
Title: VehicleSDF: A 3D generative model for constrained engineering design via surrogate modeling

Title: Generative Topology for Shape Synthesis

Title: Dual Space Training for GANs: A Pathway to Efficient and Creative Generative Models

Title: Large Language Models for Financial Aid in Financial Time-series Forecasting

Title: An Investigation on Machine Learning Predictive Accuracy Improvement and Uncertainty Reduction using VAE-based Data Augmentation

Title: BIFR\"OST: 3D-Aware Image compositing with Language Instructions

Title: Watermarking Large Language Models and the Generated Content: Opportunities and Challenges

Title: Context-Aware Trajectory Anomaly Detection

Title: Structured Diffusion Models with Mixture of Gaussians as Prior Distribution

Title: Label Set Optimization via Activation Distribution Kurtosis for Zero-shot Classification with Generative Models

Title: No Free Lunch: Fundamental Limits of Learning Non-Hallucinating Generative Models

Title: Peptide-GPT: Generative Design of Peptides using Generative Pre-trained Transformers and Bio-informatic Supervision

Title: Flow Generator Matching

Title: Simpler Diffusion (SiD2): 1.5 FID on ImageNet512 with pixel-space diffusion

Title: FasterCache: Training-Free Video Diffusion Model Acceleration with High Quality

Title: KAHANI: Culturally-Nuanced Visual Storytelling Pipeline for Non-Western Cultures

Title: Analyzing Generative Models by Manifold Entropic Metrics

Title: Generative Diffusion Models for Sequential Recommendations

Title: Transductive Learning for Near-Duplicate Image Detection in Scanned Photo Collections

Title: Marked Temporal Bayesian Flow Point Processes

Title: Utilizing Image Transforms and Diffusion Models for Generative Modeling of Short and Long Time Series

Title: Connecting Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture with Contrastive Self-supervised Learning

Title: Neuromorphic IoT Architecture for Efficient Water Management: A Smart Village Case Study

Title: Microplastic Identification Using AI-Driven Image Segmentation and GAN-Generated Ecological Context

Title: Frozen-DETR: Enhancing DETR with Image Understanding from Frozen Foundation Models

Title: A distributional simplicity bias in the learning dynamics of transformers

Title: DiffGS: Functional Gaussian Splatting Diffusion

Title: Adversarial Environment Design via Regret-Guided Diffusion Models

Title: Enhanced Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems aided by Machine Learning