
Title: Credit Card Fraud Detection in the Nigerian Financial Sector: A Comparison of Unsupervised TensorFlow-Based Anomaly Detection Techniques, Autoencoders and PCA Algorithm

Title: Data Adaptive Traceback for Vision-Language Foundation Models in Image Classification

Title: DG-PIC: Domain Generalized Point-In-Context Learning for Point Cloud Understanding

Title: Deep Learning for Network Anomaly Detection under Data Contamination: Evaluating Robustness and Mitigating Performance Degradation

Title: A Survey on the Application of Generative Adversarial Networks in Cybersecurity: Prospective, Direction and Open Research Scopes

Title: Inflationary Flows: Calibrated Bayesian Inference with Diffusion-Based Models

Title: DegustaBot: Zero-Shot Visual Preference Estimation for Personalized Multi-Object Rearrangement

Title: TractGraphFormer: Anatomically Informed Hybrid Graph CNN-Transformer Network for Classification from Diffusion MRI Tractography

Title: AirSketch: Generative Motion to Sketch

Title: LightenDiffusion: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement with Latent-Retinex Diffusion Models

Title: Bora: Biomedical Generalist Video Generation Model

Title: Your Diffusion Model is Secretly a Noise Classifier and Benefits from Contrastive Training

Title: Constructing Concept-based Models to Mitigate Spurious Correlations with Minimal Human Effort

Title: Detect, Investigate, Judge and Determine: A Novel LLM-based Framework for Few-shot Fake News Detection

Title: Empowering Few-Shot Relation Extraction with The Integration of Traditional RE Methods and Large Language Models

Title: Robustness of LLMs to Perturbations in Text

Title: TCAN: Animating Human Images with Temporally Consistent Pose Guidance using Diffusion Models

Title: Aligning Diffusion Behaviors with Q-functions for Efficient Continuous Control

Title: Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Tabular Data Classification: A Pseudorehearsal-based approach

Title: Refusing Safe Prompts for Multi-modal Large Language Models

Title: Spectral Self-supervised Feature Selection

Title: On the Role of Discrete Tokenization in Visual Representation Learning

Title: On Exact Bit-level Reversible Transformers Without Changing Architectures

Title: UserBoost: Generating User-specific Synthetic Data for Faster Enrolment into Behavioural Biometric Systems

Title: Accuracy is Not All You Need

Title: Salt & Pepper Heatmaps: Diffusion-informed Landmark Detection Strategy

Title: Generative Models for Synthetic Urban Mobility Data: A Systematic Literature Review

Title: Surgical Text-to-Image Generation

Title: WSESeg: Introducing a Dataset for the Segmentation of Winter Sports Equipment with a Baseline for Interactive Segmentation

Title: SS-SfP:Neural Inverse Rendering for Self Supervised Shape from (Mixed) Polarization

Title: Learning Distances from Data with Normalizing Flows and Score Matching

Title: PID: Physics-Informed Diffusion Model for Infrared Image Generation

Title: ProDepth: Boosting Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth with Probabilistic Fusion

Title: Guidelines for Augmentation Selection in Contrastive Learning for Time Series Classification

Title: Any-Property-Conditional Molecule Generation with Self-Criticism using Spanning Trees

Title: A Unified Anomaly Synthesis Strategy with Gradient Ascent for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization

Title: HiPPO-Prophecy: State-Space Models can Provably Learn Dynamical Systems in Context

Title: SPIQA: A Dataset for Multimodal Question Answering on Scientific Papers

Title: A Perspective on Foundation Models for the Electric Power Grid