
Title: IDEATOR: Jailbreaking VLMs Using VLMs

Title: Accelerated AI Inference via Dynamic Execution Methods

Title: Profiling AI Models: Towards Efficient Computation Offloading in Heterogeneous Edge AI Systems

Title: AAD-LLM: Adaptive Anomaly Detection Using Large Language Models

Title: Scalable AI Framework for Defect Detection in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Title: Enhancing AAC Software for Dysarthric Speakers in e-Health Settings: An Evaluation Using TORGO

Title: FedDTPT: Federated Discrete and Transferable Prompt Tuning for Black-Box Large Language Models

Title: Abstracted Shapes as Tokens -- A Generalizable and Interpretable Model for Time-series Classification

Title: Birdie: Advancing State Space Models with Reward-Driven Objectives and Curricula

Title: Identify Backdoored Model in Federated Learning via Individual Unlearning

Title: X-Drive: Cross-modality consistent multi-sensor data synthesis for driving scenarios

Title: HG-Adapter: Improving Pre-Trained Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks with Dual Adapters

Title: Negative-Free Self-Supervised Gaussian Embedding of Graphs

Title: Pin-Tuning: Parameter-Efficient In-Context Tuning for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction

Title: Supervised Score-Based Modeling by Gradient Boosting

Title: Prompt Tuning with Diffusion for Few-Shot Pre-trained Policy Generalization

Title: Fast and Memory-Efficient Video Diffusion Using Streamlined Inference

Title: Hollowed Net for On-Device Personalization of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: Infinite-Resolution Integral Noise Warping for Diffusion Models

Title: Diversidade lingu\'istica e inclus\~ao digital: desafios para uma ia brasileira

Title: ProGen: Revisiting Probabilistic Spatial-Temporal Time Series Forecasting from a Continuous Generative Perspective Using Stochastic Differential Equations

Title: Diffusion Models as Cartoonists! The Curious Case of High Density Regions

Title: Marginal Causal Flows for Validation and Inference

Title: Regret of exploratory policy improvement and $q$-learning

Title: FEET: A Framework for Evaluating Embedding Techniques

Title: Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Generative Priors

Title: Guided Synthesis of Labeled Brain MRI Data Using Latent Diffusion Models for Segmentation of Enlarged Ventricles

Title: Privacy-Preserving Customer Churn Prediction Model in the Context of Telecommunication Industry

Title: Two-Timescale Model Caching and Resource Allocation for Edge-Enabled AI-Generated Content Services

Title: DPCL-Diff: The Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning based on Graph Node Diffusion Model with Dual-Domain Periodic Contrastive Learning

Title: Anomalous Client Detection in Federated Learning

Title: EEE-Bench: A Comprehensive Multimodal Electrical And Electronics Engineering Benchmark

Title: Towards Small Object Editing: A Benchmark Dataset and A Training-Free Approach

Title: Conditional Controllable Image Fusion

Title: DreamPolish: Domain Score Distillation With Progressive Geometry Generation

Title: VQ-Map: Bird's-Eye-View Map Layout Estimation in Tokenized Discrete Space via Vector Quantization

Title: Optical Flow Representation Alignment Mamba Diffusion Model for Medical Video Generation

Title: GraphXForm: Graph transformer for computer-aided molecular design with application to extraction

Title: Robust Neural Processes for Noisy Data

Title: Rethinking Weight Decay for Robust Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Title: Data Augmentations Go Beyond Encoding Invariances: A Theoretical Study on Self-Supervised Learning

Title: Learning predictable and robust neural representations by straightening image sequences

Title: High-Pass Graph Convolutional Network for Enhanced Anomaly Detection: A Novel Approach

Title: DiffuMask-Editor: A Novel Paradigm of Integration Between the Segmentation Diffusion Model and Image Editing to Improve Segmentation Ability

Title: OwMatch: Conditional Self-Labeling with Consistency for Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

Title: ElasTST: Towards Robust Varied-Horizon Forecasting with Elastic Time-Series Transformer

Title: Masked Autoencoders are Parameter-Efficient Federated Continual Learners

Title: Exploring the Landscape for Generative Sequence Models for Specialized Data Synthesis

Title: N-Gram Induction Heads for In-Context RL: Improving Stability and Reducing Data Needs

Title: Active Gaze Behavior Boosts Self-Supervised Object Learning

Title: Understanding Variational Autoencoders with Intrinsic Dimension and Information Imbalance

Title: Culinary Class Wars: Evaluating LLMs using ASH in Cuisine Transfer Task

Title: Shortcut Learning in In-Context Learning: A Survey

Title: Addressing Representation Collapse in Vector Quantized Models with One Linear Layer

Title: AM Flow: Adapters for Temporal Processing in Action Recognition

Title: Model Integrity when Unlearning with T2I Diffusion Models

Title: Training on test proteins improves fitness, structure, and function prediction

Title: Bridge-IF: Learning Inverse Protein Folding with Markov Bridges

Title: Adaptive Sparse Allocation with Mutual Choice & Feature Choice Sparse Autoencoders

Title: Revisiting K-mer Profile for Effective and Scalable Genome Representation Learning

Title: Supervised Transfer Learning Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Wind Turbines

Title: Improving Domain Generalization in Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation via Stabilized Adversarial Training

Title: SAFE: Slow and Fast Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models

Title: CleAR: Robust Context-Guided Generative Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality

Title: Digi2Real: Bridging the Realism Gap in Synthetic Data Face Recognition via Foundation Models

Title: Provably Transformers Harness Multi-Concept Word Semantics for Efficient In-Context Learning

Title: FewViewGS: Gaussian Splatting with Few View Matching and Multi-stage Training

Title: 3D Audio-Visual Segmentation

Title: Unified Speech Recognition: A Single Model for Auditory, Visual, and Audiovisual Inputs

Title: Counterfactual Explanations via Riemannian Latent Space Traversal

Title: Hunyuan3D-1.0: A Unified Framework for Text-to-3D and Image-to-3D Generation

Title: Grouped Discrete Representation for Object-Centric Learning

Title: Defining and Evaluating Physical Safety for Large Language Models

Title: LayerDAG: A Layerwise Autoregressive Diffusion Model for Directed Acyclic Graph Generation

Title: MVPaint: Synchronized Multi-View Diffusion for Painting Anything 3D

Title: Machine learning identification of maternal inflammatory response and histologic choroamnionitis from placental membrane whole slide images

Title: Learning General-Purpose Biomedical Volume Representations using Randomized Synthesis

Title: How Far is Video Generation from World Model: A Physical Law Perspective

Title: AutoVFX: Physically Realistic Video Editing from Natural Language Instructions

Title: Training-free Regional Prompting for Diffusion Transformers

Title: Adaptive Caching for Faster Video Generation with Diffusion Transformers

Title: Prompting with Phonemes: Enhancing LLM Multilinguality for non-Latin Script Languages