
Title: EAPCR: A Universal Feature Extractor for Scientific Data without Explicit Feature Relation Patterns

Title: Latent Space Disentanglement in Diffusion Transformers Enables Precise Zero-shot Semantic Editing

Title: Joint Diffusion models in Continual Learning

Title: Retrieval Augmented Time Series Forecasting

Title: SDDBench: A Benchmark for Synthesizable Drug Design

Title: Motion Control for Enhanced Complex Action Video Generation

Title: Physics Informed Distillation for Diffusion Models

Title: CLaSP: Learning Concepts for Time-Series Signals from Natural Language Supervision

Title: V2X-R: Cooperative LiDAR-4D Radar Fusion for 3D Object Detection with Denoising Diffusion

Title: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Fusing Functional and Structural Connectivity for MCI Diagnosis

Title: Can MLLMs Guide Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization Tasks?

Title: HyperFace: Generating Synthetic Face Recognition Datasets by Exploring Face Embedding Hypersphere

Title: A survey on Graph Deep Representation Learning for Facial Expression Recognition

Title: Graph Neural Networks in Supply Chain Analytics and Optimization: Concepts, Perspectives, Dataset and Benchmarks

Title: Zero-shot capability of SAM-family models for bone segmentation in CT scans

Title: Towards More Accurate Fake Detection on Images Generated from Advanced Generative and Neural Rendering Models

Title: Accelerating Quasi-Static Time Series Simulations with Foundation Models

Title: MikuDance: Animating Character Art with Mixed Motion Dynamics

Title: Toward Human Understanding with Controllable Synthesis

Title: Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos Based on Two-Stream I3D Convolution Network

Title: Masked Image Modeling Boosting Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Title: The Limited Impact of Medical Adaptation of Large Language and Vision-Language Models

Title: 4D Gaussian Splatting in the Wild with Uncertainty-Aware Regularization