
Title: CaLMFlow: Volterra Flow Matching using Causal Language Models

Title: ShieldDiff: Suppressing Sexual Content Generation from Diffusion Models through Reinforcement Learning

Title: PalmBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Compressed Large Language Models on Mobile Platforms

Title: Accelerating Diffusion Transformers with Token-wise Feature Caching

Title: Noise Crystallization and Liquid Noise: Zero-shot Video Generation using Image Diffusion Models

Title: From Incomplete Coarse-Grained to Complete Fine-Grained: A Two-Stage Framework for Spatiotemporal Data Reconstruction

Title: Generating CAD Code with Vision-Language Models for 3D Designs

Title: AnyAttack: Towards Large-scale Self-supervised Generation of Targeted Adversarial Examples for Vision-Language Models

Title: LLMs Are In-Context Reinforcement Learners

Title: Diffusion Model Predictive Control

Title: STOP! Camera Spoofing via the in-Vehicle IP Network

Title: Diffusion Imitation from Observation

Title: Continuous Ensemble Weather Forecasting with Diffusion models

Title: Can LLMs Understand Time Series Anomalies?

Title: Task Diversity Shortens the ICL Plateau

Title: Image Watermarks are Removable Using Controllable Regeneration from Clean Noise

Title: fPLSA: Learning Semantic Structures in Document Collections Using Foundation Models

Title: Transformers learn variable-order Markov chains in-context

Title: Toward General Object-level Mapping from Sparse Views with 3D Diffusion Priors

Title: Generative Portrait Shadow Removal

Title: Rethinking Weak-to-Strong Augmentation in Source-Free Domain Adaptive Object Detection

Title: TweedieMix: Improving Multi-Concept Fusion for Diffusion-based Image/Video Generation

Title: When Graph Neural Networks Meet Dynamic Mode Decomposition

Title: Bridging Modalities: Enhancing Cross-Modality Hate Speech Detection with Few-Shot In-Context Learning

Title: ReFIR: Grounding Large Restoration Models with Retrieval Augmentation

Title: Everything Everywhere All at Once: LLMs can In-Context Learn Multiple Tasks in Superposition

Title: Leveraging free energy in pretraining model selection for improved fine-tuning

Title: Vector-ICL: In-context Learning with Continuous Vector Representations

Title: Score-Based Variational Inference for Inverse Problems

Title: ViBiDSampler: Enhancing Video Interpolation Using Bidirectional Diffusion Sampler

Title: Holistic Unlearning Benchmark: A Multi-Faceted Evaluation for Text-to-Image Diffusion Model Unlearning

Title: T2V-Turbo-v2: Enhancing Video Generation Model Post-Training through Data, Reward, and Conditional Guidance Design

Title: Extreme Value Modelling of Feature Residuals for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs

Title: DiffusionGuard: A Robust Defense Against Malicious Diffusion-based Image Editing

Title: Diffusing to the Top: Boost Graph Neural Networks with Minimal Hyperparameter Tuning

Title: PixLens: A Novel Framework for Disentangled Evaluation in Diffusion-Based Image Editing with Object Detection + SAM

Title: Diffusion Auto-regressive Transformer for Effective Self-supervised Time Series Forecasting

Title: CUBE360: Learning Cubic Field Representation for Monocular 360 Depth Estimation for Virtual Reality

Title: Training-free Diffusion Model Alignment with Sampling Demons

Title: ActionAtlas: A VideoQA Benchmark for Domain-specialized Action Recognition

Title: SeeClear: Semantic Distillation Enhances Pixel Condensation for Video Super-Resolution

Title: CASA: Class-Agnostic Shared Attributes in Vision-Language Models for Efficient Incremental Object Detection

Title: PostCast: Generalizable Postprocessing for Precipitation Nowcasting via Unsupervised Blurriness Modeling

Title: CAP: Detecting Unauthorized Data Usage in Generative Models via Prompt Generation

Title: A noise-corrected Langevin algorithm and sampling by half-denoising

Title: Unobserved Object Detection using Generative Models

Title: MTFL: Multi-Timescale Feature Learning for Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos

Title: MedUniSeg: 2D and 3D Medical Image Segmentation via a Prompt-driven Universal Model

Title: TIMBA: Time series Imputation with Bi-directional Mamba Blocks and Diffusion models

Title: Fortify Your Foundations: Practical Privacy and Security for Foundation Model Deployments In The Cloud

Title: Pyramidal Flow Matching for Efficient Video Generative Modeling

Title: FLOPS: Forward Learning with OPtimal Sampling

Title: ConML: A Universal Meta-Learning Framework with Task-Level Contrastive Learning

Title: Generalizing to any diverse distribution: uniformity, gentle finetuning and rebalancing

Title: Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent with Decoupled Backpropagation and Layer-Wise Updates

Title: Vector Grimoire: Codebook-based Shape Generation under Raster Image Supervision

Title: Sparse Repellency for Shielded Generation in Text-to-image Diffusion Models

Title: Block Induced Signature Generative Adversarial Network (BISGAN): Signature Spoofing Using GANs and Their Evaluation

Title: HyperDet: Generalizable Detection of Synthesized Images by Generating and Merging A Mixture of Hyper LoRAs

Title: AP-LDM: Attentive and Progressive Latent Diffusion Model for Training-Free High-Resolution Image Generation

Title: Diversity-Rewarded CFG Distillation

Title: Less is More: Making Smaller Language Models Competent Subgraph Retrievers for Multi-hop KGQA

Title: Zero-Shot Learning of Causal Models

Title: Towards Unsupervised Eye-Region Segmentation for Eye Tracking

Title: Toward Scalable Image Feature Compression: A Content-Adaptive and Diffusion-Based Approach

Title: AgentSquare: Automatic LLM Agent Search in Modular Design Space

Title: GLOV: Guided Large Language Models as Implicit Optimizers for Vision Language Models

Title: Prompting DirectSAM for Semantic Contour Extraction in Remote Sensing Images

Title: RelitLRM: Generative Relightable Radiance for Large Reconstruction Models

Title: EVOLvE: Evaluating and Optimizing LLMs For Exploration

Title: Unsupervised Model Diagnosis

Title: Story-Adapter: A Training-free Iterative Framework for Long Story Visualization

Title: SymDiff: Equivariant Diffusion via Stochastic Symmetrisation

Title: Think While You Generate: Discrete Diffusion with Planned Denoising

Title: The Mystery of Compositional Generalization in Graph-based Generative Commonsense Reasoning

Title: Non-Halting Queries: Exploiting Fixed Points in LLMs

Title: Are Large Language Models State-of-the-art Quality Estimators for Machine Translation of User-generated Content?

Title: MLissard: Multilingual Long and Simple Sequential Reasoning Benchmarks

Title: Provable Accuracy Bounds for Hybrid Dynamical Optimization and Sampling

Title: ERVQA: A Dataset to Benchmark the Readiness of Large Vision Language Models in Hospital Environments

Title: MaD-Scientist: AI-based Scientist solving Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations Using Massive PINN-Based Prior Data

Title: HFH-Font: Few-shot Chinese Font Synthesis with Higher Quality, Faster Speed, and Higher Resolution

Title: Chemistry-Inspired Diffusion with Non-Differentiable Guidance

Title: DiffGAD: A Diffusion-based Unsupervised Graph Anomaly Detector

Title: InstantIR: Blind Image Restoration with Instant Generative Reference

Title: On The Relationship between Visual Anomaly-free and Anomalous Representations

Title: DDRN:a Data Distribution Reconstruction Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification

Title: $\beta$-calibration of Language Model Confidence Scores for Generative QA

Title: ETA: Evaluating Then Aligning Safety of Vision Language Models at Inference Time

Title: Tree of Problems: Improving structured problem solving with compositionality

Title: Task-oriented Time Series Imputation Evaluation via Generalized Representers

Title: Decouple-Then-Merge: Towards Better Training for Diffusion Models

Title: Revisiting Multi-Permutation Equivariance through the Lens of Irreducible Representations

Title: Guaranteed Generation from Large Language Models

Title: Suppress Content Shift: Better Diffusion Features via Off-the-Shelf Generation Techniques

Title: MimicTalk: Mimicking a personalized and expressive 3D talking face in minutes

Title: Which Programming Language and What Features at Pre-training Stage Affect Downstream Logical Inference Performance?

Title: DreamMesh4D: Video-to-4D Generation with Sparse-Controlled Gaussian-Mesh Hybrid Representation

Title: Mind Your Questions Towards Backdoor Attacks on Text-to-Visualization Models

Title: Diffuse or Confuse: A Diffusion Deepfake Speech Dataset

Title: Seg2Act: Global Context-aware Action Generation for Document Logical Structuring

Title: Boosting Few-Shot Detection with Large Language Models and Layout-to-Image Synthesis

Title: Generative Model for Less-Resourced Language with 1 billion parameters

Title: Representation Alignment for Generation: Training Diffusion Transformers Is Easier Than You Think

Title: CSSL: Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Dependency Parsing on Relatively Free Word Ordered and Morphologically Rich Low Resource Languages

Title: Self-Boosting Large Language Models with Synthetic Preference Data

Title: Bridge the Points: Graph-based Few-shot Segment Anything Semantically

Title: Structure-Centric Robust Monocular Depth Estimation via Knowledge Distillation

Title: Jointly Generating Multi-view Consistent PBR Textures using Collaborative Control

Title: Diffusion Density Estimators

Title: Efficient Distribution Matching of Representations via Noise-Injected Deep InfoMax

Title: A Gentle Introduction and Tutorial on Deep Generative Models in Transportation Research

Title: Retrieval-Augmented Decision Transformer: External Memory for In-context RL

Title: Let's Ask GNN: Empowering Large Language Model for Graph In-Context Learning

Title: FaceVid-1K: A Large-Scale High-Quality Multiracial Human Face Video Dataset

Title: Trans4D: Realistic Geometry-Aware Transition for Compositional Text-to-4D Synthesis

Title: AvatarGO: Zero-shot 4D Human-Object Interaction Generation and Animation

Title: Deciphering Cross-Modal Alignment in Large Vision-Language Models with Modality Integration Rate

Title: Sylber: Syllabic Embedding Representation of Speech from Raw Audio

Title: One Initialization to Rule them All: Fine-tuning via Explained Variance Adaptation

Title: IterComp: Iterative Composition-Aware Feedback Learning from Model Gallery for Text-to-Image Generation

Title: MM-Ego: Towards Building Egocentric Multimodal LLMs