
Title: MoLE: Enhancing Human-centric Text-to-image Diffusion via Mixture of Low-rank Experts

Title: Multilingual Vision-Language Pre-training for the Remote Sensing Domain

Title: FlowLLM: Flow Matching for Material Generation with Large Language Models as Base Distributions

Title: EchoFM: Foundation Model for Generalizable Echocardiogram Analysis

Title: Keep on Swimming: Real Attackers Only Need Partial Knowledge of a Multi-Model System

Title: Generative forecasting of brain activity enhances Alzheimer's classification and interpretation

Title: Large Language Models for Patient Comments Multi-Label Classification

Title: There and Back Again: On the relation between noises, images, and their inversions in diffusion models

Title: How Do Flow Matching Models Memorize and Generalize in Sample Data Subspaces?

Title: Using Structural Similarity and Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Anatomical Embedding of 3-hinge Gyrus

Title: Dynamic Uncertainty Ranking: Enhancing In-Context Learning for Long-Tail Knowledge in LLMs

Title: On Learning Multi-Modal Forgery Representation for Diffusion Generated Video Detection

Title: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Multiclass Classification of Three-Dimensional Brain Images for Parkinson's Disease Stage Prediction

Title: DIP: Diffusion Learning of Inconsistency Pattern for General DeepFake Detection

Title: What is Wrong with Perplexity for Long-context Language Modeling?

Title: Towards Generative Ray Path Sampling for Faster Point-to-Point Ray Tracing

Title: Towards Convexity in Anomaly Detection: A New Formulation of SSLM with Unique Optimal Solutions

Title: In-Context LoRA for Diffusion Transformers

Title: EDT: An Efficient Diffusion Transformer Framework Inspired by Human-like Sketching

Title: SOAR: Self-Occluded Avatar Recovery from a Single Video In the Wild

Title: Disentangling Disentangled Representations: Towards Improved Latent Units via Diffusion Models

Title: Generative AI-Powered Plugin for Robust Federated Learning in Heterogeneous IoT Networks

Title: FRoundation: Are Foundation Models Ready for Face Recognition?

Title: Stereo-Talker: Audio-driven 3D Human Synthesis with Prior-Guided Mixture-of-Experts

Title: RAGraph: A General Retrieval-Augmented Graph Learning Framework

Title: Can Language Models Perform Robust Reasoning in Chain-of-thought Prompting with Noisy Rationales?

Title: DiffBatt: A Diffusion Model for Battery Degradation Prediction and Synthesis

Title: NeFF-BioNet: Crop Biomass Prediction from Point Cloud to Drone Imagery

Title: Responsible Retrieval Augmented Generation for Climate Decision Making from Documents

Title: Text-DiFuse: An Interactive Multi-Modal Image Fusion Framework based on Text-modulated Diffusion Model

Title: Image Synthesis with Class-Aware Semantic Diffusion Models for Surgical Scene Segmentation

Title: Breaking Determinism: Fuzzy Modeling of Sequential Recommendation Using Discrete State Space Diffusion Model

Title: An Information Criterion for Controlled Disentanglement of Multimodal Data

Title: DiffPAD: Denoising Diffusion-based Adversarial Patch Decontamination

Title: Diffusion Twigs with Loop Guidance for Conditional Graph Generation

Title: Unveiling Synthetic Faces: How Synthetic Datasets Can Expose Real Identities

Title: TPC: Test-time Procrustes Calibration for Diffusion-based Human Image Animation

Title: Understanding Generalizability of Diffusion Models Requires Rethinking the Hidden Gaussian Structure

Title: In-Context Fine-Tuning for Time-Series Foundation Models

Title: Matchmaker: Self-Improving Large Language Model Programs for Schema Matching

Title: Exploring Vision Language Models for Facial Attribute Recognition: Emotion, Race, Gender, and Age

Title: Scaling Concept With Text-Guided Diffusion Models

Title: Redefining in Dictionary: Towards a Enhanced Semantic Understanding of Creative Generation

Title: $\pi_0$: A Vision-Language-Action Flow Model for General Robot Control

Title: AR-Pro: Counterfactual Explanations for Anomaly Repair with Formal Properties

Title: DiffPano: Scalable and Consistent Text to Panorama Generation with Spherical Epipolar-Aware Diffusion

Title: Learning Video Representations without Natural Videos

Title: Bridging Geometric States via Geometric Diffusion Bridge