
Title: Learning From Graph-Structured Data: Addressing Design Issues and Exploring Practical Applications in Graph Representation Learning

Title: Anomaly Detection in OKTA Logs using Autoencoders

Title: Exploring Variational Autoencoders for Medical Image Generation: A Comprehensive Study

Title: Feature-Space Semantic Invariance: Enhanced OOD Detection for Open-Set Domain Generalization

Title: Using Generative AI and Multi-Agents to Provide Automatic Feedback

Title: XPoint: A Self-Supervised Visual-State-Space based Architecture for Multispectral Image Registration

Title: All-in-one Weather-degraded Image Restoration via Adaptive Degradation-aware Self-prompting Model

Title: Tracing the Roots: Leveraging Temporal Dynamics in Diffusion Trajectories for Origin Attribution

Title: MureObjectStitch: Multi-reference Image Composition

Title: MSEG-VCUQ: Multimodal SEGmentation with Enhanced Vision Foundation Models, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Uncertainty Quantification for High-Speed Video Phase Detection Data

Title: Semi-Truths: A Large-Scale Dataset of AI-Augmented Images for Evaluating Robustness of AI-Generated Image detectors

Title: FM-TS: Flow Matching for Time Series Generation

Title: Contrastive Language Prompting to Ease False Positives in Medical Anomaly Detection

Title: Disentangling Tabular Data towards Better One-Class Anomaly Detection

Title: Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Video Generation

Title: Unraveling the Connections between Flow Matching and Diffusion Probabilistic Models in Training-free Conditional Generation

Title: Leveraging Previous Steps: A Training-free Fast Solver for Flow Diffusion

Title: Evaluating the Generation of Spatial Relations in Text and Image Generative Models

Title: Emotion Classification of Children Expressions

Title: Spatially Regularized Graph Attention Autoencoder Framework for Detecting Rainfall Extremes

Title: Novel View Synthesis with Pixel-Space Diffusion Models

Title: Federated Low-Rank Adaptation with Differential Privacy over Wireless Networks

Title: Tucano: Advancing Neural Text Generation for Portuguese

Title: Diverse capability and scaling of diffusion and auto-regressive models when learning abstract rules

Title: JanusFlow: Harmonizing Autoregression and Rectified Flow for Unified Multimodal Understanding and Generation

Title: Wavelet Latent Diffusion (Wala): Billion-Parameter 3D Generative Model with Compact Wavelet Encodings

Title: GaussianAnything: Interactive Point Cloud Latent Diffusion for 3D Generation

Title: Scaling Properties of Diffusion Models for Perceptual Tasks