
Title: OPAL: Outlier-Preserved Microscaling Quantization A ccelerator for Generative Large Language Models

Title: STLLM-DF: A Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model with Diffusion for Enhanced Multi-Mode Traffic System Forecasting

Title: Self-Supervised State Space Model for Real-Time Traffic Accident Prediction Using eKAN Networks

Title: CoDiCast: Conditional Diffusion Model for Weather Prediction with Uncertainty Quantification

Title: Enhanced Generative Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation via Stronger Guidance

Title: Identifying the sources of ideological bias in GPT models through linguistic variation in output

Title: Statistical Mechanics of Min-Max Problems

Title: DiffusionPen: Towards Controlling the Style of Handwritten Text Generation

Title: SVS-GAN: Leveraging GANs for Semantic Video Synthesis

Title: SGC-VQGAN: Towards Complex Scene Representation via Semantic Guided Clustering Codebook

Title: Estimating the Completeness of Discrete Speech Units

Title: DECOLLAGE: 3D Detailization by Controllable, Localized, and Learned Geometry Enhancement

Title: UniLearn: Enhancing Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition through Unified Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning on Images and Videos

Title: Larger Language Models Don't Care How You Think: Why Chain-of-Thought Prompting Fails in Subjective Tasks

Title: EDADepth: Enhanced Data Augmentation for Monocular Depth Estimation

Title: MyGo: Consistent and Controllable Multi-View Driving Video Generation with Camera Control

Title: STUN: Structured-Then-Unstructured Pruning for Scalable MoE Pruning

Title: Towards Generalizable Scene Change Detection

Title: Inference is All You Need: Self Example Retriever for Cross-domain Dialogue State Tracking with ChatGPT

Title: Learning Augmentation Policies from A Model Zoo for Time Series Forecasting

Title: Context Enhancement with Reconstruction as Sequence for Unified Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Title: Enhancing Long Video Understanding via Hierarchical Event-Based Memory

Title: High-Performance Few-Shot Segmentation with Foundation Models: An Empirical Study

Title: G3PT: Unleash the power of Autoregressive Modeling in 3D Generation via Cross-scale Querying Transformer

Title: Extracting Paragraphs from LLM Token Activations

Title: Improving Conditional Level Generation using Automated Validation in Match-3 Games

Title: DiffQRCoder: Diffusion-based Aesthetic QR Code Generation with Scanning Robustness Guided Iterative Refinement

Title: What happens to diffusion model likelihood when your model is conditional?

Title: Texture-AD: An Anomaly Detection Dataset and Benchmark for Real Algorithm Development

Title: Distilling Generative-Discriminative Representations for Very Low-Resolution Face Recognition

Title: Prompt2Fashion: An automatically generated fashion dataset

Title: Learning Generative Interactive Environments By Trained Agent Exploration

Title: Elucidating Optimal Reward-Diversity Tradeoffs in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Aligning Machine and Human Visual Representations across Abstraction Levels

Title: Quantifying and Enabling the Interpretability of CLIP-like Models

Title: Label-free Monitoring of Self-Supervised Learning Progress

Title: Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification with Missing Information for Benthic Habitat Imagery

Title: SaRA: High-Efficient Diffusion Model Fine-tuning with Progressive Sparse Low-Rank Adaptation

Title: EyeCLIP: A visual-language foundation model for multi-modal ophthalmic image analysis

Title: Data Collection-free Masked Video Modeling