
Title: Latent Space Disentanglement in Diffusion Transformers Enables Zero-shot Fine-grained Semantic Editing

Title: Shape-Preserving Generation of Food Images for Automatic Dietary Assessment

Title: Generative Blockchain: Transforming Blockchain from Transaction Recording to Transaction Generation through Proof-of-Merit

Title: Task-Oriented Diffusion Inversion for High-Fidelity Text-based Editing

Title: TVG: A Training-free Transition Video Generation Method with Diffusion Models

Title: Training-free Long Video Generation with Chain of Diffusion Model Experts

Title: Integrating Multi-Head Convolutional Encoders with Cross-Attention for Improved SPARQL Query Translation

Title: Explainable Concept Generation through Vision-Language Preference Learning

Title: Rethinking Video Deblurring with Wavelet-Aware Dynamic Transformer and Diffusion Model

Title: DOPPLER: Differentially Private Optimizers with Low-pass Filter for Privacy Noise Reduction

Title: Disentangled Generative Graph Representation Learning

Title: DualAnoDiff: Dual-Interrelated Diffusion Model for Few-Shot Anomaly Image Generation

Title: AnoPLe: Few-Shot Anomaly Detection via Bi-directional Prompt Learning with Only Normal Samples

Title: Variational Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection: A Comparative Study

Title: Can Visual Foundation Models Achieve Long-term Point Tracking?

Title: Preliminary Investigations of a Multi-Faceted Robust and Synergistic Approach in Semiconductor Electron Micrograph Analysis: Integrating Vision Transformers with Large Language and Multimodal Models

Title: Prompt-Softbox-Prompt: A free-text Embedding Control for Image Editing

Title: Towards Case-based Interpretability for Medical Federated Learning

Title: Temporal Divide-and-Conquer Anomaly Actions Localization in Semi-Supervised Videos with Hierarchical Transformer

Title: GenCA: A Text-conditioned Generative Model for Realistic and Drivable Codec Avatars

Title: A layer-wise analysis of Mandarin and English suprasegmentals in SSL speech models

Title: Guided and Fused: Efficient Frozen CLIP-ViT with Feature Guidance and Multi-Stage Feature Fusion for Generalizable Deepfake Detection

Title: SceneDreamer360: Text-Driven 3D-Consistent Scene Generation with Panoramic Gaussian Splatting

Title: PhysPart: Physically Plausible Part Completion for Interactable Objects

Title: Localization of Synthetic Manipulations in Western Blot Images

Title: 3D-VirtFusion: Synthetic 3D Data Augmentation through Generative Diffusion Models and Controllable Editing

Title: Bring the Power of Diffusion Model to Defect Detection

Title: Draw Like an Artist: Complex Scene Generation with Diffusion Model via Composition, Painting, and Retouching

Title: Particle-Filtering-based Latent Diffusion for Inverse Problems

Title: TraIL-Det: Transformation-Invariant Local Feature Networks for 3D LiDAR Object Detection with Unsupervised Pre-Training

Title: COMPOSE: Comprehensive Portrait Shadow Editing

Title: Time Series Analysis for Education: Methods, Applications, and Future Directions

Title: Focused Large Language Models are Stable Many-Shot Learners

Title: Pixel-Aligned Multi-View Generation with Depth Guided Decoder

Title: SurGen: Text-Guided Diffusion Model for Surgical Video Generation

Title: PAGE: Parametric Generative Explainer for Graph Neural Network

Title: Beyond Detection: Leveraging Large Language Models for Cyber Attack Prediction in IoT Networks

Title: ShapeMamba-EM: Fine-Tuning Foundation Model with Local Shape Descriptors and Mamba Blocks for 3D EM Image Segmentation

Title: Foodfusion: A Novel Approach for Food Image Composition via Diffusion Models

Title: SwiftBrush v2: Make Your One-step Diffusion Model Better Than Its Teacher

Title: NimbleD: Enhancing Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Pseudo-labels and Large-scale Video Pre-training

Title: Driving in the Occupancy World: Vision-Centric 4D Occupancy Forecasting and Planning via World Models for Autonomous Driving

Title: MagicMan: Generative Novel View Synthesis of Humans with 3D-Aware Diffusion and Iterative Refinement

Title: TC-PDM: Temporally Consistent Patch Diffusion Models for Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation

Title: Text3DAug -- Prompted Instance Augmentation for LiDAR Perception

Title: Self-supervised Speech Representations Still Struggle with African American Vernacular English

Title: Streamline tractography of the fetal brain in utero with machine learning

Title: PHEVA: A Privacy-preserving Human-centric Video Anomaly Detection Dataset

Title: DuDoCROP: Dual-Domain CLIP-Assisted Residual Optimization Perception Model for CT Metal Artifact Reduction

Title: An Embedding is Worth a Thousand Noisy Labels

Title: Probing Causality Manipulation of Large Language Models

Title: Hyperdimensional Computing Empowered Federated Foundation Model over Wireless Networks for Metaverse

Title: MEDSAGE: Enhancing Robustness of Medical Dialogue Summarization to ASR Errors with LLM-generated Synthetic Dialogues

Title: Evaluating saliency scores in point clouds of natural environments by learning surface anomalies

Title: Step-by-Step Unmasking for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning of Large Language Models

Title: A Practitioner's Guide to Continual Multimodal Pretraining