
Title: A New Era in Computational Pathology: A Survey on Foundation and Vision-Language Models

Title: SHEDAD: SNN-Enhanced District Heating Anomaly Detection for Urban Substations

Title: Empowering Pre-Trained Language Models for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting via Decoupling Enhanced Discrete Reprogramming

Title: LLMs as Zero-shot Graph Learners: Alignment of GNN Representations with LLM Token Embeddings

Title: Variational autoencoder-based neural network model compression

Title: Retrieval Augmented Generation for Dynamic Graph Modeling

Title: DIAGen: Diverse Image Augmentation with Generative Models

Title: Global-Local Distillation Network-Based Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with Incomplete Modalities

Title: Surprisingly Fragile: Assessing and Addressing Prompt Instability in Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: What Makes a Good Story and How Can We Measure It? A Comprehensive Survey of Story Evaluation

Title: OctFusion: Octree-based Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation

Title: Learning Differentially Private Diffusion Models via Stochastic Adversarial Distillation

Title: Personalized Video Summarization using Text-Based Queries and Conditional Modeling

Title: Training-Free Time-Series Anomaly Detection: Leveraging Image Foundation Models

Title: Channel-wise Influence: Estimating Data Influence for Multivariate Time Series

Title: CrossViewDiff: A Cross-View Diffusion Model for Satellite-to-Street View Synthesis

Title: Text-guided Foundation Model Adaptation for Long-Tailed Medical Image Classification

Title: Revisiting Surgical Instrument Segmentation Without Human Intervention: A Graph Partitioning View

Title: GSIFN: A Graph-Structured and Interlaced-Masked Multimodal Transformer Based Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Title: HPT++: Hierarchically Prompting Vision-Language Models with Multi-Granularity Knowledge Generation and Improved Structure Modeling

Title: Build-A-Scene: Interactive 3D Layout Control for Diffusion-Based Image Generation

Title: Data-driven Effective Modeling of Multiscale Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Title: Alfie: Democratising RGBA Image Generation With No $$$

Title: DRL-Based Federated Self-Supervised Learning for Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in ISAC-Enabled Vehicle Edge Computing

Title: Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines

Title: Diffusion based Semantic Outlier Generation via Nuisance Awareness for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Title: From Bias to Balance: Detecting Facial Expression Recognition Biases in Large Multimodal Foundation Models

Title: Diffusion-Occ: 3D Point Cloud Completion via Occupancy Diffusion

Title: DiffSurf: A Transformer-based Diffusion Model for Generating and Reconstructing 3D Surfaces in Pose

Title: User-level Social Multimedia Traffic Anomaly Detection with Meta-Learning

Title: MeshUp: Multi-Target Mesh Deformation via Blended Score Distillation

Title: Cross-Modal Learning for Chemistry Property Prediction: Large Language Models Meet Graph Machine Learning

Title: MegActor-$\Sigma$: Unlocking Flexible Mixed-Modal Control in Portrait Animation with Diffusion Transformer

Title: Pre-training Everywhere: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Medical Image Analysis via Target Parameter Pre-training

Title: Sequence-aware Pre-training for Echocardiography Probe Guidance

Title: Evidence-Enhanced Triplet Generation Framework for Hallucination Alleviation in Generative Question Answering

Title: Self-supervised Topic Taxonomy Discovery in the Box Embedding Space

Title: Constrained Diffusion Models via Dual Training

Title: CLIP-AGIQA: Boosting the Performance of AI-Generated Image Quality Assessment with CLIP

Title: AnomalousPatchCore: Exploring the Use of Anomalous Samples in Industrial Anomaly Detection

Title: How transformers learn structured data: insights from hierarchical filtering

Title: PoseWatch: A Transformer-based Architecture for Human-centric Video Anomaly Detection Using Spatio-temporal Pose Tokenization

Title: Into the Unknown Unknowns: Engaged Human Learning through Participation in Language Model Agent Conversations

Title: Generative Inbetweening: Adapting Image-to-Video Models for Keyframe Interpolation

Title: Generative Verifiers: Reward Modeling as Next-Token Prediction

Title: GenRec: Unifying Video Generation and Recognition with Diffusion Models