
Title: Foundation Models for Electrocardiograms

Title: Diffusion Model-Based Video Editing: A Survey

Title: CamFreeDiff: Camera-free Image to Panorama Generation with Diffusion Model

Title: ColorPeel: Color Prompt Learning with Diffusion Models via Color and Shape Disentanglement

Title: ConvNLP: Image-based AI Text Detection

Title: Few-Shot Image Generation by Conditional Relaxing Diffusion Inversion

Title: HoneyGAN Pots: A Deep Learning Approach for Generating Honeypots

Title: ViTime: A Visual Intelligence-Based Foundation Model for Time Series Forecasting

Title: TDML -- A Trustworthy Distributed Machine Learning Framework

Title: Video In-context Learning

Title: Pseudo-RIS: Distinctive Pseudo-supervision Generation for Referring Image Segmentation

Title: Federated PCA on Grassmann Manifold for IoT Anomaly Detection

Title: GothX: a generator of customizable, legitimate and malicious IoT network traffic

Title: Drantal-NeRF: Diffusion-Based Restoration for Anti-aliasing Neural Radiance Field

Title: Fine-Grained Classification for Poisonous Fungi Identification with Transfer Learning

Title: Pan-cancer Histopathology WSI Pre-training with Position-aware Masked Autoencoder

Title: Multi-modal Crowd Counting via a Broker Modality

Title: IRSAM: Advancing Segment Anything Model for Infrared Small Target Detection

Title: HebDB: a Weakly Supervised Dataset for Hebrew Speech Processing

Title: InstructLayout: Instruction-Driven 2D and 3D Layout Synthesis with Semantic Graph Prior

Title: TIP: Tabular-Image Pre-training for Multimodal Classification with Incomplete Data

Title: Let Occ Flow: Self-Supervised 3D Occupancy Flow Prediction

Title: Physics-Informed Geometric Operators to Support Surrogate, Dimension Reduction and Generative Models for Engineering Design

Title: MARS: Mixture of Auto-Regressive Models for Fine-grained Text-to-image Synthesis

Title: VEnhancer: Generative Space-Time Enhancement for Video Generation

Title: Feasibility Study on Active Learning of Smart Surrogates for Scientific Simulations

Title: RoBus: A Multimodal Dataset for Controllable Road Networks and Building Layouts Generation

Title: Benchmarking Embedding Aggregation Methods in Computational Pathology: A Clinical Data Perspective

Title: FACTS About Building Retrieval Augmented Generation-based Chatbots

Title: Controlling Space and Time with Diffusion Models

Title: Dynamical Measure Transport and Neural PDE Solvers for Sampling

Title: Toto: Time Series Optimized Transformer for Observability