
Title: Siamese Transformer Networks for Few-shot Image Classification

Title: Transferable Adversarial Facial Images for Privacy Protection

Title: SUSTechGAN: Image Generation for Object Recognition in Adverse Conditions of Autonomous Driving

Title: Img2CAD: Reverse Engineering 3D CAD Models from Images through VLM-Assisted Conditional Factorization

Title: Multi-task SAR Image Processing via GAN-based Unsupervised Manipulation

Title: Self-Supervised Depth Estimation Based on Camera Models

Title: Counterfactual Explanations for Medical Image Classification and Regression using Diffusion Autoencoder

Title: Transforming Slot Schema Induction with Generative Dialogue State Inference

Title: SAT3D: Image-driven Semantic Attribute Transfer in 3D

Title: Multiple Contexts and Frequencies Aggregation Network forDeepfake Detection

Title: iControl3D: An Interactive System for Controllable 3D Scene Generation

Title: Controllable Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models via $\varepsilon$-Constrained Optimization

Title: Downstream Transfer Attack: Adversarial Attacks on Downstream Models with Pre-trained Vision Transformers

Title: Landmark-guided Diffusion Model for High-fidelity and Temporally Coherent Talking Head Generation

Title: SkyDiffusion: Street-to-Satellite Image Synthesis with Diffusion Models and BEV Paradigm

Title: GLDiTalker: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Graph Latent Diffusion Transformer

Title: Supervised Image Translation from Visible to Infrared Domain for Object Detection

Title: Safe Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning Using In-Distribution Data as Positive Examples

Title: Self-Supervised Pretrained Models and Latent Feature Distribution Optimization

Title: Defining and Evaluating Decision and Composite Risk in Language Models Applied to Natural Language Inference

Title: RobNODDI: Robust NODDI Parameter Estimation with Adaptive Sampling under Continuous Representation

Title: Masked Angle-Aware Autoencoder for Remote Sensing Images

Title: Dataset Scale and Societal Consistency Mediate Facial Impression Bias in Vision-Language AI

Title: AnomalySD: Few-Shot Multi-Class Anomaly Detection with Stable Diffusion Model

Title: Unsupervised Representation Learning by Balanced Self Attention Matching

Title: Individualized multi-horizon MRI trajectory prediction for Alzheimer's Disease

Title: Faster Diffusion Action Segmentation

Title: Robustness of Watermarking on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: LEGO: Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Scene Text Images

Title: Deep Spectral Methods for Unsupervised Ultrasound Image Interpretation

Title: Fine-tuning multilingual language models in Twitter/X sentiment analysis: a study on Eastern-European V4 languages

Title: Step Saver: Predicting Minimum Denoising Steps for Diffusion Model Image Generation

Title: FDiff-Fusion:Denoising diffusion fusion network based on fuzzy learning for 3D medical image segmentation

Title: LDFaceNet: Latent Diffusion-based Network for High-Fidelity Deepfake Generation

Title: Past Movements-Guided Motion Representation Learning for Human Motion Prediction

Title: Effective Demonstration Annotation for In-Context Learning via Language Model-Based Determinantal Point Process

Title: AssemAI: Interpretable Image-Based Anomaly Detection for Manufacturing Pipelines

Title: Source-Free Domain-Invariant Performance Prediction

Title: Climate-Driven Doubling of Maize Loss Probability in U.S. Crop Insurance: Spatiotemporal Prediction and Possible Policy Responses

Title: ProCreate, Don\'t Reproduce! Propulsive Energy Diffusion for Creative Generation

Title: REVISION: Rendering Tools Enable Spatial Fidelity in Vision-Language Models

Title: BOTS-LM: Training Large Language Models for Setswana

Title: Evaluating Vision-Language Models for Zero-Shot Detection, Classification, and Association of Motorcycles, Passengers, and Helmets

Title: Curriculum learning based pre-training using Multi-Modal Contrastive Masked Autoencoders

Title: Contrastive Learning and Abstract Concepts: The Case of Natural Numbers

Title: SelfGeo: Self-supervised and Geodesic-consistent Estimation of Keypoints on Deformable Shapes

Title: A Lean Transformer Model for Dynamic Malware Analysis and Detection

Title: A Sharp Convergence Theory for The Probability Flow ODEs of Diffusion Models

Title: Dialogue Ontology Relation Extraction via Constrained Chain-of-Thought Decoding

Title: A Few-Shot Approach for Relation Extraction Domain Adaptation using Large Language Models

Title: Multi-weather Cross-view Geo-localization Using Denoising Diffusion Models

Title: Fairness and Bias Mitigation in Computer Vision: A Survey

Title: Exploring Conditional Multi-Modal Prompts for Zero-shot HOI Detection

Title: OneLove beyond the field -- A few-shot pipeline for topic and sentiment analysis during the FIFA World Cup in Qatar

Title: RAG Foundry: A Framework for Enhancing LLMs for Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Operational range bounding of spectroscopy models with anomaly detection

Title: LaMamba-Diff: Linear-Time High-Fidelity Diffusion Models Based on Local Attention and Mamba

Title: Language Model Can Listen While Speaking

Title: Lumina-mGPT: Illuminate Flexible Photorealistic Text-to-Image Generation with Multimodal Generative Pretraining