
Title: Towards Neural Foundation Models for Vision: Aligning EEG, MEG, and fMRI Representations for Decoding, Encoding, and Modality Conversion

Title: Partial Multi-View Clustering via Meta-Learning and Contrastive Feature Alignment

Title: Modeling human decomposition: a Bayesian approach

Title: A Self-Supervised Model for Multi-modal Stroke Risk Prediction

Title: Architect: Generating Vivid and Interactive 3D Scenes with Hierarchical 2D Inpainting

Title: Real-time Adapting Routing (RAR): Improving Efficiency Through Continuous Learning in Software Powered by Layered Foundation Models

Title: Deep Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Wildfire Prediction

Title: Enhancing Diffusion Posterior Sampling for Inverse Problems by Integrating Crafted Measurements

Title: Face De-identification: State-of-the-art Methods and Comparative Studies

Title: Content-Aware Preserving Image Generation

Title: Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning via Domain Adaptation and Reward Augmented Imitation

Title: Memory Proxy Maps for Visual Navigation

Title: Free Lunch in Pathology Foundation Model: Task-specific Model Adaptation with Concept-Guided Feature Enhancement

Title: DiffFNO: Diffusion Fourier Neural Operator

Title: A Polarization Image Dehazing Method Based on the Principle of Physical Diffusion

Title: Is Precise Recovery Necessary? A Task-Oriented Imputation Approach for Time Series Forecasting on Variable Subset

Title: JRadiEvo: A Japanese Radiology Report Generation Model Enhanced by Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging

Title: Instruction-Guided Editing Controls for Images and Multimedia: A Survey in LLM era

Title: Large Language Models as User-Agents for Evaluating Task-Oriented-Dialogue Systems

Title: Adaptive Non-Uniform Timestep Sampling for Diffusion Model Training

Title: Information Extraction from Clinical Notes: Are We Ready to Switch to Large Language Models?

Title: GSEditPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing with Attention-based Progressive Localization

Title: Physics-informed neural networks need a physicist to be accurate: the case of mass and heat transport in Fischer-Tropsch catalyst particles

Title: CorrCLIP: Reconstructing Correlations in CLIP with Off-the-Shelf Foundation Models for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Title: PFML: Self-Supervised Learning of Time-Series Data Without Representation Collapse

Title: Towards Multi-View Consistent Style Transfer with One-Step Diffusion via Vision Conditioning

Title: Outliers resistant image classification by anomaly detection

Title: STLight: a Fully Convolutional Approach for Efficient Predictive Learning by Spatio-Temporal joint Processing

Title: Learning Generalizable 3D Manipulation With 10 Demonstrations

Title: ColorEdit: Training-free Image-Guided Color editing with diffusion model

Title: ScribbleVS: Scribble-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Dynamic Competitive Pseudo Label Selection

Title: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Guidance for Diffusion Models

Title: 4DPV: 4D Pet from Videos by Coarse-to-Fine Non-Rigid Radiance Fields

Title: Modification Takes Courage: Seamless Image Stitching via Reference-Driven Inpainting

Title: Probabilistic Prior Driven Attention Mechanism Based on Diffusion Model for Imaging Through Atmospheric Turbulence

Title: Y-MAP-Net: Real-time depth, normals, segmentation, multi-label captioning and 2D human pose in RGB images

Title: Mechanisms of Generative Image-to-Image Translation Networks

Title: Towards High-Fidelity 3D Portrait Generation with Rich Details by Cross-View Prior-Aware Diffusion

Title: Repurposing Stable Diffusion Attention for Training-Free Unsupervised Interactive Segmentation

Title: Back to Supervision: Boosting Word Boundary Detection through Frame Classification

Title: M-VAR: Decoupled Scale-wise Autoregressive Modeling for High-Quality Image Generation