
Title: DiHuR: Diffusion-Guided Generalizable Human Reconstruction

Title: SymDPO: Boosting In-Context Learning of Large Multimodal Models with Symbol Demonstration Direct Preference Optimization

Title: AIGS: Generating Science from AI-Powered Automated Falsification

Title: F$^3$OCUS -- Federated Finetuning of Vision-Language Foundation Models with Optimal Client Layer Updating Strategy via Multi-objective Meta-Heuristics

Title: DeSiRe-GS: 4D Street Gaussians for Static-Dynamic Decomposition and Surface Reconstruction for Urban Driving Scenes

Title: Continuous Speculative Decoding for Autoregressive Image Generation

Title: SpatialDreamer: Self-supervised Stereo Video Synthesis from Monocular Input

Title: Medical Video Generation for Disease Progression Simulation

Title: Analyzing and Improving the Skin Tone Consistency and Bias in Implicit 3D Relightable Face Generators

Title: In-Situ Melt Pool Characterization via Thermal Imaging for Defect Detection in Directed Energy Deposition Using Vision Transformers

Title: Zoomed In, Diffused Out: Towards Local Degradation-Aware Multi-Diffusion for Extreme Image Super-Resolution

Title: Just Leaf It: Accelerating Diffusion Classifiers with Hierarchical Class Pruning

Title: Molecule Generation with Fragment Retrieval Augmentation

Title: FruitNinja: 3D Object Interior Texture Generation with Gaussian Splatting

Title: Distill the Best, Ignore the Rest: Improving Dataset Distillation with Loss-Value-Based Pruning

Title: MMBind: Unleashing the Potential of Distributed and Heterogeneous Data for Multimodal Learning in IoT

Title: A Computational Method for Measuring "Open Codes" in Qualitative Analysis

Title: Self-Supervised Learning in Deep Networks: A Pathway to Robust Few-Shot Classification

Title: A Combined Encoder and Transformer Approach for Coherent and High-Quality Text Generation

Title: UrbanDiT: A Foundation Model for Open-World Urban Spatio-Temporal Learning

Title: Sketch-guided Cage-based 3D Gaussian Splatting Deformation

Title: Diffusion-Inspired Cold Start with Sufficient Prior in Computerized Adaptive Testing

Title: Constant Rate Schedule: Constant-Rate Distributional Change for Efficient Training and Sampling in Diffusion Models

Title: CCIS-Diff: A Generative Model with Stable Diffusion Prior for Controlled Colonoscopy Image Synthesis

Title: Invariant Shape Representation Learning For Image Classification

Title: Neuro-3D: Towards 3D Visual Decoding from EEG Signals

Title: KDC-MAE: Knowledge Distilled Contrastive Mask Auto-Encoder

Title: A Review on Generative AI Models for Synthetic Medical Text, Time Series, and Longitudinal Data

Title: HouseLLM: LLM-Assisted Two-Phase Text-to-Floorplan Generation

Title: SSEditor: Controllable Mask-to-Scene Generation with Diffusion Model

Title: Generative Timelines for Instructed Visual Assembly

Title: Physics-Guided Detector for SAR Airplanes

Title: Diffusion Product Quantization

Title: Combinational Backdoor Attack against Customized Text-to-Image Models

Title: Large Language Models for Lossless Image Compression: Next-Pixel Prediction in Language Space is All You Need

Title: \textsc{Neon}: News Entity-Interaction Extraction for Enhanced Question Answering

Title: Frequency-Aware Guidance for Blind Image Restoration via Diffusion Models

Title: Empirical Privacy Evaluations of Generative and Predictive Machine Learning Models -- A review and challenges for practice

Title: GaussianPretrain: A Simple Unified 3D Gaussian Representation for Visual Pre-training in Autonomous Driving

Title: Data Pruning in Generative Diffusion Models

Title: Contourlet Refinement Gate Framework for Thermal Spectrum Distribution Regularized Infrared Image Super-Resolution

Title: UMGAD: Unsupervised Multiplex Graph Anomaly Detection

Title: Exploring the Manifold of Neural Networks Using Diffusion Geometry

Title: PoM: Efficient Image and Video Generation with the Polynomial Mixer

Title: Auto-Evaluation with Few Labels through Post-hoc Regression

Title: When Backdoors Speak: Understanding LLM Backdoor Attacks Through Model-Generated Explanations