
Title: Thinking Outside the BBox: Unconstrained Generative Object Compositing

Title: Multi-Modal Diffusion for Hand-Object Grasp Generation

Title: A Novel Dataset for Video-Based Autism Classification Leveraging Extra-Stimulatory Behavior

Title: Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Videos using Differentiable Local Alignment

Title: Multi-Conditioned Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (mDDPM) for Medical Image Synthesis

Title: A Multi-scenario Attention-based Generative Model for Personalized Blood Pressure Time Series Forecasting

Title: VidLPRO: A $\underline{Vid}$eo-$\underline{L}$anguage $\underline{P}$re-training Framework for $\underline{Ro}$botic and Laparoscopic Surgery

Title: Explicit Mutual Information Maximization for Self-Supervised Learning

Title: Training-Free Style Consistent Image Synthesis with Condition and Mask Guidance in E-Commerce

Title: SpotActor: Training-Free Layout-Controlled Consistent Image Generation

Title: Reward-Directed Score-Based Diffusion Models via q-Learning

Title: Rethinking The Training And Evaluation of Rich-Context Layout-to-Image Generation

Title: Plug-and-Hide: Provable and Adjustable Diffusion Generative Steganography

Title: GS-PT: Exploiting 3D Gaussian Splatting for Comprehensive Point Cloud Understanding via Self-supervised Learning

Title: 2DSig-Detect: a semi-supervised framework for anomaly detection on image data using 2D-signatures

Title: DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping

Title: WaterSeeker: Efficient Detection of Watermarked Segments in Large Documents

Title: TanDepth: Leveraging Global DEMs for Metric Monocular Depth Estimation in UAVs

Title: OneGen: Efficient One-Pass Unified Generation and Retrieval for LLMs

Title: Can OOD Object Detectors Learn from Foundation Models?

Title: Lung-DETR: Deformable Detection Transformer for Sparse Lung Nodule Anomaly Detection

Title: ICML Topological Deep Learning Challenge 2024: Beyond the Graph Domain

Title: Synthetic Tabular Data Generation for Class Imbalance and Fairness: A Comparative Study

Title: NetDPSyn: Synthesizing Network Traces under Differential Privacy

Title: MRStyle: A Unified Framework for Color Style Transfer with Multi-Modality Reference

Title: Disentangled Representations for Short-Term and Long-Term Person Re-Identification

Title: Seek and Solve Reasoning for Table Question Answering

Title: TERD: A Unified Framework for Safeguarding Diffusion Models Against Backdoors

Title: Resource-Efficient Generative AI Model Deployment in Mobile Edge Networks

Title: GDFlow: Anomaly Detection with NCDE-based Normalizing Flow for Advanced Driver Assistance System

Title: TriplePlay: Enhancing Federated Learning with CLIP for Non-IID Data and Resource Efficiency

Title: On the Convergence Analysis of Over-Parameterized Variational Autoencoders: A Neural Tangent Kernel Perspective

Title: Memoryless Multimodal Anomaly Detection via Student-Teacher Network and Signed Distance Learning

Title: Deep Learning for Video Anomaly Detection: A Review

Title: A Novel Representation of Periodic Pattern and Its Application to Untrained Anomaly Detection

Title: TAVP: Task-Adaptive Visual Prompt for Cross-domain Few-shot Segmentation

Title: Shaking Up VLMs: Comparing Transformers and Structured State Space Models for Vision & Language Modeling

Title: Sequential Posterior Sampling with Diffusion Models

Title: KRONC: Keypoint-based Robust Camera Optimization for 3D Car Reconstruction

Title: CipherDM: Secure Three-Party Inference for Diffusion Model Sampling

Title: TextToucher: Fine-Grained Text-to-Touch Generation

Title: EndoOmni: Zero-Shot Cross-Dataset Depth Estimation in Endoscopy by Robust Self-Learning from Noisy Labels

Title: Representational Analysis of Binding in Large Language Models

Title: DriveScape: Towards High-Resolution Controllable Multi-View Driving Video Generation

Title: CRADLE-VAE: Enhancing Single-Cell Gene Perturbation Modeling with Counterfactual Reasoning-based Artifact Disentanglement

Title: A Taxonomy of Miscompressions: Preparing Image Forensics for Neural Compression

Title: Latent 3D Brain MRI Counterfactual

Title: Adapted-MoE: Mixture of Experts with Test-Time Adaption for Anomaly Detection

Title: Forward KL Regularized Preference Optimization for Aligning Diffusion Policies

Title: Unlearning or Concealment? A Critical Analysis and Evaluation Metrics for Unlearning in Diffusion Models

Title: Zero-shot Outlier Detection via Prior-data Fitted Networks: Model Selection Bygone!

Title: AnomalyCD: A benchmark for Earth anomaly change detection with high-resolution and time-series observations

Title: Segmentation by Factorization: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation for Pathology by Factorizing Foundation Model Features

Title: pFedGPA: Diffusion-based Generative Parameter Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning

Title: Predicting Critical Heat Flux with Uncertainty Quantification and Domain Generalization Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders and Deep Neural Networks

Title: Enhancing Preference-based Linear Bandits via Human Response Time

Title: Celcomen: spatial causal disentanglement for single-cell and tissue perturbation modeling

Title: Benchmarking Chinese Knowledge Rectification in Large Language Models

Title: VFA: Vision Frequency Analysis of Foundation Models and Human