
Title: Guess What I Think: Streamlined EEG-to-Image Generation with Latent Diffusion Models

Title: Robust Symmetry Detection via Riemannian Langevin Dynamics

Title: PyRIT: A Framework for Security Risk Identification and Red Teaming in Generative AI System

Title: Demonstration Attack against In-Context Learning for Code Intelligence

Title: SymmetricDiffusers: Learning Discrete Diffusion on Finite Symmetric Groups

Title: Learning Optimal Control and Dynamical Structure of Global Trajectory Search Problems with Diffusion Models

Title: Tutor CoPilot: A Human-AI Approach for Scaling Real-Time Expertise

Title: Is Your Paper Being Reviewed by an LLM? Investigating AI Text Detectability in Peer Review

Title: PixelShuffler: A Simple Image Translation Through Pixel Rearrangement

Title: Flow Matching with Gaussian Process Priors for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting

Title: Revealing the Unseen: Guiding Personalized Diffusion Models to Expose Training Data

Title: Geometry is All You Need: A Unified Taxonomy of Matrix and Tensor Factorization for Compression of Generative Language Models

Title: Generative Edge Detection with Stable Diffusion

Title: Combing Text-based and Drag-based Editing for Precise and Flexible Image Editing

Title: A Training-Free Conditional Diffusion Model for Learning Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Title: RIPPLECOT: Amplifying Ripple Effect of Knowledge Editing in Language Models via Chain-of-Thought In-Context Learning

Title: On Unsupervised Prompt Learning for Classification with Black-box Language Models

Title: Can LLMs Generate Diverse Molecules? Towards Alignment with Structural Diversity

Title: In-context Learning in Presence of Spurious Correlations

Title: Redefining Temporal Modeling in Video Diffusion: The Vectorized Timestep Approach

Title: Rapid optimization in high dimensional space by deep kernel learning augmented genetic algorithms

Title: Generating bilingual example sentences with large language models as lexicography assistants

Title: Autonomous Character-Scene Interaction Synthesis from Text Instruction

Title: Tuning Timestep-Distilled Diffusion Model Using Pairwise Sample Optimization

Title: Learning test generators for cyber-physical systems

Title: CUDLE: Learning Under Label Scarcity to Detect Cannabis Use in Uncontrolled Environments

Title: AutoPenBench: Benchmarking Generative Agents for Penetration Testing

Title: Enhanced Transformer architecture for in-context learning of dynamical systems

Title: Selective Test-Time Adaptation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection using Neural Implicit Representations

Title: LANTERN: Accelerating Visual Autoregressive Models with Relaxed Speculative Decoding

Title: Latent Abstractions in Generative Diffusion Models

Title: Zebra: In-Context and Generative Pretraining for Solving Parametric PDEs

Title: ToolGen: Unified Tool Retrieval and Calling via Generation

Title: CLoSD: Closing the Loop between Simulation and Diffusion for multi-task character control

Title: Dynamic Diffusion Transformer

Title: Auto-GDA: Automatic Domain Adaptation for Efficient Grounding Verification in Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Diffusion State-Guided Projected Gradient for Inverse Problems

Title: VEDIT: Latent Prediction Architecture For Procedural Video Representation Learning

Title: Generative Artificial Intelligence for Navigating Synthesizable Chemical Space

Title: NRGBoost: Energy-Based Generative Boosted Trees

Title: BodyShapeGPT: SMPL Body Shape Manipulation with LLMs

Title: Not All Diffusion Model Activations Have Been Evaluated as Discriminative Features

Title: Explicit, Implicit, and Scattered: Revisiting Event Extraction to Capture Complex Arguments

Title: How Discrete and Continuous Diffusion Meet: Comprehensive Analysis of Discrete Diffusion Models via a Stochastic Integral Framework

Title: Real-World Benchmarks Make Membership Inference Attacks Fail on Diffusion Models

Title: Geometric Representation Condition Improves Equivariant Molecule Generation

Title: Estimating Body and Hand Motion in an Ego-sensed World