
Title: Simulating Realistic Post-Stroke Reaching Kinematics with Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: Advancing High Resolution Vision-Language Models in Biomedicine

Title: Pandora: Towards General World Model with Natural Language Actions and Video States

Title: SViTT-Ego: A Sparse Video-Text Transformer for Egocentric Video

Title: Is Diffusion Model Safe? Severe Data Leakage via Gradient-Guided Diffusion Model

Title: Language-driven Grasp Detection

Title: Fair Data Generation via Score-based Diffusion Model

Title: Q-Mamba: On First Exploration of Vision Mamba for Image Quality Assessment

Title: Between Randomness and Arbitrariness: Some Lessons for Reliable Machine Learning at Scale

Title: My Body My Choice: Human-Centric Full-Body Anonymization

Title: Decoding the Diversity: A Review of the Indic AI Research Landscape

Title: e-COP : Episodic Constrained Optimization of Policies

Title: Improving Consistency Models with Generator-Induced Coupling

Title: Online Bandit Learning with Offline Preference Data

Title: Turns Out I'm Not Real: Towards Robust Detection of AI-Generated Videos

Title: ImageNet3D: Towards General-Purpose Object-Level 3D Understanding

Title: DSL-FIQA: Assessing Facial Image Quality via Dual-Set Degradation Learning and Landmark-Guided Transformer

Title: DrivAerNet++: A Large-Scale Multimodal Car Dataset with Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Deep Learning Benchmarks

Title: Industrial Language-Image Dataset (ILID): Adapting Vision Foundation Models for Industrial Settings

Title: An Intrinsic Vector Heat Network

Title: ScaLES: Scalable Latent Exploration Score for Pre-Trained Generative Networks

Title: Watch the Watcher! Backdoor Attacks on Security-Enhancing Diffusion Models

Title: Fine-Grained Urban Flow Inference with Multi-scale Representation Learning

Title: Neural Pose Representation Learning for Generating and Transferring Non-Rigid Object Poses

Title: ControlVAR: Exploring Controllable Visual Autoregressive Modeling

Title: Bayesian Conditioned Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems

Title: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Hierarchical Feature-Guided Diffusion

Title: Retrieval Augmented Fact Verification by Synthesizing Contrastive Arguments

Title: Unraveling Anomalies in Time: Unsupervised Discovery and Isolation of Anomalous Behavior in Bio-regenerative Life Support System Telemetry

Title: TabularFM: An Open Framework For Tabular Foundational Models

Title: GradeADreamer: Enhanced Text-to-3D Generation Using Gaussian Splatting and Multi-View Diffusion

Title: Exploring the Benefits of Vision Foundation Models for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Title: Nymeria: A Massive Collection of Multimodal Egocentric Daily Motion in the Wild

Title: OpenECAD: An Efficient Visual Language Model for Computer-Aided Design

Title: POWN: Prototypical Open-World Node Classification

Title: InstructRL4Pix: Training Diffusion for Image Editing by Reinforcement Learning

Title: Self-Supervised and Few-Shot Learning for Robust Bioaerosol Monitoring

Title: Towards Scalable and Versatile Weight Space Learning

Title: OrientDream: Streamlining Text-to-3D Generation with Explicit Orientation Control

Title: Group and Shuffle: Efficient Structured Orthogonal Parametrization

Title: ProtoS-ViT: Visual foundation models for sparse self-explainable classifications

Title: TACCO: Task-guided Co-clustering of Clinical Concepts and Patient Visits for Disease Subtyping based on EHR Data

Title: DurLAR: A High-fidelity 128-channel LiDAR Dataset with Panoramic Ambient and Reflectivity Imagery for Multi-modal Autonomous Driving Applications

Title: Localizing Events in Videos with Multimodal Queries

Title: On the Evaluation of Speech Foundation Models for Spoken Language Understanding

Title: Precipitation Nowcasting Using Physics Informed Discriminator Generative Models

Title: GaussianSR: 3D Gaussian Super-Resolution with 2D Diffusion Priors

Title: Shelf-Supervised Multi-Modal Pre-Training for 3D Object Detection

Title: Training-free Camera Control for Video Generation

Title: BABILong: Testing the Limits of LLMs with Long Context Reasoning-in-a-Haystack

Title: Enhancing Incomplete Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation with Intra-modal Asymmetry and Inter-modal Dependency

Title: Crafting Parts for Expressive Object Composition

Title: SSTFB: Leveraging self-supervised pretext learning and temporal self-attention with feature branching for real-time video polyp segmentation

Title: Be like a Goldfish, Don't Memorize! Mitigating Memorization in Generative LLMs

Title: Make It Count: Text-to-Image Generation with an Accurate Number of Objects

Title: DiffusionBlend: Learning 3D Image Prior through Position-aware Diffusion Score Blending for 3D Computed Tomography Reconstruction

Title: Universal randomised signatures for generative time series modelling

Title: Diffusion Synthesizer for Efficient Multilingual Speech to Speech Translation

Title: EFM3D: A Benchmark for Measuring Progress Towards 3D Egocentric Foundation Models

Title: SatDiffMoE: A Mixture of Estimation Method for Satellite Image Super-resolution with Latent Diffusion Models

Title: VideoGUI: A Benchmark for GUI Automation from Instructional Videos