study of Posterior Stability for Time-Series Latent Diffusion

Title: Trajectory Volatility for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Mathematical Reasoning

Title: Particle physics DL-simulation with control over generated data properties

Title: A Concentration Inequality for Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD)-based Statistics and Its Application in Generative Models

Title: Enhancing Image Layout Control with Loss-Guided Diffusion Models

Title: The Disappearance of Timestep Embedding in Modern Time-Dependent Neural Networks

Title: Text-to-Model: Text-Conditioned Neural Network Diffusion for Train-Once-for-All Personalization

Title: RET-CLIP: A Retinal Image Foundation Model Pre-trained with Clinical Diagnostic Reports

Title: Imagery as Inquiry: Exploring A Multimodal Dataset for Conversational Recommendation

Title: Unveiling the Tapestry of Consistency in Large Vision-Language Models

Title: Self-Taught Recognizer: Toward Unsupervised Adaptation for Speech Foundation Models

Title: Multi-view Remote Sensing Image Segmentation With SAM priors

Title: Enhanced Object Tracking by Self-Supervised Auxiliary Depth Estimation Learning

Title: Awesome Multi-modal Object Tracking

Title: FreeTuner: Any Subject in Any Style with Training-free Diffusion

Title: DiM: Diffusion Mamba for Efficient High-Resolution Image Synthesis

Title: FloodDamageCast: Building Flood Damage Nowcasting with Machine Learning and Data Augmentation

Title: Harmony: A Joint Self-Supervised and Weakly-Supervised Framework for Learning General Purpose Visual Representations

Title: Diffusion models for Gaussian distributions: Exact solutions and Wasserstein errors

Title: Time-FFM: Towards LM-Empowered Federated Foundation Model for Time Series Forecasting

Title: Let's Fuse Step by Step: A Generative Fusion Decoding Algorithm with LLMs for Multi-modal Text Recognition

Title: Fine-grained Image-to-LiDAR Contrastive Distillation with Visual Foundation Models

Title: Co-Representation Neural Hypergraph Diffusion for Edge-Dependent Node Classification

Title: Improving Gloss-free Sign Language Translation by Reducing Representation Density

Title: Dinomaly: The Less Is More Philosophy in Multi-Class Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Title: Reliable Trajectory Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification with Conditioned Diffusion Models

Title: Emotion Identification for French in Written Texts: Considering their Modes of Expression as a Step Towards Text Complexity Analysis

Title: Capsule Network Projectors are Equivariant and Invariant Learners

Title: PipeFusion: Displaced Patch Pipeline Parallelism for Inference of Diffusion Transformer Models

Title: Adversarial Schr\"odinger Bridge Matching

Title: TIGER: Text-Instructed 3D Gaussian Retrieval and Coherent Editing

Title: MagicDrive3D: Controllable 3D Generation for Any-View Rendering in Street Scenes

Title: LiteVAE: Lightweight and Efficient Variational Autoencoders for Latent Diffusion Models

Title: A Comprehensive Overview of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Cyber Defences: Opportunities and Directions

Title: Identity Inference from CLIP Models using Only Textual Data

Title: AnomalyDINO: Boosting Patch-based Few-shot Anomaly Detection with DINOv2

Title: Multistable Shape from Shading Emerges from Patch Diffusion

Title: EHRMamba: Towards Generalizable and Scalable Foundation Models for Electronic Health Records

Title: PoseCrafter: One-Shot Personalized Video Synthesis Following Flexible Poses

Title: Visual Echoes: A Simple Unified Transformer for Audio-Visual Generation

Title: Neuroexplicit Diffusion Models for Inpainting of Optical Flow Fields

Title: A FAIR and Free Prompt-based Research Assistant

Title: Reinforcement Learning for Fine-tuning Text-to-speech Diffusion Models

Title: Lagrangian Neural Networks for Reversible Dissipative Evolution

Title: PhiNets: Brain-inspired Non-contrastive Learning Based on Temporal Prediction Hypothesis

Title: Implicit In-context Learning

Title: Fisher Flow Matching for Generative Modeling over Discrete Data

Title: Efficiency for Free: Ideal Data Are Transportable Representations

Title: Towards Imperceptible Backdoor Attack in Self-supervised Learning

Title: RectifID: Personalizing Rectified Flow with Anchored Classifier Guidance

Title: Cascade of phase transitions in the training of Energy-based models

Title: A Declarative System for Optimizing AI Workloads

Title: High Fidelity Scene Text Synthesis

Title: CLIPScope: Enhancing Zero-Shot OOD Detection with Bayesian Scoring

Title: FLoRA: Low-Rank Core Space for N-dimension

Title: Large language models can be zero-shot anomaly detectors for time series?

Title: Evaluating Large Language Models for Public Health Classification and Extraction Tasks

Title: Metric Flow Matching for Smooth Interpolations on the Data Manifold

Title: EditWorld: Simulating World Dynamics for Instruction-Following Image Editing

Title: Masked Image Modelling for retinal OCT understanding

Title: DIDI: Diffusion-Guided Diversity for Offline Behavioral Generation

Title: Generative Plant Growth Simulation from Sequence-Informed Environmental Conditions

Title: Membership Inference on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Conditional Likelihood Discrepancy

Title: PaGoDA: Progressive Growing of a One-Step Generator from a Low-Resolution Diffusion Teacher

Title: Good Seed Makes a Good Crop: Discovering Secret Seeds in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Direct3D: Scalable Image-to-3D Generation via 3D Latent Diffusion Transformer

Title: TerDiT: Ternary Diffusion Models with Transformers

Title: Semantica: An Adaptable Image-Conditioned Diffusion Model

Title: Adapting to Unknown Low-Dimensional Structures in Score-Based Diffusion Models

Title: Video Diffusion Models are Training-free Motion Interpreter and Controller

Title: Improved Distribution Matching Distillation for Fast Image Synthesis

Title: Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis