
Title: DDPM-MoCo: Advancing Industrial Surface Defect Generation and Detection with Generative and Contrastive Learning

Title: HEMM: Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: Lift, Splat, Map: Lifting Foundation Masks for Label-Free Semantic Scene Completion

Title: NEBULA: Neural Empirical Bayes Under Latent Representations for Efficient and Controllable Design of Molecular Libraries

Title: Collaborative Quest Completion with LLM-driven Non-Player Characters in Minecraft

Title: Precision at Scale: Domain-Specific Datasets On-Demand

Title: How JEPA Avoids Noisy Features: The Implicit Bias of Deep Linear Self Distillation Networks

Title: Domain-Aware Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Title: BVI-RLV: A Fully Registered Dataset and Benchmarks for Low-Light Video Enhancement

Title: HiDiff: Hybrid Diffusion Framework for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Feedback-guided Domain Synthesis with Multi-Source Conditional Diffusion Models for Domain Generalization

Title: SOWA: Adapting Hierarchical Frozen Window Self-Attention to Visual-Language Models for Better Anomaly Detection

Title: MRIR: Integrating Multimodal Insights for Diffusion-based Realistic Image Restoration

Title: Diff-Restorer: Unleashing Visual Prompts for Diffusion-based Universal Image Restoration

Title: Generative Technology for Human Emotion Recognition: A Scope Review

Title: Limited-View Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction Via High-quality Self-supervised Neural Representation

Title: A Survey of Data Synthesis Approaches

Title: Deep learning architectures for data-driven damage detection in nonlinear dynamic systems

Title: Measuring Orthogonality in Representations of Generative Models

Title: Improving Self-supervised Pre-training using Accent-Specific Codebooks

Title: DiffRetouch: Using Diffusion to Retouch on the Shoulder of Experts

Title: Functional Faithfulness in the Wild: Circuit Discovery with Differentiable Computation Graph Pruning

Title: Seamless Monitoring of Stress Levels Leveraging a Universal Model for Time Sequences

Title: Do Generalised Classifiers really work on Human Drawn Sketches?

Title: DiCTI: Diffusion-based Clothing Designer via Text-guided Input

Title: Timestep-Aware Correction for Quantized Diffusion Models

Title: Support Vector Based Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning

Title: A framework for annotating and modelling intentions behind metaphor use

Title: Leveraging Latent Diffusion Models for Training-Free In-Distribution Data Augmentation for Surface Defect Detection

Title: Towards Cross-View-Consistent Self-Supervised Surround Depth Estimation

Title: Improving Accented Speech Recognition using Data Augmentation based on Unsupervised Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Title: Deep Content Understanding Toward Entity and Aspect Target Sentiment Analysis on Foundation Models

Title: Certifiably Robust Image Watermark

Title: Looking for Tiny Defects via Forward-Backward Feature Transfer

Title: Advances in Diffusion Models for Image Data Augmentation: A Review of Methods, Models, Evaluation Metrics and Future Research Directions

Title: An Autoencoder Architecture for L-band Passive Microwave Retrieval of Landscape Freeze-Thaw Cycle

Title: Query-Guided Self-Supervised Summarization of Nursing Notes

Title: Solutions to Deepfakes: Can Camera Hardware, Cryptography, and Deep Learning Verify Real Images?

Title: Slice-100K: A Multimodal Dataset for Extrusion-based 3D Printing

Title: GazeFusion: Saliency-guided Image Generation

Title: Elevating All Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Through Multimodal Prompt Learning

Title: TimeLDM: Latent Diffusion Model for Unconditional Time Series Generation

Title: T2IShield: Defending Against Backdoors on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Efficient GANs for Document Image Binarization Based on DWT and Normalization

Title: GSD: View-Guided Gaussian Splatting Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction

Title: Jailbreak Attacks and Defenses Against Large Language Models: A Survey

Title: Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Adversarial Attack Detection

Title: Unsupervised Learning of Category-Level 3D Pose from Object-Centric Videos

Title: Multi-modal Masked Siamese Network Improves Chest X-Ray Representation Learning

Title: VCD-Texture: Variance Alignment based 3D-2D Co-Denoising for Text-Guided Texturing

Title: PROUD: PaRetO-gUided Diffusion Model for Multi-objective Generation

Title: Hyperspectral Dataset and Deep Learning methods for Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment Identification (WEEE)

Title: G-Adaptive mesh refinement -- leveraging graph neural networks and differentiable finite element solvers

Title: Performance Analysis of Speech Encoders for Low-Resource SLU and ASR in Tunisian Dialect

Title: PDiscoFormer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vision Transformers

Title: Spontaneous Reward Hacking in Iterative Self-Refinement

Title: Not (yet) the whole story: Evaluating Visual Storytelling Requires More than Measuring Coherence, Grounding, and Repetition

Title: Feature Attenuation of Defective Representation Can Resolve Incomplete Masking on Anomaly Detection

Title: PartCraft: Crafting Creative Objects by Parts

Title: Randomized Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Bayesian Data Assimilation

Title: CountGD: Multi-Modal Open-World Counting

Title: Learning to (Learn at Test Time): RNNs with Expressive Hidden States

Title: VCoME: Verbal Video Composition with Multimodal Editing Effects