
Title: HunyuanVideo: A Systematic Framework For Large Video Generative Models

Title: MV-Adapter: Multi-view Consistent Image Generation Made Easy

Title: Multi-view Image Diffusion via Coordinate Noise and Fourier Attention

Title: The broader spectrum of in-context learning

Title: Expressivity of Representation Learning on Continuous-Time Dynamic Graphs: An Information-Flow Centric Review

Title: Coordinate In and Value Out: Training Flow Transformers in Ambient Space

Title: EditScout: Locating Forged Regions from Diffusion-based Edited Images with Multimodal LLM

Title: Pinco: Position-induced Consistent Adapter for Diffusion Transformer in Foreground-conditioned Inpainting

Title: CLIP-FSAC++: Few-Shot Anomaly Classification with Anomaly Descriptor Based on CLIP

Title: A large language model-type architecture for high-dimensional molecular potential energy surfaces

Title: CreatiLayout: Siamese Multimodal Diffusion Transformer for Creative Layout-to-Image Generation

Title: Training MLPs on Graphs without Supervision

Title: Safeguarding Text-to-Image Generation via Inference-Time Prompt-Noise Optimization

Title: DiffSign: AI-Assisted Generation of Customizable Sign Language Videos With Enhanced Realism

Title: Transferring self-supervised pre-trained models for SHM data anomaly detection with scarce labeled data

Title: A Noise is Worth Diffusion Guidance

Title: ONER: Online Experience Replay for Incremental Anomaly Detection

Title: Privacy-Preserving in Medical Image Analysis: A Review of Methods and Applications

Title: InfiniCube: Unbounded and Controllable Dynamic 3D Driving Scene Generation with World-Guided Video Models

Title: AIpparel: A Large Multimodal Generative Model for Digital Garments

Title: Enhancing and Accelerating Diffusion-Based Inverse Problem Solving through Measurements Optimization

Title: A Framework For Image Synthesis Using Supervised Contrastive Learning

Title: Local Curvature Smoothing with Stein's Identity for Efficient Score Matching

Title: IF-MDM: Implicit Face Motion Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity Realtime Talking Head Generation

Title: PriorMotion: Generative Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction with Raster-Vector Motion Field Priors

Title: Boundary-Guided Learning for Gene Expression Prediction in Spatial Transcriptomics

Title: SoRA: Singular Value Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation for Domain Generalizable Representation Learning

Title: MRGen: Diffusion-based Controllable Data Engine for MRI Segmentation towards Unannotated Modalities

Title: Compositional Generative Multiphysics and Multi-component Simulation

Title: Understanding Memorization in Generative Models via Sharpness in Probability Landscapes

Title: AnyDressing: Customizable Multi-Garment Virtual Dressing via Latent Diffusion Models

Title: Instructional Video Generation

Title: PANGAEA: A Global and Inclusive Benchmark for Geospatial Foundation Models

Title: VASCAR: Content-Aware Layout Generation via Visual-Aware Self-Correction

Title: LMDM:Latent Molecular Diffusion Model For 3D Molecule Generation

Title: Quantifying the Limits of Segment Anything Model: Analyzing Challenges in Segmenting Tree-Like and Low-Contrast Structures

Title: SCADE: Scalable Command-line Anomaly Detection Engine

Title: SynFinTabs: A Dataset of Synthetic Financial Tables for Information and Table Extraction

Title: SIDA: Social Media Image Deepfake Detection, Localization and Explanation with Large Multimodal Model

Title: SwiftEdit: Lightning Fast Text-Guided Image Editing via One-Step Diffusion

Title: Towards Zero-shot 3D Anomaly Localization

Title: The Hyperfitting Phenomenon: Sharpening and Stabilizing LLMs for Open-Ended Text Generation

Title: Retrieval-Augmented Machine Translation with Unstructured Knowledge

Title: RMD: A Simple Baseline for More General Human Motion Generation via Training-free Retrieval-Augmented Motion Diffuse

Title: ActFusion: a Unified Diffusion Model for Action Segmentation and Anticipation

Title: Finer Behavioral Foundation Models via Auto-Regressive Features and Advantage Weighting

Title: Discriminative Fine-tuning of LVLMs

Title: Florence-VL: Enhancing Vision-Language Models with Generative Vision Encoder and Depth-Breadth Fusion

Title: Infinity: Scaling Bitwise AutoRegressive Modeling for High-Resolution Image Synthesis

Title: Divot: Diffusion Powers Video Tokenizer for Comprehension and Generation

Title: Towards Real-Time Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation

Title: Learning Artistic Signatures: Symmetry Discovery and Style Transfer

Title: DiCoDe: Diffusion-Compressed Deep Tokens for Autoregressive Video Generation with Language Models

Title: MEMO: Memory-Guided Diffusion for Expressive Talking Video Generation

Title: Four-Plane Factorized Video Autoencoders

Title: LayerFusion: Harmonized Multi-Layer Text-to-Image Generation with Generative Priors

Title: 4Real-Video: Learning Generalizable Photo-Realistic 4D Video Diffusion

Title: Turbo3D: Ultra-fast Text-to-3D Generation

Title: PaintScene4D: Consistent 4D Scene Generation from Text Prompts

Title: Stereo Anywhere: Robust Zero-Shot Deep Stereo Matching Even Where Either Stereo or Mono Fail