
Title: Leveraging Foundation Models via Knowledge Distillation in Multi-Object Tracking: Distilling DINOv2 Features to FairMOT

Title: MARINE: A Computer Vision Model for Detecting Rare Predator-Prey Interactions in Animal Videos

Title: Generative AI like ChatGPT in Blockchain Federated Learning: use cases, opportunities and future

Title: HDL-GPT: High-Quality HDL is All You Need

Title: Impact of Recurrent Neural Networks and Deep Learning Frameworks on Real-time Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection

Title: Textile Anomaly Detection: Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art for Automated Quality Inspection of Carpet

Title: Machine Unlearning using a Multi-GAN based Model

Title: Diffusion-Driven Semantic Communication for Generative Models with Bandwidth Constraints

Title: Answerability Fields: Answerable Location Estimation via Diffusion Models

Title: Revisit Event Generation Model: Self-Supervised Learning of Event-to-Video Reconstruction with Implicit Neural Representations

Title: Is larger always better? Evaluating and prompting large language models for non-generative medical tasks

Title: Boosting Cross-Domain Point Classification via Distilling Relational Priors from 2D Transformers

Title: A Universal Prompting Strategy for Extracting Process Model Information from Natural Language Text using Large Language Models

Title: Learning Spectral-Decomposed Tokens for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation

Title: LinguaLinker: Audio-Driven Portraits Animation with Implicit Facial Control Enhancement

Title: Denoising L\'evy Probabilistic Models

Title: Robust VAEs via Generating Process of Noise Augmented Data

Title: Auto DragGAN: Editing the Generative Image Manifold in an Autoregressive Manner

Title: Adversarial Robustification via Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Scalable Group Choreography via Variational Phase Manifold Learning

Title: Unifying Visual and Semantic Feature Spaces with Diffusion Models for Enhanced Cross-Modal Alignment

Title: HADES: Detecting Active Directory Attacks via Whole Network Provenance Analytics

Title: Generative Adversarial Networks for Imputing Sparse Learning Performance

Title: Small Molecule Optimization with Large Language Models

Title: SHIC: Shape-Image Correspondences with no Keypoint Supervision