
Title: Evaluation Agent: Efficient and Promptable Evaluation Framework for Visual Generative Models

Title: From Noise to Nuance: Advances in Deep Generative Image Models

Title: Omni-ID: Holistic Identity Representation Designed for Generative Tasks

Title: CUAL: Continual Uncertainty-aware Active Learner

Title: Diffusion-Enhanced Test-time Adaptation with Text and Image Augmentation

Title: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Gaussian Score Approximation for Diffusion Models and its Applications

Title: Agtech Framework for Cranberry-Ripening Analysis Using Vision Foundation Models

Title: Toward Foundation Model for Multivariate Wearable Sensing of Physiological Signals

Title: CP-DETR: Concept Prompt Guide DETR Toward Stronger Universal Object Detection

Title: FDM-Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models in Additive Manufacturing Tasks

Title: Dynamic Try-On: Taming Video Virtual Try-on with Dynamic Attention Mechanism

Title: MSC: Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Causal Attention for Autoregressive Video Diffusion

Title: Leveraging Programmatically Generated Synthetic Data for Differentially Private Diffusion Training

Title: Learning Structural Causal Models from Ordering: Identifiable Flow Models

Title: Real-time Identity Defenses against Malicious Personalization of Diffusion Models

Title: LinGen: Towards High-Resolution Minute-Length Text-to-Video Generation with Linear Computational Complexity

Title: T-GMSI: A transformer-based generative model for spatial interpolation under sparse measurements

Title: IQViC: In-context, Question Adaptive Vision Compressor for Long-term Video Understanding LMMs

Title: Prompt2Perturb (P2P): Text-Guided Diffusion-Based Adversarial Attacks on Breast Ultrasound Images

Title: All-in-One: Transferring Vision Foundation Models into Stereo Matching

Title: FaceShield: Defending Facial Image against Deepfake Threats

Title: Efficient Dataset Distillation via Diffusion-Driven Patch Selection for Improved Generalization

Title: EP-CFG: Energy-Preserving Classifier-Free Guidance

Title: Object-Focused Data Selection for Dense Prediction Tasks

Title: SuperMark: Robust and Training-free Image Watermarking via Diffusion-based Super-Resolution

Title: Quaffure: Real-Time Quasi-Static Neural Hair Simulation

Title: RETQA: A Large-Scale Open-Domain Tabular Question Answering Dataset for Real Estate Sector

Title: Filter or Compensate: Towards Invariant Representation from Distribution Shift for Anomaly Detection

Title: The Art of Deception: Color Visual Illusions and Diffusion Models

Title: Feature Selection for Latent Factor Models

Title: ROUTE: Robust Multitask Tuning and Collaboration for Text-to-SQL

Title: SwiftTry: Fast and Consistent Video Virtual Try-On with Diffusion Models

Title: Simple Guidance Mechanisms for Discrete Diffusion Models

Title: Efficient Generative Modeling with Residual Vector Quantization-Based Tokens

Title: GAF: Gaussian Avatar Reconstruction from Monocular Videos via Multi-view Diffusion

Title: Learning Complex Non-Rigid Image Edits from Multimodal Conditioning

Title: Adversarial Robustness of Bottleneck Injected Deep Neural Networks for Task-Oriented Communication

Title: Reasoner Outperforms: Generative Stance Detection with Rationalization for Social Media

Title: Probabilistic Inverse Cameras: Image to 3D via Multiview Geometry

Title: TIV-Diffusion: Towards Object-Centric Movement for Text-driven Image to Video Generation

Title: Coherent 3D Scene Diffusion From a Single RGB Image

Title: BrushEdit: All-In-One Image Inpainting and Editing

Title: Generative AI in Medicine

Title: A Universal Degradation-based Bridging Technique for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation