
Title: TrajWeaver: Trajectory Recovery with State Propagation Diffusion Model

Title: A Financial Time Series Denoiser Based on Diffusion Model

Title: The Role of Transformer Models in Advancing Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Review

Title: Self-Supervised Learning for Identifying Defects in Sewer Footage

Title: How to Determine the Preferred Image Distribution of a Black-Box Vision-Language Model?

Title: TimeDiT: General-purpose Diffusion Transformers for Time Series Foundation Model

Title: Robust Federated Finetuning of Foundation Models via Alternating Minimization of LoRA

Title: Unfolding Videos Dynamics via Taylor Expansion

Title: Exploring Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models for Controllable Image Editing

Title: GGS: Generalizable Gaussian Splatting for Lane Switching in Autonomous Driving

Title: Determination of language families using deep learning

Title: Learning Privacy-Preserving Student Networks via Discriminative-Generative Distillation

Title: Diffusion Models Learn Low-Dimensional Distributions via Subspace Clustering

Title: Training-free Color-Style Disentanglement for Constrained Text-to-Image Synthesis

Title: Reliable Deep Diffusion Tensor Estimation: Rethinking the Power of Data-Driven Optimization Routine

Title: Continual Diffuser (CoD): Mastering Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning with Experience Rehearsal

Title: Sample what you cant compress

Title: Understanding eGFR Trajectories and Kidney Function Decline via Large Multimodal Models

Title: StyleTokenizer: Defining Image Style by a Single Instance for Controlling Diffusion Models

Title: UniTT-Stereo: Unified Training of Transformer for Enhanced Stereo Matching

Title: Advancing Cyber Incident Timeline Analysis Through Rule Based AI and Large Language Models

Title: Solving Video Inverse Problems Using Image Diffusion Models

Title: An Analysis of Linear Complexity Attention Substitutes with BEST-RQ

Title: Loopy: Taming Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar with Long-Term Motion Dependency

Title: MADiff: Motion-Aware Mamba Diffusion Models for Hand Trajectory Prediction on Egocentric Videos

Title: Skip-and-Play: Depth-Driven Pose-Preserved Image Generation for Any Objects

Title: PoseTalk: Text-and-Audio-based Pose Control and Motion Refinement for One-Shot Talking Head Generation

Title: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Reprogramming Visual-Language Model for General Deepfake Detection

Title: Independence Constrained Disentangled Representation Learning from Epistemological Perspective

Title: Rethinking HTG Evaluation: Bridging Generation and Recognition

Title: MOOSS: Mask-Enhanced Temporal Contrastive Learning for Smooth State Evolution in Visual Reinforcement Learning

Title: Pooling And Attention: What Are Effective Designs For LLm-Based Embedding Models?

Title: Human-VDM: Learning Single-Image 3D Human Gaussian Splatting from Video Diffusion Models

Title: The Impact of Balancing Real and Synthetic Data on Accuracy and Fairness in Face Recognition

Title: Masked Diffusion Models are Secretly Time-Agnostic Masked Models and Exploit Inaccurate Categorical Sampling

Title: HiPrompt: Tuning-free Higher-Resolution Generation with Hierarchical MLLM Prompts