
Title: Generative Artificial Intelligence Meets Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Survey

Title: From Word Vectors to Multimodal Embeddings: Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions For Large Language Models

Title: FMEA Builder: Expert Guided Text Generation for Equipment Maintenance

Title: Exploiting the Structure of Two Graphs with Graph Neural Networks

Title: Interpretable Measurement of CNN Deep Feature Density using Copula and the Generalized Characteristic Function

Title: Adversarial Robustness of In-Context Learning in Transformers for Linear Regression

Title: Explaining Mixtures of Sources in News Articles

Title: Generalizable Single-Source Cross-modality Medical Image Segmentation via Invariant Causal Mechanisms

Title: Generating Highly Designable Proteins with Geometric Algebra Flow Matching

Title: Cancer-Net SCa-Synth: An Open Access Synthetically Generated 2D Skin Lesion Dataset for Skin Cancer Classification

Title: Distributed-Order Fractional Graph Operating Network

Title: ZOPP: A Framework of Zero-shot Offboard Panoptic Perception for Autonomous Driving

Title: RED: Residual Estimation Diffusion for Low-Dose PET Sinogram Reconstruction

Title: Dynamic-SUPERB Phase-2: A Collaboratively Expanding Benchmark for Measuring the Capabilities of Spoken Language Models with 180 Tasks

Title: WeatherGFM: Learning A Weather Generalist Foundation Model via In-context Learning

Title: Bridging the Gap between Learning and Inference for Diffusion-Based Molecule Generation

Title: Improving image synthesis with diffusion-negative sampling

Title: Do Histopathological Foundation Models Eliminate Batch Effects? A Comparative Study

Title: Towards Scalable Foundation Models for Digital Dermatology

Title: Towards Lifelong Few-Shot Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion

Title: Training objective drives the consistency of representational similarity across datasets

Title: Open-set object detection: towards unified problem formulation and benchmarking

Title: Machine learning-driven Anomaly Detection and Forecasting for Euclid Space Telescope Operations

Title: Predicting Stroke through Retinal Graphs and Multimodal Self-supervised Learning

Title: Improving Molecular Graph Generation with Flow Matching and Optimal Transport

Title: Tell What You Hear From What You See -- Video to Audio Generation Through Text

Title: Image2Text2Image: A Novel Framework for Label-Free Evaluation of Image-to-Text Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: STARS: Sensor-agnostic Transformer Architecture for Remote Sensing

Title: StdGEN: Semantic-Decomposed 3D Character Generation from Single Images

Title: Tract-RLFormer: A Tract-Specific RL policy based Decoder-only Transformer Network