
Title: TV-3DG: Mastering Text-to-3D Customized Generation with Visual Prompt

Title: Domain-Adaptive Pre-training of Self-Supervised Foundation Models for Medical Image Classification in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Title: VideoSAM: A Large Vision Foundation Model for High-Speed Video Segmentation

Title: Decoding Diffusion: A Scalable Framework for Unsupervised Analysis of Latent Space Biases and Representations Using Natural Language Prompts

Title: Angel or Devil: Discriminating Hard Samples and Anomaly Contaminations for Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection

Title: Self-Supervised Learning and Opportunistic Inference for Continuous Monitoring of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease

Title: E(3)-invaraint diffusion model for pocket-aware peptide generation

Title: Energy-Based Diffusion Language Models for Text Generation

Title: A Survey on Automatic Credibility Assessment of Textual Credibility Signals in the Era of Large Language Models

Title: SocialGPT: Prompting LLMs for Social Relation Reasoning via Greedy Segment Optimization

Title: AdvI2I: Adversarial Image Attack on Image-to-Image Diffusion models

Title: A Systematic Review of Machine Learning in Sports Betting: Techniques, Challenges, and Future Directions

Title: RoBIn: A Transformer-Based Model For Risk Of Bias Inference With Machine Reading Comprehension

Title: Diffusion-nested Auto-Regressive Synthesis of Heterogeneous Tabular Data

Title: Unveiling Context-Aware Criteria in Self-Assessing LLMs

Title: Exploring the Design Space of Diffusion Bridge Models via Stochasticity Control

Title: Going Beyond H&E and Oncology: How Do Histopathology Foundation Models Perform for Multi-stain IHC and Immunology?

Title: ImageNet-RIB Benchmark: Large Pre-Training Datasets Don't Guarantee Robustness after Fine-Tuning

Title: CaloChallenge 2022: A Community Challenge for Fast Calorimeter Simulation

Title: OFER: Occluded Face Expression Reconstruction

Title: Faster Local Solvers for Graph Diffusion Equations

Title: Are Paraphrases Generated by Large Language Models Invertible?

Title: Adapting Diffusion Models for Improved Prompt Compliance and Controllable Image Synthesis

Title: On filter design in deep convolutional neural network

Title: Exploring Local Memorization in Diffusion Models via Bright Ending Attention

Title: Investigating Memorization in Video Diffusion Models

Title: Pushing the Limits of All-Atom Geometric Graph Neural Networks: Pre-Training, Scaling and Zero-Shot Transfer

Title: On the Role of Depth and Looping for In-Context Learning with Task Diversity

Title: AdaptGCD: Multi-Expert Adapter Tuning for Generalized Category Discovery

Title: Unsupervised Modality Adaptation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Semantic Segmentation

Title: Sliced-Wasserstein-based Anomaly Detection and Open Dataset for Localized Critical Peak Rebates

Title: Generating Realistic Tabular Data with Large Language Models

Title: DiffSTR: Controlled Diffusion Models for Scene Text Removal

Title: IntLoRA: Integral Low-rank Adaptation of Quantized Diffusion Models

Title: HairDiffusion: Vivid Multi-Colored Hair Editing via Latent Diffusion

Title: SimSiam Naming Game: A Unified Approach for Representation Learning and Emergent Communication

Title: Volumetric Conditioning Module to Control Pretrained Diffusion Models for 3D Medical Images

Title: Diffusion as Reasoning: Enhancing Object Goal Navigation with LLM-Biased Diffusion Model

Title: Improving In-Context Learning with Small Language Model Ensembles

Title: Cross-Entropy Is All You Need To Invert the Data Generating Process

Title: LogSHIELD: A Graph-based Real-time Anomaly Detection Framework using Frequency Analysis

Title: ReMix: Training Generalized Person Re-identification on a Mixture of Data

Title: SG-Bench: Evaluating LLM Safety Generalization Across Diverse Tasks and Prompt Types

Title: PrefPaint: Aligning Image Inpainting Diffusion Model with Human Preference

Title: A Survey on RGB, 3D, and Multimodal Approaches for Unsupervised Industrial Anomaly Detection

Title: FreeGaussian: Guidance-free Controllable 3D Gaussian Splats with Flow Derivatives

Title: TractShapeNet: Efficient Multi-Shape Learning with 3D Tractography Point Clouds

Title: Protecting Privacy in Multimodal Large Language Models with MLLMU-Bench

Title: AmpleGCG-Plus: A Strong Generative Model of Adversarial Suffixes to Jailbreak LLMs with Higher Success Rates in Fewer Attempts

Title: Capacity Control is an Effective Memorization Mitigation Mechanism in Text-Conditional Diffusion Models

Title: Standardization Trends on Safety and Trustworthiness Technology for Advanced AI

Title: Benchmarking LLM Guardrails in Handling Multilingual Toxicity

Title: Towards Unifying Understanding and Generation in the Era of Vision Foundation Models: A Survey from the Autoregression Perspective

Title: Hypergraph-based multi-scale spatio-temporal graph convolution network for Time-Series anomaly detection

Title: Meta-Learning Adaptable Foundation Models

Title: Fourier Head: Helping Large Language Models Learn Complex Probability Distributions

Title: Embedding-based classifiers can detect prompt injection attacks