
Title: Poison Attacks and Adversarial Prompts Against an Informed University Virtual Assistant

Title: TransitGPT: A Generative AI-based framework for interacting with GTFS data using Large Language Models

Title: MDiFF: Exploiting Multimodal Score-based Diffusion Models for New Fashion Product Performance Forecasting

Title: Comb Tensor Networks vs. Matrix Product States: Enhanced Efficiency in High-Dimensional Spaces

Title: Generating floorplans for various building functionalities via latent diffusion model

Title: Political-LLM: Large Language Models in Political Science

Title: SafeWatch: An Efficient Safety-Policy Following Video Guardrail Model with Transparent Explanations

Title: Enhancing operational wind downscaling capabilities over Canada: Application of a Conditional Wasserstein GAN methodology

Title: Machine Unlearning Doesn't Do What You Think: Lessons for Generative AI Policy, Research, and Practice

Title: Edge-SD-SR: Low Latency and Parameter Efficient On-device Super-Resolution with Stable Diffusion via Bidirectional Conditioning

Title: Diffusing Differentiable Representations

Title: TAE: A Model-Constrained Tikhonov Autoencoder Approach for Forward and Inverse Problems

Title: Asynchronous LLM Function Calling

Title: GenAI4UQ: A Software for Inverse Uncertainty Quantification Using Conditional Generative Models

Title: Deep Learning for Cross-Border Transaction Anomaly Detection in Anti-Money Laundering Systems

Title: EvRepSL: Event-Stream Representation via Self-Supervised Learning for Event-Based Vision

Title: Creative Portraiture: Exploring Creative Adversarial Networks and Conditional Creative Adversarial Networks

Title: A Review of Human Emotion Synthesis Based on Generative Technology

Title: DiffCLIP: Few-shot Language-driven Multimodal Classifier

Title: A multimodal ensemble approach for clear cell renal cell carcinoma treatment outcome prediction

Title: FIRE: Robust Detection of Diffusion-Generated Images via Frequency-Guided Reconstruction Error

Title: RAP-SR: RestorAtion Prior Enhancement in Diffusion Models for Realistic Image Super-Resolution

Title: Hero-SR: One-Step Diffusion for Super-Resolution with Human Perception Priors

Title: Exploring What Why and How: A Multifaceted Benchmark for Causation Understanding of Video Anomaly

Title: A Step towards Automated and Generalizable Tactile Map Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks

Title: Fine-grained Text to Image Synthesis

Title: Moderating the Generalization of Score-based Generative Model

Title: Label-Confidence-Aware Uncertainty Estimation in Natural Language Generation

Title: A Generative Victim Model for Segmentation

Title: Addressing Key Challenges of Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in the Tabular Domain: A Methodological Framework for Coherence and Consistency

Title: Fusion Embedding for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis with Diffusion Model

Title: SpecFuse: Ensembling Large Language Models via Next-Segment Prediction

Title: LOGen: Toward Lidar Object Generation by Point Diffusion

Title: Learning Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Representations for Sound Recommendations

Title: Towards Graph Foundation Models: A Study on the Generalization of Positional and Structural Encodings

Title: Generating Knowledge Graphs from Large Language Models: A Comparative Study of GPT-4, LLaMA 2, and BERT

Title: Bilingual BSARD: Extending Statutory Article Retrieval to Dutch

Title: Anomaly detection using Diffusion-based methods

Title: Unlocking the Potential of Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection

Title: Mobile Video Diffusion

Title: Paired Wasserstein Autoencoders for Conditional Sampling

Title: DiffSensei: Bridging Multi-Modal LLMs and Diffusion Models for Customized Manga Generation

Title: DRUM: Learning Demonstration Retriever for Large MUlti-modal Models

Title: ChocoLlama: Lessons Learned From Teaching Llamas Dutch

Title: TraSCE: Trajectory Steering for Concept Erasure

Title: Proc-GS: Procedural Building Generation for City Assembly with 3D Gaussians

Title: FiVA: Fine-grained Visual Attribute Dataset for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Title: RADIO Amplified: Improved Baselines for Agglomerative Vision Foundation Models

Title: SimVS: Simulating World Inconsistencies for Robust View Synthesis

Title: ACDiT: Interpolating Autoregressive Conditional Modeling and Diffusion Transformer

Title: STIV: Scalable Text and Image Conditioned Video Generation

Title: Image Retrieval with Intra-Sweep Representation Learning for Neck Ultrasound Scanning Guidance

Title: LoRA3D: Low-Rank Self-Calibration of 3D Geometric Foundation Models

Title: Multi-Shot Character Consistency for Text-to-Video Generation

Title: PortraitTalk: Towards Customizable One-Shot Audio-to-Talking Face Generation

Title: 3DTrajMaster: Mastering 3D Trajectory for Multi-Entity Motion in Video Generation

Title: SynCamMaster: Synchronizing Multi-Camera Video Generation from Diverse Viewpoints

Title: Repurposing Pre-trained Video Diffusion Models for Event-based Video Interpolation

Title: Make-A-Texture: Fast Shape-Aware Texture Generation in 3 Seconds

Title: Learning Visual Generative Priors without Text

Title: From an Image to a Scene: Learning to Imagine the World from a Million 360 Videos

Title: From Slow Bidirectional to Fast Causal Video Generators

Title: Efficient Diversity-Preserving Diffusion Alignment via Gradient-Informed GFlowNets

Title: Video Motion Transfer with Diffusion Transformers