
Title: Maximizing V-information for Pre-training Superior Foundation Models

Title: Generative Photomontage

Title: Controlling the World by Sleight of Hand

Title: SeLoRA: Self-Expanding Low-Rank Adaptation of Latent Diffusion Model for Medical Image Synthesis

Title: A Review of Pseudo-Labeling for Computer Vision

Title: GRIF-DM: Generation of Rich Impression Fonts using Diffusion Models

Title: DDIM Redux: Mathematical Foundation and Some Extension

Title: LiPCoT: Linear Predictive Coding based Tokenizer for Self-supervised Learning of Time Series Data via Language Models

Title: Nonlocal Attention Operator: Materializing Hidden Knowledge Towards Interpretable Physics Discovery

Title: KIND: Knowledge Integration and Diversion in Diffusion Models

Title: Gradient Alignment Improves Test-Time Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation

Title: Do GPT Language Models Suffer From Split Personality Disorder? The Advent Of Substrate-Free Psychometrics

Title: Segment Using Just One Example

Title: Sum-Product-Set Networks

Title: LLMI3D: Empowering LLM with 3D Perception from a Single 2D Image

Title: BAPLe: Backdoor Attacks on Medical Foundational Models using Prompt Learning

Title: Domain-invariant Representation Learning via Segment Anything Model for Blood Cell Classification

Title: One Step Diffusion-based Super-Resolution with Time-Aware Distillation

Title: DeCo: Decoupled Human-Centered Diffusion Video Editing with Motion Consistency

Title: Attention-Guided Perturbation for Unsupervised Image Anomaly Detection

Title: Cross-Platform Video Person ReID: A New Benchmark Dataset and Adaptation Approach

Title: Large Language Models Know What Makes Exemplary Contexts

Title: Protected Test-Time Adaptation via Online Entropy Matching: A Betting Approach

Title: CNN-JEPA: Self-Supervised Pretraining Convolutional Neural Networks Using Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture

Title: DIffSteISR: Harnessing Diffusion Prior for Superior Real-world Stereo Image Super-Resolution

Title: Whitening Consistently Improves Self-Supervised Learning

Title: DifuzCam: Replacing Camera Lens with a Mask and a Diffusion Model

Title: PolyCL: Contrastive Learning for Polymer Representation Learning via Explicit and Implicit Augmentations

Title: Disentangle and denoise: Tackling context misalignment for video moment retrieval

Title: Latent Anomaly Detection Through Density Matrices

Title: Detecting Near-Duplicate Face Images