
Title: SSP-RACL: Classification of Noisy Fundus Images with Self-Supervised Pretraining and Robust Adaptive Credal Loss

Title: Jump Diffusion-Informed Neural Networks with Transfer Learning for Accurate American Option Pricing under Data Scarcity

Title: Evaluation of Security of ML-based Watermarking: Copy and Removal Attacks

Title: Trustworthy Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Timely and Focused Survey

Title: Revolutionizing Payload Inspection: A Self-Supervised Journey to Precision with Few Shots

Title: Analysis of Spatial augmentation in Self-supervised models in the purview of training and test distributions

Title: Bridging the Protection Gap: Innovative Approaches to Shield Older Adults from AI-Enhanced Scams

Title: Amodal Instance Segmentation with Diffusion Shape Prior Estimation

Title: Causality-based Subject and Task Fingerprints using fMRI Time-series Data

Title: SOAR: Self-supervision Optimized UAV Action Recognition with Efficient Object-Aware Pretraining

Title: Harnessing Wavelet Transformations for Generalizable Deepfake Forgery Detection

Title: DeBaRA: Denoising-Based 3D Room Arrangement Generation

Title: AER-LLM: Ambiguity-aware Emotion Recognition Leveraging Large Language Models

Title: SinoSynth: A Physics-based Domain Randomization Approach for Generalizable CBCT Image Enhancement

Title: Generative AI for fast and accurate Statistical Computation of Fluids

Title: Multi-hypotheses Conditioned Point Cloud Diffusion for 3D Human Reconstruction from Occluded Images

Title: GenesisTex2: Stable, Consistent and High-Quality Text-to-Texture Generation

Title: A3: Active Adversarial Alignment for Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Title: Neural Collaborative Filtering to Detect Anomalies in Human Semantic Trajectories

Title: Gradient-free Decoder Inversion in Latent Diffusion Models

Title: Underwater Image Enhancement with Physical-based Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models

Title: Treating Brain-inspired Memories as Priors for Diffusion Model to Forecast Multivariate Time Series

Title: Token Caching for Diffusion Transformer Acceleration

Title: How Effective is Pre-training of Large Masked Autoencoders for Downstream Earth Observation Tasks?

Title: AL-GTD: Deep Active Learning for Gaze Target Detection

Title: Unsupervised Fingerphoto Presentation Attack Detection With Diffusion Models

Title: When SAM2 Meets Video Camouflaged Object Segmentation: A Comprehensive Evaluation and Adaptation

Title: How green is continual learning, really? Analyzing the energy consumption in continual training of vision foundation models

Title: Learning from Pattern Completion: Self-supervised Controllable Generation

Title: HardCore Generation: Generating Hard UNSAT Problems for Data Augmentation

Title: Challenges of Generating Structurally Diverse Graphs

Title: Emu3: Next-Token Prediction is All You Need

Title: CESNET-TimeSeries24: Time Series Dataset for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection and Forecasting

Title: CemiFace: Center-based Semi-hard Synthetic Face Generation for Face Recognition

Title: Explainable Artifacts for Synthetic Western Blot Source Attribution

Title: Detecting Dataset Abuse in Fine-Tuning Stable Diffusion Models for Text-to-Image Synthesis

Title: Unsupervised Low-light Image Enhancement with Lookup Tables and Diffusion Priors

Title: Improving Visual Object Tracking through Visual Prompting

Title: AIPatient: Simulating Patients with EHRs and LLM Powered Agentic Workflow

Title: ReviveDiff: A Universal Diffusion Model for Restoring Images in Adverse Weather Conditions

Title: $O(d/T)$ Convergence Theory for Diffusion Probabilistic Models under Minimal Assumptions

Title: ProMerge: Prompt and Merge for Unsupervised Instance Segmentation

Title: Exploring Token Pruning in Vision State Space Models

Title: PhysGen: Rigid-Body Physics-Grounded Image-to-Video Generation