
Title: Large Model for Small Data: Foundation Model for Cross-Modal RF Human Activity Recognition

Title: How to Backdoor Consistency Models?

Title: DiffGAN: A Test Generation Approach for Differential Testing of Deep Neural Networks

Title: Stable Diffusion with Continuous-time Neural Network

Title: Comparing Surface Landmine Object Detection Models on a New Drone Flyby Dataset

Title: Stochastic Flow Matching for Resolving Small-Scale Physics

Title: Automating Video Thumbnails Selection and Generation with Multimodal and Multistage Analysis

Title: Upsampling DINOv2 features for unsupervised vision tasks and weakly supervised materials segmentation

Title: Exploring Self-Supervised Learning with U-Net Masked Autoencoders and EfficientNet B7 for Improved Classification

Title: Improving Multimodal Large Language Models Using Continual Learning

Title: Provable optimal transport with transformers: The essence of depth and prompt engineering

Title: Do Discrete Self-Supervised Representations of Speech Capture Tone Distinctions?

Title: Privacy without Noisy Gradients: Slicing Mechanism for Generative Model Training

Title: OReole-FM: successes and challenges toward billion-parameter foundation models for high-resolution satellite imagery

Title: SAD: State-Action Distillation for In-Context Reinforcement Learning under Random Policies

Title: Towards Robust Algorithms for Surgical Phase Recognition via Digital Twin-based Scene Representation

Title: SCube: Instant Large-Scale Scene Reconstruction using VoxSplats

Title: ResAD: A Simple Framework for Class Generalizable Anomaly Detection

Title: Deep Concept Identification for Generative Design

Title: emg2qwerty: A Large Dataset with Baselines for Touch Typing using Surface Electromyography

Title: RARe: Retrieval Augmented Retrieval with In-Context Examples

Title: Generative Adversarial Patches for Physical Attacks on Cross-Modal Pedestrian Re-Identification

Title: GFlowNet Fine-tuning for Diverse Correct Solutions in Mathematical Reasoning Tasks

Title: Human-Object Interaction Detection Collaborated with Large Relation-driven Diffusion Models

Title: Your Image is Secretly the Last Frame of a Pseudo Video

Title: Prompt Diffusion Robustifies Any-Modality Prompt Learning

Title: Diff-CXR: Report-to-CXR generation through a disease-knowledge enhanced diffusion model

Title: Copyright-Aware Incentive Scheme for Generative Art Models Using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Title: Chemical Language Model Linker: blending text and molecules with modular adapters

Title: Transferable Adversarial Attacks on SAM and Its Downstream Models

Title: An Efficient Watermarking Method for Latent Diffusion Models via Low-Rank Adaptation

Title: Generative AI in Health Economics and Outcomes Research: A Taxonomy of Key Definitions and Emerging Applications, an ISPOR Working Group Report

Title: DAWN-ICL: Strategic Planning of Problem-solving Trajectories for Zero-Shot In-Context Learning

Title: Generative linguistics contribution to artificial intelligence: Where this contribution lies?

Title: SAFE setup for generative molecular design

Title: Equivariant Blurring Diffusion for Hierarchical Molecular Conformer Generation

Title: You Never Know: Quantization Induces Inconsistent Biases in Vision-Language Foundation Models

Title: Centaur: a foundation model of human cognition

Title: MarDini: Masked Autoregressive Diffusion for Video Generation at Scale

Title: ANOMIX: A Simple yet Effective Hard Negative Generation via Mixing for Graph Anomaly Detection

Title: Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light Image Enhancement

Title: Historical Test-time Prompt Tuning for Vision Foundation Models

Title: Idempotent Unsupervised Representation Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

Title: FoldMark: Protecting Protein Generative Models with Watermarking

Title: RopeTP: Global Human Motion Recovery via Integrating Robust Pose Estimation with Diffusion Trajectory Prior

Title: Rethinking Reconstruction-based Graph-Level Anomaly Detection: Limitations and a Simple Remedy

Title: Lodge++: High-quality and Long Dance Generation with Vivid Choreography Patterns

Title: Causal Modeling in Multi-Context Systems: Distinguishing Multiple Context-Specific Causal Graphs which Account for Observational Support

Title: MedGo: A Chinese Medical Large Language Model

Title: CoralSCOP-LAT: Labeling and Analyzing Tool for Coral Reef Images with Dense Mask

Title: Hamiltonian Score Matching and Generative Flows

Title: GrounDiT: Grounding Diffusion Transformers via Noisy Patch Transplantation

Title: What Factors Affect Multi-Modal In-Context Learning? An In-Depth Exploration

Title: ARLON: Boosting Diffusion Transformers with Autoregressive Models for Long Video Generation

Title: PaPaGei: Open Foundation Models for Optical Physiological Signals

Title: Unsupervised Panoptic Interpretation of Latent Spaces in GANs Using Space-Filling Vector Quantization

Title: Generator Matching: Generative modeling with arbitrary Markov processes

Title: TabDiff: a Multi-Modal Diffusion Model for Tabular Data Generation

Title: Video to Video Generative Adversarial Network for Few-shot Learning Based on Policy Gradient

Title: TurboHopp: Accelerated Molecule Scaffold Hopping with Consistency Models

Title: Reprogramming Pretrained Target-Specific Diffusion Models for Dual-Target Drug Design

Title: CompGS: Unleashing 2D Compositionality for Compositional Text-to-3D via Dynamically Optimizing 3D Gaussians

Title: Matryoshka: Learning to Drive Black-Box LLMs with LLMs

Title: Task Confusion and Catastrophic Forgetting in Class-Incremental Learning: A Mathematical Framework for Discriminative and Generative Modelings

Title: zGAN: An Outlier-focused Generative Adversarial Network For Realistic Synthetic Data Generation

Title: Novel Object Synthesis via Adaptive Text-Image Harmony

Title: ADLM -- stega: A Universal Adaptive Token Selection Algorithm for Improving Steganographic Text Quality via Information Entropy

Title: Generative Example-Based Explanations: Bridging the Gap between Generative Modeling and Explainability

Title: Diff-Instruct*: Towards Human-Preferred One-step Text-to-image Generative Models

Title: Attention Overlap Is Responsible for The Entity Missing Problem in Text-to-image Diffusion Models!

Title: EEG-Driven 3D Object Reconstruction with Color Consistency and Diffusion Prior

Title: Graph Based Traffic Analysis and Delay Prediction

Title: Beyond Autoregression: Fast LLMs via Self-Distillation Through Time

Title: CTINEXUS: Leveraging Optimized LLM In-Context Learning for Constructing Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs Under Data Scarcity

Title: Kandinsky 3: Text-to-Image Synthesis for Multifunctional Generative Framework

Title: Federated Time Series Generation on Feature and Temporally Misaligned Data

Title: KA$^2$ER: Knowledge Adaptive Amalgamation of ExpeRts for Medical Images Segmentation

Title: Shallow Diffuse: Robust and Invisible Watermarking through Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models

Title: Tree-Wasserstein Distance for High Dimensional Data with a Latent Feature Hierarchy

Title: Extrapolating Prospective Glaucoma Fundus Images through Diffusion Model in Irregular Longitudinal Sequences

Title: Trajectory Flow Matching with Applications to Clinical Time Series Modeling

Title: SeriesGAN: Time Series Generation via Adversarial and Autoregressive Learning

Title: HoPE: A Novel Positional Encoding Without Long-Term Decay for Enhanced Context Awareness and Extrapolation

Title: BLAST: Block-Level Adaptive Structured Matrices for Efficient Deep Neural Network Inference

Title: LARP: Tokenizing Videos with a Learned Autoregressive Generative Prior

Title: On Inductive Biases That Enable Generalization of Diffusion Transformers