
Title: A Dataset for Mechanical Mechanisms

Title: Assessing the Uncertainty and Robustness of Object Detection Models for Detecting Stickers on Laptops

Title: Protecting Activity Sensing Data Privacy Using Hierarchical Information Dissociation

Title: Interpretable Cyber Threat Detection for Enterprise Industrial Networks: A Computational Design Science Approach

Title: Neural Entropy

Title: Few-shot Adaptation of Medical Vision-Language Models

Title: CACER: Clinical Concept Annotations for Cancer Events and Relations

Title: The Role of Generative Systems in Historical Photography Management: A Case Study on Catalan Archives

Title: Data-Efficient Generation for Dataset Distillation

Title: HUMOS: Human Motion Model Conditioned on Body Shape

Title: Goal-Reaching Policy Learning from Non-Expert Observations via Effective Subgoal Guidance

Title: DreamForge: Motion-Aware Autoregressive Video Generation for Multi-View Driving Scenes

Title: One-Shot Diffusion Mimicker for Handwritten Text Generation

Title: Qihoo-T2X: An Efficiency-Focused Diffusion Transformer via Proxy Tokens for Text-to-Any-Task

Title: Dense Hand-Object(HO) GraspNet with Full Grasping Taxonomy and Dynamics

Title: Towards Safer Online Spaces: Simulating and Assessing Intervention Strategies for Eating Disorder Discussions

Title: D4: Text-guided diffusion model-based domain adaptive data augmentation for vineyard shoot detection

Title: UI-JEPA: Towards Active Perception of User Intent through Onscreen User Activity

Title: Context is the Key: Backdoor Attacks for In-Context Learning with Vision Transformers

Title: GST: Precise 3D Human Body from a Single Image with Gaussian Splatting Transformers

Title: Learning to Learn Transferable Generative Attack for Person Re-Identification

Title: UniDet3D: Multi-dataset Indoor 3D Object Detection

Title: Learning vs Retrieval: The Role of In-Context Examples in Regression with LLMs

Title: Empirical Bayesian image restoration by Langevin sampling with a denoising diffusion implicit prior

Title: VILA-U: a Unified Foundation Model Integrating Visual Understanding and Generation