
Title: "I understand why I got this grade": Automatic Short Answer Grading with Feedback

Title: AutoFlow: Automated Workflow Generation for Large Language Model Agents

Title: MS2SL: Multimodal Spoken Data-Driven Continuous Sign Language Production

Title: Applicability of Large Language Models and Generative Models for Legal Case Judgement Summarization

Title: Grounding and Evaluation for Large Language Models: Practical Challenges and Lessons Learned (Survey)

Title: STAGE: Simplified Text-Attributed Graph Embeddings Using Pre-trained LLMs

Title: Bilingual Adaptation of Monolingual Foundation Models

Title: MetaTool: Facilitating Large Language Models to Master Tools with Meta-task Augmentation

Title: Large Visual-Language Models Are Also Good Classifiers: A Study of In-Context Multimodal Fake News Detection

Title: BinaryAlign: Word Alignment as Binary Sequence Labeling

Title: GeoGuide: Geometric guidance of diffusion models

Title: DreamStory: Open-Domain Story Visualization by LLM-Guided Multi-Subject Consistent Diffusion

Title: The Foundation Model Transparency Index v1.1: May 2024

Title: GenRC: Generative 3D Room Completion from Sparse Image Collections

Title: Denoising Diffusions in Latent Space for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: ColorMAE: Exploring data-independent masking strategies in Masked AutoEncoders

Title: Universal Facial Encoding of Codec Avatars from VR Headsets

Title: INTELLECT: Adapting Cyber Threat Detection to Heterogeneous Computing Environments

Title: A Novel GAN Approach to Augment Limited Tabular Data for Short-Term Substance Use Prediction

Title: Rethinking Video-Text Understanding: Retrieval from Counterfactually Augmented Data

Title: FocusDiffuser: Perceiving Local Disparities for Camouflaged Object Detection

Title: Image Inpainting Models are Effective Tools for Instruction-guided Image Editing

Title: Training-Free Large Model Priors for Multiple-in-One Image Restoration

Title: SpaDiT: Diffusion Transformer for Spatial Gene Expression Prediction using scRNA-seq

Title: Safe-SD: Safe and Traceable Stable Diffusion with Text Prompt Trigger for Invisible Generative Watermarking

Title: Adaptive Foundation Models for Online Decisions: HyperAgent with Fast Incremental Uncertainty Estimation

Title: NODER: Image Sequence Regression Based on Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

Title: Are Large Language Models Capable of Generating Human-Level Narratives?

Title: Motif-Consistent Counterfactuals with Adversarial Refinement for Graph-Level Anomaly Detection

Title: Unveiling Structural Memorization: Structural Membership Inference Attack for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: SpeciaLex: A Benchmark for In-Context Specialized Lexicon Learning

Title: Learning-From-Mistakes Prompting for Indigenous Language Translation

Title: EarlyMalDetect: A Novel Approach for Early Windows Malware Detection Based on Sequences of API Calls

Title: Linear-Complexity Self-Supervised Learning for Speech Processing

Title: All Roads Lead to Rome? Exploring Representational Similarities Between Latent Spaces of Generative Image Models

Title: SCAPE: A Simple and Strong Category-Agnostic Pose Estimator

Title: Similarity over Factuality: Are we making progress on multimodal out-of-context misinformation detection?

Title: Can Open-Source LLMs Compete with Commercial Models? Exploring the Few-Shot Performance of Current GPT Models in Biomedical Tasks

Title: EnergyDiff: Universal Time-Series Energy Data Generation using Diffusion Models

Title: On the Discriminability of Self-Supervised Representation Learning

Title: SAM-Driven Weakly Supervised Nodule Segmentation with Uncertainty-Aware Cross Teaching

Title: Qalam : A Multimodal LLM for Arabic Optical Character and Handwriting Recognition

Title: Research on Tibetan Tourism Viewpoints information generation system based on LLM

Title: Large Language Models as Reliable Knowledge Bases?

Title: Training-free Composite Scene Generation for Layout-to-Image Synthesis

Title: Open-Vocabulary 3D Semantic Segmentation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: MeshSegmenter: Zero-Shot Mesh Semantic Segmentation via Texture Synthesis

Title: PASTA: Controllable Part-Aware Shape Generation with Autoregressive Transformers

Title: HPix: Generating Vector Maps from Satellite Images

Title: Cross-Task Attack: A Self-Supervision Generative Framework Based on Attention Shift

Title: Understanding Reinforcement Learning-Based Fine-Tuning of Diffusion Models: A Tutorial and Review

Title: LogoSticker: Inserting Logos into Diffusion Models for Customized Generation

Title: Black-Box Opinion Manipulation Attacks to Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Large Language Models

Title: Streetscapes: Large-scale Consistent Street View Generation Using Autoregressive Video Diffusion