
Title: Affective Computing in the Era of Large Language Models: A Survey from the NLP Perspective

Title: GPT-3 Powered Information Extraction for Building Robust Knowledge Bases

Title: Distinguishing Chatbot from Human

Title: LLM-based MOFs Synthesis Condition Extraction using Few-Shot Demonstrations

Title: Towards Linguistic Neural Representation Learning and Sentence Retrieval from Electroencephalogram Recordings

Title: Conversational AI Powered by Large Language Models Amplifies False Memories in Witness Interviews

Title: Zero-Shot Uncertainty Quantification using Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Title: BRAT: Bonus oRthogonAl Token for Architecture Agnostic Textual Inversion

Title: Performance Metric for Multiple Anomaly Score Distributions with Discrete Severity Levels

Title: Adversarially Robust Industrial Anomaly Detection Through Diffusion Model

Title: SCOI: Syntax-augmented Coverage-based In-context Example Selection for Machine Translation

Title: On the Element-Wise Representation and Reasoning in Zero-Shot Image Recognition: A Systematic Survey

Title: ProxyCLIP: Proxy Attention Improves CLIP for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation

Title: Towards a Generative Approach for Emotion Detection and Reasoning

Title: DAFT-GAN: Dual Affine Transformation Generative Adversarial Network for Text-Guided Image Inpainting

Title: XNN: Paradigm Shift in Mitigating Identity Leakage within Cloud-Enabled Deep Learning

Title: \textit{re}CSE: Portable Reshaping Features for Sentence Embedding in Self-supervised Contrastive Learning

Title: DreamCouple: Exploring High Quality Text-to-3D Generation Via Rectified Flow

Title: Generalizing Few Data to Unseen Domains Flexibly Based on Label Smoothing Integrated with Distributionally Robust Optimization

Title: PreciseControl: Enhancing Text-To-Image Diffusion Models with Fine-Grained Attribute Control

Title: Bootstrap Latents of Nodes and Neighbors for Graph Self-Supervised Learning

Title: Semantic Successive Refinement: A Generative AI-aided Semantic Communication Framework

Title: ECG-FM: An Open Electrocardiogram Foundation Model

Title: Cross-Domain Learning for Video Anomaly Detection with Limited Supervision

Title: Cell Morphology-Guided Small Molecule Generation with GFlowNets

Title: Multi-Garment Customized Model Generation