
Title: Scalable Early Childhood Reading Performance Prediction

Title: Generative Adversarial Reviews: When LLMs Become the Critic

Title: GPTDrawer: Enhancing Visual Synthesis through ChatGPT

Title: SVGFusion: Scalable Text-to-SVG Generation via Vector Space Diffusion

Title: CogNav: Cognitive Process Modeling for Object Goal Navigation with LLMs

Title: Unlocking Visual Secrets: Inverting Features with Diffusion Priors for Image Reconstruction

Title: Geo-LLaVA: A Large Multi-Modal Model for Solving Geometry Math Problems with Meta In-Context Learning

Title: Explaining Model Overfitting in CNNs via GMM Clustering

Title: Dynamic Entity-Masked Graph Diffusion Model for histopathological image Representation Learning

Title: CognitionCapturer: Decoding Visual Stimuli From Human EEG Signal With Multimodal Information

Title: SafetyDPO: Scalable Safety Alignment for Text-to-Image Generation

Title: SnapGen-V: Generating a Five-Second Video within Five Seconds on a Mobile Device

Title: Towards Using Machine Learning to Generatively Simulate EV Charging in Urban Areas

Title: Too Big to Fool: Resisting Deception in Language Models

Title: Towards Unified Benchmark and Models for Multi-Modal Perceptual Metrics

Title: EvalGIM: A Library for Evaluating Generative Image Models

Title: CATALOG: A Camera Trap Language-guided Contrastive Learning Model

Title: Control of Overfitting with Physics

Title: Diagnosing Unknown Attacks in Smart Homes Using Abductive Reasoning

Title: NeuralPLexer3: Physio-Realistic Biomolecular Complex Structure Prediction with Flow Models

Title: Neural Network Meta Classifier: Improving the Reliability of Anomaly Segmentation

Title: Sample-efficient Unsupervised Policy Cloning from Ensemble Self-supervised Labeled Videos

Title: Video Diffusion Transformers are In-Context Learners

Title: StyleDiT: A Unified Framework for Diverse Child and Partner Faces Synthesis with Style Latent Diffusion Transformer

Title: Optimizing Few-Step Sampler for Diffusion Probabilistic Model

Title: Diffusion-based Method for Satellite Pattern-of-Life Identification

Title: Diffusion Model from Scratch

Title: Unbiased General Annotated Dataset Generation

Title: Zigzag Diffusion Sampling: The Path to Success Is Zigzag

Title: Know Unreported Roadway Incidents in Real-time: A Deep Learning Framework for Early Traffic Anomaly Detection

Title: Tokens, the oft-overlooked appetizer: Large language models, the distributional hypothesis, and meaning

Title: Video Representation Learning with Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures

Title: Progressive Compression with Universally Quantized Diffusion Models

Title: SoftVQ-VAE: Efficient 1-Dimensional Continuous Tokenizer

Title: Can LLMs Help Create Grammar?: Automating Grammar Creation for Endangered Languages with In-Context Learning

Title: FlowDock: Geometric Flow Matching for Generative Protein-Ligand Docking and Affinity Prediction

Title: DCSEG: Decoupled 3D Open-Set Segmentation using Gaussian Splatting

Title: PromptV: Leveraging LLM-powered Multi-Agent Prompting for High-quality Verilog Generation

Title: Exploring Diffusion and Flow Matching Under Generator Matching

Title: AURORA: Automated Unleash of 3D Room Outlines for VR Applications

Title: Semantic Steganography: A Framework for Robust and High-Capacity Information Hiding using Large Language Models

Title: Understanding and Mitigating Memorization in Diffusion Models for Tabular Data

Title: DisCo-DSO: Coupling Discrete and Continuous Optimization for Efficient Generative Design in Hybrid Spaces

Title: SHMT: Self-supervised Hierarchical Makeup Transfer via Latent Diffusion Models

Title: CFSynthesis: Controllable and Free-view 3D Human Video Synthesis

Title: HC-LLM: Historical-Constrained Large Language Models for Radiology Report Generation

Title: Edge Contrastive Learning: An Augmentation-Free Graph Contrastive Learning Model

Title: EquiFlow: Equivariant Conditional Flow Matching with Optimal Transport for 3D Molecular Conformation Prediction

Title: BarcodeMamba: State Space Models for Biodiversity Analysis

Title: GraphMoRE: Mitigating Topological Heterogeneity via Mixture of Riemannian Experts

Title: DynamicScaler: Seamless and Scalable Video Generation for Panoramic Scenes

Title: SpearBot: Leveraging Large Language Models in a Generative-Critique Framework for Spear-Phishing Email Generation

Title: AD-LLM: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Anomaly Detection

Title: Redefining Normal: A Novel Object-Level Approach for Multi-Object Novelty Detection

Title: Dual-Schedule Inversion: Training- and Tuning-Free Inversion for Real Image Editing

Title: OTLRM: Orthogonal Learning-based Low-Rank Metric for Multi-Dimensional Inverse Problems

Title: OccScene: Semantic Occupancy-based Cross-task Mutual Learning for 3D Scene Generation

Title: ViPOcc: Leveraging Visual Priors from Vision Foundation Models for Single-View 3D Occupancy Prediction

Title: GenLit: Reformulating Single-Image Relighting as Video Generation

Title: Learning Set Functions with Implicit Differentiation

Title: Wasserstein Bounds for generative diffusion models with Gaussian tail targets

Title: Wearable Accelerometer Foundation Models for Health via Knowledge Distillation

Title: VividFace: A Diffusion-Based Hybrid Framework for High-Fidelity Video Face Swapping

Title: Detecting Daily Living Gait Amid Huntington's Disease Chorea using a Foundation Deep Learning Model

Title: Grassmannian Geometry Meets Dynamic Mode Decomposition in DMD-GEN: A New Metric for Mode Collapse in Time Series Generative Models

Title: Segment-Level Diffusion: A Framework for Controllable Long-Form Generation with Diffusion Language Models

Title: ChatTime: A Unified Multimodal Time Series Foundation Model Bridging Numerical and Textual Data

Title: Adapting Segment Anything Model (SAM) to Experimental Datasets via Fine-Tuning on GAN-based Simulation: A Case Study in Additive Manufacturing

Title: Leveraging Retrieval-Augmented Tags for Large Vision-Language Understanding in Complex Scenes

Title: Quantization of Climate Change Impacts on Renewable Energy Generation Capacity: A Super-Resolution Recurrent Diffusion Model

Title: Scaled Conjugate Gradient Method for Nonconvex Optimization in Deep Neural Networks

Title: Biased or Flawed? Mitigating Stereotypes in Generative Language Models by Addressing Task-Specific Flaws

Title: Category Level 6D Object Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image using Diffusion

Title: Nearly Zero-Cost Protection Against Mimicry by Personalized Diffusion Models

Title: Towards Scientific Discovery with Generative AI: Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges

Title: View Transformation Robustness for Multi-View 3D Object Reconstruction with Reconstruction Error-Guided View Selection

Title: Bayesian Flow Is All You Need to Sample Out-of-Distribution Chemical Spaces

Title: UIBDiffusion: Universal Imperceptible Backdoor Attack for Diffusion Models

Title: MOVIS: Enhancing Multi-Object Novel View Synthesis for Indoor Scenes

Title: Understanding Knowledge Hijack Mechanism in In-context Learning through Associative Memory

Title: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Tabular Data Using Noise Evaluation

Title: FedCAR: Cross-client Adaptive Re-weighting for Generative Models in Federated Learning

Title: IGR: Improving Diffusion Model for Garment Restoration from Person Image

Title: LineArt: A Knowledge-guided Training-free High-quality Appearance Transfer for Design Drawing with Diffusion Model

Title: EditSplat: Multi-View Fusion and Attention-Guided Optimization for View-Consistent 3D Scene Editing with 3D Gaussian Splatting

Title: Towards a Speech Foundation Model for Singapore and Beyond

Title: MPQ-DM: Mixed Precision Quantization for Extremely Low Bit Diffusion Models

Title: Aligning Visual and Semantic Interpretability through Visually Grounded Concept Bottleneck Models

Title: StrandHead: Text to Strand-Disentangled 3D Head Avatars Using Hair Geometric Priors

Title: VersaGen: Unleashing Versatile Visual Control for Text-to-Image Synthesis

Title: 3D$^2$-Actor: Learning Pose-Conditioned 3D-Aware Denoiser for Realistic Gaussian Avatar Modeling

Title: VG-TVP: Multimodal Procedural Planning via Visually Grounded Text-Video Prompting

Title: Predicting the Original Appearance of Damaged Historical Documents

Title: IDProtector: An Adversarial Noise Encoder to Protect Against ID-Preserving Image Generation

Title: SE-GCL: An Event-Based Simple and Effective Graph Contrastive Learning for Text Representation

Title: Self-Adaptive Paraphrasing and Preference Learning for Improved Claim Verifiability

Title: $\texttt{DINO-Foresight}$: Looking into the Future with DINO

Title: CiTrus: Squeezing Extra Performance out of Low-data Bio-signal Transfer Learning

Title: On Large Language Models in Mission-Critical IT Governance: Are We Ready Yet?

Title: AsymRnR: Video Diffusion Transformers Acceleration with Asymmetric Reduction and Restoration

Title: Re-Attentional Controllable Video Diffusion Editing

Title: Transferable Adversarial Face Attack with Text Controlled Attribute

Title: Generative Inbetweening through Frame-wise Conditions-Driven Video Generation

Title: IDEA-Bench: How Far are Generative Models from Professional Designing?

Title: No More Adam: Learning Rate Scaling at Initialization is All You Need

Title: InterDyn: Controllable Interactive Dynamics with Video Diffusion Models

Title: Scalable Temporal Anomaly Causality Discovery in Large Systems: Achieving Computational Efficiency with Binary Anomaly Flag Data

Title: AMI-Net: Adaptive Mask Inpainting Network for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization

Title: ColorFlow: Retrieval-Augmented Image Sequence Colorization

Title: Spatiotemporal Blind-Spot Network with Calibrated Flow Alignment for Self-Supervised Video Denoising

Title: Wonderful Matrices: Combining for a More Efficient and Effective Foundation Model Architecture

Title: A Benchmark and Robustness Study of In-Context-Learning with Large Language Models in Music Entity Detection

Title: Event-based Motion Deblurring via Multi-Temporal Granularity Fusion

Title: PunchBench: Benchmarking MLLMs in Multimodal Punchline Comprehension

Title: CharacterBench: Benchmarking Character Customization of Large Language Models

Title: RetroLLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Retrieve Fine-grained Evidence within Generation

Title: PICLe: Pseudo-Annotations for In-Context Learning in Low-Resource Named Entity Detection

Title: Advancing Comprehensive Aesthetic Insight with Multi-Scale Text-Guided Self-Supervised Learning

Title: DARWIN 1.5: Large Language Models as Materials Science Adapted Learners

Title: Controllable Shadow Generation with Single-Step Diffusion Models from Synthetic Data

Title: Speech Foundation Models and Crowdsourcing for Efficient, High-Quality Data Collection

Title: SAMIC: Segment Anything with In-Context Spatial Prompt Engineering

Title: FSFM: A Generalizable Face Security Foundation Model via Self-Supervised Facial Representation Learning

Title: A LoRA is Worth a Thousand Pictures

Title: CPath-Omni: A Unified Multimodal Foundation Model for Patch and Whole Slide Image Analysis in Computational Pathology

Title: IDArb: Intrinsic Decomposition for Arbitrary Number of Input Views and Illuminations

Title: Wonderland: Navigating 3D Scenes from a Single Image

Title: CAP4D: Creating Animatable 4D Portrait Avatars with Morphable Multi-View Diffusion Models

Title: Causal Diffusion Transformers for Generative Modeling