
Title: X-Former: Unifying Contrastive and Reconstruction Learning for MLLMs

Title: A Closer Look at GAN Priors: Exploiting Intermediate Features for Enhanced Model Inversion Attacks

Title: Learning Goal-Conditioned Representations for Language Reward Models

Title: Synthetic Counterfactual Faces

Title: FANTAstic SEquences and Where to Find Them: Faithful and Efficient API Call Generation through State-tracked Constrained Decoding and Reranking

Title: BRSR-OpGAN: Blind Radar Signal Restoration using Operational Generative Adversarial Network

Title: PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation

Title: PASS++: A Dual Bias Reduction Framework for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning

Title: Semantic-CC: Boosting Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning via Foundational Knowledge and Semantic Guidance

Title: Generative Language Model for Catalyst Discovery

Title: Not All Noises Are Created Equally:Diffusion Noise Selection and Optimization

Title: ECCO: Can We Improve Model-Generated Code Efficiency Without Sacrificing Functional Correctness?

Title: OCTrack: Benchmarking the Open-Corpus Multi-Object Tracking

Title: Prompted Aspect Key Point Analysis for Quantitative Review Summarization

Title: PointRegGPT: Boosting 3D Point Cloud Registration using Generative Point-Cloud Pairs for Training

Title: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning in a Heuristic Decoupled Perspective

Title: Stable-Hair: Real-World Hair Transfer via Diffusion Model

Title: Zero-Shot Underwater Gesture Recognition

Title: Seismic Fault SAM: Adapting SAM with Lightweight Modules and 2.5D Strategy for Fault Detection

Title: Mono-ViFI: A Unified Learning Framework for Self-supervised Single- and Multi-frame Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: Visual Text Generation in the Wild

Title: Normative Diffusion Autoencoders: Application to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Title: Unlearning Concepts from Text-to-Video Diffusion Models

Title: OpenSU3D: Open World 3D Scene Understanding using Foundation Models

Title: How to Blend Concepts in Diffusion Models

Title: Panoptic Segmentation of Mammograms with Text-To-Image Diffusion Model

Title: HOTS3D: Hyper-Spherical Optimal Transport for Semantic Alignment of Text-to-3D Generation

Title: Controllable and Efficient Multi-Class Pathology Nuclei Data Augmentation using Text-Conditioned Diffusion Models

Title: Co-synthesis of Histopathology Nuclei Image-Label Pairs using a Context-Conditioned Joint Diffusion Model

Title: M2D2M: Multi-Motion Generation from Text with Discrete Diffusion Models

Title: T2V-CompBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Compositional Text-to-video Generation

Title: DEPICT: Diffusion-Enabled Permutation Importance for Image Classification Tasks