
Title: A Novel Psychometrics-Based Approach to Developing Professional Competency Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: CurateGPT: A flexible language-model assisted biocuration tool

Title: How Good Are We? Evaluating Cell AI Foundation Models in Kidney Pathology with Human-in-the-Loop Enrichment

Title: Label Noise: Ignorance Is Bliss

Title: Beyond Accuracy: Ensuring Correct Predictions With Correct Rationales

Title: A Recipe for Geometry-Aware 3D Mesh Transformers

Title: Protecting Feed-Forward Networks from Adversarial Attacks Using Predictive Coding

Title: Fashion-VDM: Video Diffusion Model for Virtual Try-On

Title: KAN-AD: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Title: Inducing Semi-Structured Sparsity by Masking for Efficient Model Inference in Convolutional Networks

Title: Unified Generative and Discriminative Training for Multi-modal Large Language Models

Title: Personalized Federated Learning via Feature Distribution Adaptation

Title: TextDestroyer: A Training- and Annotation-Free Diffusion Method for Destroying Anomal Text from Images

Title: Constrained Diffusion Implicit Models

Title: STEM-POM: Evaluating Language Models Math-Symbol Reasoning in Document Parsing

Title: Preventing Dimensional Collapse in Self-Supervised Learning via Orthogonality Regularization

Title: StyleTex: Style Image-Guided Texture Generation for 3D Models

Title: Cityscape-Adverse: Benchmarking Robustness of Semantic Segmentation with Realistic Scene Modifications via Diffusion-Based Image Editing

Title: Diffusion Models as Network Optimizers: Explorations and Analysis

Title: Generative AI-based Pipeline Architecture for Increasing Training Efficiency in Intelligent Weed Control Systems

Title: Conditional Synthesis of 3D Molecules with Time Correction Sampler

Title: $\alpha$-TCVAE: On the relationship between Disentanglement and Diversity

Title: Dual Low-Rank Adaptation for Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models

Title: ZIM: Zero-Shot Image Matting for Anything

Title: Wasserstein Flow Matching: Generative modeling over families of distributions

Title: B-cosification: Transforming Deep Neural Networks to be Inherently Interpretable

Title: PedSleepMAE: Generative Model for Multimodal Pediatric Sleep Signals

Title: Decoding Dark Matter: Specialized Sparse Autoencoders for Interpreting Rare Concepts in Foundation Models

Title: Minibatch Optimal Transport and Perplexity Bound Estimation in Discrete Flow Matching

Title: Face Anonymization Made Simple

Title: GameGen-X: Interactive Open-world Game Video Generation

Title: Randomized Autoregressive Visual Generation