
Title: Synthetic Data Generation in Cybersecurity: A Comparative Analysis

Title: Exploring how deep learning decodes anomalous diffusion via Grad-CAM

Title: Large Language Models in Computer Science Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Title: Joker: Conditional 3D Head Synthesis with Extreme Facial Expressions

Title: On conditional diffusion models for PDE simulations

Title: AttentionPainter: An Efficient and Adaptive Stroke Predictor for Scene Painting

Title: Promoting cross-modal representations to improve multimodal foundation models for physiological signals

Title: HaHeAE: Learning Generalisable Joint Representations of Human Hand and Head Movements in Extended Reality

Title: Improving Neuron-level Interpretability with White-box Language Models

Title: In Search of the Successful Interpolation: On the Role of Sharpness in CLIP Generalization

Title: LLM-TS Integrator: Integrating LLM for Enhanced Time Series Modeling

Title: SINGAPO: Single Image Controlled Generation of Articulated Parts in Object

Title: TIPS: Text-Image Pretraining with Spatial Awareness

Title: Bayesian scaling laws for in-context learning

Title: A Theoretical Understanding of Chain-of-Thought: Coherent Reasoning and Error-Aware Demonstration

Title: Spatio-temporal Multivariate Cluster Evolution Analysis for Detecting and Tracking Climate Impacts

Title: PlaneSAM: Multimodal Plane Instance Segmentation Using the Segment Anything Model

Title: Can Transformers In-Context Learn Behavior of a Linear Dynamical System?

Title: Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Earth Observation: A Survey

Title: GALA: Graph Diffusion-based Alignment with Jigsaw for Source-free Domain Adaptation

Title: TopoDiffusionNet: A Topology-aware Diffusion Model

Title: Dual-Model Defense: Safeguarding Diffusion Models from Membership Inference Attacks through Disjoint Data Splitting

Title: RKadiyala at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Black-Box Word-Level Text Boundary Detection in Partially Machine Generated Texts

Title: Efficient Antibody Structure Refinement Using Energy-Guided SE(3) Flow Matching

Title: Governing equation discovery of a complex system from snapshots

Title: Hyperboloid GPLVM for Discovering Continuous Hierarchies via Nonparametric Estimation

Title: ClimaQA: An Automated Evaluation Framework for Climate Foundation Models

Title: Collapse or Thrive? Perils and Promises of Synthetic Data in a Self-Generating World

Title: Progressive Compositionality In Text-to-Image Generative Models

Title: Polyp-E: Benchmarking the Robustness of Deep Segmentation Models via Polyp Editing

Title: LLM-Assisted Red Teaming of Diffusion Models through "Failures Are Fated, But Can Be Faded"

Title: Beyond Retrieval: Generating Narratives in Conversational Recommender Systems

Title: One-Step Diffusion Distillation through Score Implicit Matching

Title: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Attack-Agnostic Features for Morphing Attack Detection

Title: Test-time Adversarial Defense with Opposite Adversarial Path and High Attack Time Cost

Title: MPDS: A Movie Posters Dataset for Image Generation with Diffusion Model

Title: CK4Gen: A Knowledge Distillation Framework for Generating High-Utility Synthetic Survival Datasets in Healthcare

Title: Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Prediction with Importance-based Generative Contrastive Learning

Title: VistaDream: Sampling multiview consistent images for single-view scene reconstruction

Title: Bayes without Underfitting: Fully Correlated Deep Learning Posteriors via Alternating Projections

Title: Hierarchical Clustering for Conditional Diffusion in Image Generation

Title: LIMIS: Towards Language-based Interactive Medical Image Segmentation

Title: DiP-GO: A Diffusion Pruner via Few-step Gradient Optimization

Title: ISImed: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning using Intrinsic Spatial Information in Medical Images

Title: PGCS: Physical Law embedded Generative Cloud Synthesis in Remote Sensing Images

Title: IPL: Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models for Intelligent Product Listing

Title: Aligning Large Language Models via Self-Steering Optimization

Title: Are Visual-Language Models Effective in Action Recognition? A Comparative Study

Title: Context-aware Prompt Tuning: Advancing In-Context Learning with Adversarial Methods