
Title: Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-user Activity Recognition Using Diffusion-based Noise-centred Learning

Title: FastEdit: Fast Text-Guided Single-Image Editing via Semantic-Aware Diffusion Fine-Tuning

Title: LAMPO: Large Language Models as Preference Machines for Few-shot Ordinal Classification

Title: A Non-negative VAE:the Generalized Gamma Belief Network

Title: Attacks and Defenses for Generative Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: ULLME: A Unified Framework for Large Language Model Embeddings with Generation-Augmented Learning

Title: A TVD neural network closure and application to turbulent combustion

Title: Logistic Regression makes small LLMs strong and explainable "tens-of-shot" classifiers

Title: Hybrid diffusion models: combining supervised and generative pretraining for label-efficient fine-tuning of segmentation models

Title: AI Foundation Models in Remote Sensing: A Survey

Title: Can LLMs Serve As Time Series Anomaly Detectors?

Title: D2Styler: Advancing Arbitrary Style Transfer with Discrete Diffusion Methods

Title: A comparative study of generative adversarial networks for image recognition algorithms based on deep learning and traditional methods

Title: CARE: A Clue-guided Assistant for CSRs to Read User Manuals

Title: TALE: Training-free Cross-domain Image Composition via Adaptive Latent Manipulation and Energy-guided Optimization

Title: Consumer Transactions Simulation through Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: Generative Design of Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem

Title: Flexible Bayesian Last Layer Models Using Implicit Priors and Diffusion Posterior Sampling

Title: Online Model-based Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series: Taxonomy, Survey, Research Challenges and Future Directions

Title: Data Generation Scheme for Thermal Modality with Edge-Guided Adversarial Conditional Diffusion Model

Title: 'Finance Wizard' at the FinLLM Challenge Task: Financial Text Summarization

Title: Generative Language Models with Retrieval Augmented Generation for Automated Short Answer Scoring

Title: PackMamba: Efficient Processing of Variable-Length Sequences in Mamba training

Title: Knowledge Probing for Graph Representation Learning

Title: Dual-Modeling Decouple Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Title: Speech-MASSIVE: A Multilingual Speech Dataset for SLU and Beyond