
Title: Undermining Image and Text Classification Algorithms Using Adversarial Attacks

Title: Pedestrian Volume Prediction Using a Diffusion Convolutional Gated Recurrent Unit Model

Title: DM4Steal: Diffusion Model For Link Stealing Attack On Graph Neural Networks

Title: Enhanced Real-Time Threat Detection in 5G Networks: A Self-Attention RNN Autoencoder Approach for Spectral Intrusion Analysis

Title: Personal Data Protection in AI-Native 6G Systems

Title: Pathway-Guided Optimization of Deep Generative Molecular Design Models for Cancer Therapy

Title: Self Supervised Networks for Learning Latent Space Representations of Human Body Scans and Motions

Title: Rainfall regression from C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar using Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: SynthSet: Generative Diffusion Model for Semantic Segmentation in Precision Agriculture

Title: Exploring the Benefits of Domain-Pretraining of Generative Large Language Models for Chemistry

Title: Estimating Ego-Body Pose from Doubly Sparse Egocentric Video Data

Title: From Medprompt to o1: Exploration of Run-Time Strategies for Medical Challenge Problems and Beyond

Title: These Maps Are Made by Propagation: Adapting Deep Stereo Networks to Road Scenarios with Decisive Disparity Diffusion

Title: NeurIPS 2023 Competition: Privacy Preserving Federated Learning Document VQA

Title: SA3DIP: Segment Any 3D Instance with Potential 3D Priors

Title: Generalize or Detect? Towards Robust Semantic Segmentation Under Multiple Distribution Shifts

Title: ROBIN: Robust and Invisible Watermarks for Diffusion Models with Adversarial Optimization

Title: EXPLORA: Efficient Exemplar Subset Selection for Complex Reasoning

Title: RAGulator: Lightweight Out-of-Context Detectors for Grounded Text Generation

Title: Self-supervised Representation Learning for Cell Event Recognition through Time Arrow Prediction

Title: GUIDE-VAE: Advancing Data Generation with User Information and Pattern Dictionaries

Title: Can Custom Models Learn In-Context? An Exploration of Hybrid Architecture Performance on In-Context Learning Tasks

Title: Face Reconstruction from Face Embeddings using Adapter to a Face Foundation Model

Title: ReEdit: Multimodal Exemplar-Based Image Editing with Diffusion Models

Title: Towards Resource-Efficient Federated Learning in Industrial IoT for Multivariate Time Series Analysis

Title: M3SciQA: A Multi-Modal Multi-Document Scientific QA Benchmark for Evaluating Foundation Models

Title: Medical Adaptation of Large Language and Vision-Language Models: Are We Making Progress?

Title: Community Forensics: Using Thousands of Generators to Train Fake Image Detectors