
Title: Text Clustering as Classification with LLMs

Title: Towards Full-parameter and Parameter-efficient Self-learning For Endoscopic Camera Depth Estimation

Title: Robust Guided Diffusion for Offline Black-Box Optimization

Title: LaDTalk: Latent Denoising for Synthesizing Talking Head Videos with High Frequency Details

Title: Back to Bayesics: Uncovering Human Mobility Distributions and Anomalies with an Integrated Statistical and Neural Framework

Title: MOSEL: 950,000 Hours of Speech Data for Open-Source Speech Foundation Model Training on EU Languages

Title: Pose Estimation of Buried Deep-Sea Objects using 3D Vision Deep Learning Models

Title: From Natural Language to SQL: Review of LLM-based Text-to-SQL Systems

Title: Inferring Kernel $\epsilon$-Machines: Discovering Structure in Complex Systems

Title: Embedding-based statistical inference on generative models

Title: Uncertainty-Guided Enhancement on Driving Perception System via Foundation Models

Title: Text2PDE: Latent Diffusion Models for Accessible Physics Simulation

Title: UAL-Bench: The First Comprehensive Unusual Activity Localization Benchmark

Title: Towards Native Generative Model for 3D Head Avatar

Title: Aggregation of Multi Diffusion Models for Enhancing Learned Representations

Title: Sparse Autoencoders Reveal Temporal Difference Learning in Large Language Models

Title: Mitigating Copy Bias in In-Context Learning through Neuron Pruning

Title: LaGeM: A Large Geometry Model for 3D Representation Learning and Diffusion

Title: Sampling from Energy-based Policies using Diffusion

Title: Finetuning Pre-trained Model with Limited Data for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection by Bridging Domain Gaps

Title: Forte : Finding Outliers with Representation Typicality Estimation

Title: Unveiling Language Skills under Circuits

Title: PhyMPGN: Physics-encoded Message Passing Graph Network for spatiotemporal PDE systems

Title: Harnessing the Latent Diffusion Model for Training-Free Image Style Transfer

Title: AgriCLIP: Adapting CLIP for Agriculture and Livestock via Domain-Specialized Cross-Model Alignment

Title: Fair4Free: Generating High-fidelity Fair Synthetic Samples using Data Free Distillation

Title: Adaptive teachers for amortized samplers

Title: Information-Theoretical Principled Trade-off between Jailbreakability and Stealthiness on Vision Language Models

Title: Decorrelation-based Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning for Writer Identification

Title: Agent-Driven Large Language Models for Mandarin Lyric Generation

Title: Discrete Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge Matching for Graph Transformation

Title: LEGO: Learnable Expansion of Graph Operators for Multi-Modal Feature Fusion

Title: Disentangling Latent Shifts of In-Context Learning Through Self-Training

Title: Multi-Scale Fusion for Object Representation

Title: Edge-preserving noise for diffusion models

Title: In-Context Transfer Learning: Demonstration Synthesis by Transferring Similar Tasks

Title: Bayes' Power for Explaining In-Context Learning Generalizations

Title: Fake It Until You Break It: On the Adversarial Robustness of AI-generated Image Detectors

Title: MM-LDM: Multi-Modal Latent Diffusion Model for Sounding Video Generation

Title: KnobGen: Controlling the Sophistication of Artwork in Sketch-Based Diffusion Models

Title: ENTP: Encoder-only Next Token Prediction

Title: Automated Red Teaming with GOAT: the Generative Offensive Agent Tester

Title: Intent Detection in the Age of LLMs

Title: Efficient Long-range Language Modeling with Self-supervised Causal Retrieval

Title: Conformal Generative Modeling with Improved Sample Efficiency through Sequential Greedy Filtering

Title: PHI-S: Distribution Balancing for Label-Free Multi-Teacher Distillation

Title: An Exploration of Self-Supervised Mutual Information Alignment for Multi-Task Settings

Title: Examining the Role of Relationship Alignment in Large Language Models

Title: Meta-TTT: A Meta-learning Minimax Framework For Test-Time Training

Title: COMUNI: Decomposing Common and Unique Video Signals for Diffusion-based Video Generation

Title: HarmoniCa: Harmonizing Training and Inference for Better Feature Cache in Diffusion Transformer Acceleration

Title: RADAR: Robust Two-stage Modality-incomplete Industrial Anomaly Detection

Title: VitaGlyph: Vitalizing Artistic Typography with Flexible Dual-branch Diffusion Models

Title: ImageFolder: Autoregressive Image Generation with Folded Tokens

Title: Trained Transformer Classifiers Generalize and Exhibit Benign Overfitting In-Context

Title: Bellman Diffusion: Generative Modeling as Learning a Linear Operator in the Distribution Space

Title: FabricDiffusion: High-Fidelity Texture Transfer for 3D Garments Generation from In-The-Wild Clothing Images