
Title: SceneDiffuser: Efficient and Controllable Driving Simulation Initialization and Rollout

Title: PyOD 2: A Python Library for Outlier Detection with LLM-powered Model Selection

Title: What Makes In-context Learning Effective for Mathematical Reasoning: A Theoretical Analysis

Title: Multi-Surrogate-Teacher Assistance for Representation Alignment in Fingerprint-based Indoor Localization

Title: No Free Lunch for Defending Against Prefilling Attack by In-Context Learning

Title: Are Large Language Models Useful for Time Series Data Analysis?

Title: Can video generation replace cinematographers? Research on the cinematic language of generated video

Title: You Only Submit One Image to Find the Most Suitable Generative Model

Title: OmniPrism: Learning Disentangled Visual Concept for Image Generation

Title: Emergence of Abstractions: Concept Encoding and Decoding Mechanism for In-Context Learning in Transformers

Title: Towards a Universal Synthetic Video Detector: From Face or Background Manipulations to Fully AI-Generated Content

Title: F-RBA: A Federated Learning-based Framework for Risk-based Authentication

Title: BioRAGent: A Retrieval-Augmented Generation System for Showcasing Generative Query Expansion and Domain-Specific Search for Scientific Q&A

Title: Visual Instruction Tuning with 500x Fewer Parameters through Modality Linear Representation-Steering

Title: Efficient Scaling of Diffusion Transformers for Text-to-Image Generation

Title: Causally Consistent Normalizing Flow

Title: DeepSN: A Sheaf Neural Framework for Influence Maximization

Title: LazyDiT: Lazy Learning for the Acceleration of Diffusion Transformers

Title: PromptDet: A Lightweight 3D Object Detection Framework with LiDAR Prompts

Title: Pattern Analogies: Learning to Perform Programmatic Image Edits by Analogy

Title: Transferable and Forecastable User Targeting Foundation Model

Title: A Method for Enhancing Generalization of Adam by Multiple Integrations

Title: Track the Answer: Extending TextVQA from Image to Video with Spatio-Temporal Clues

Title: DocFusion: A Unified Framework for Document Parsing Tasks

Title: Invisible Watermarks: Attacks and Robustness

Title: Solid-SQL: Enhanced Schema-linking based In-context Learning for Robust Text-to-SQL

Title: Addressing Small and Imbalanced Medical Image Datasets Using Generative Models: A Comparative Study of DDPM and PGGANs with Random and Greedy K Sampling

Title: Stiefel Flow Matching for Moment-Constrained Structure Elucidation

Title: Consistent Diffusion: Denoising Diffusion Model with Data-Consistent Training for Image Restoration

Title: SAModified: A Foundation Model-Based Zero-Shot Approach for Refining Noisy Land-Use Land-Cover Maps

Title: Task-Agnostic Language Model Watermarking via High Entropy Passthrough Layers

Title: PBVS 2024 Solution: Self-Supervised Learning and Sampling Strategies for SAR Classification in Extreme Long-Tail Distribution

Title: ChatDiT: A Training-Free Baseline for Task-Agnostic Free-Form Chatting with Diffusion Transformers

Title: Process-Supervised Reward Models for Clinical Note Generation: A Scalable Approach Guided by Domain Expertise

Title: A Simple and Efficient Baseline for Zero-Shot Generative Classification

Title: PO3AD: Predicting Point Offsets toward Better 3D Point Cloud Anomaly Detection

Title: Jailbreaking? One Step Is Enough!

Title: Make Imagination Clearer! Stable Diffusion-based Visual Imagination for Multimodal Machine Translation

Title: RDPI: A Refine Diffusion Probability Generation Method for Spatiotemporal Data Imputation

Title: LLM-based Discriminative Reasoning for Knowledge Graph Question Answering

Title: Progressive Monitoring of Generative Model Training Evolution

Title: Towards a Training Free Approach for 3D Scene Editing

Title: Guided and Variance-Corrected Fusion with One-shot Style Alignment for Large-Content Image Generation

Title: Rethinking Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Fundus Fluorescein Angiography Synthesis on Limited Data

Title: Is it the end of (generative) linguistics as we know it?

Title: ComprehendEdit: A Comprehensive Dataset and Evaluation Framework for Multimodal Knowledge Editing

Title: Boosting Fine-Grained Visual Anomaly Detection with Coarse-Knowledge-Aware Adversarial Learning

Title: Dyn-HaMR: Recovering 4D Interacting Hand Motion from a Dynamic Camera

Title: ArtAug: Enhancing Text-to-Image Generation through Synthesis-Understanding Interaction

Title: An Agentic Approach to Automatic Creation of P&ID Diagrams from Natural Language Descriptions

Title: Unsupervised Region-Based Image Editing of Denoising Diffusion Models

Title: Synthetic Data Generation for Anomaly Detection on Table Grapes

Title: Efficient Diffusion Transformer Policies with Mixture of Expert Denoisers for Multitask Learning

Title: ArchesWeather & ArchesWeatherGen: a deterministic and generative model for efficient ML weather forecasting

Title: Attentive Eraser: Unleashing Diffusion Model's Object Removal Potential via Self-Attention Redirection Guidance

Title: Unlocking LLMs: Addressing Scarce Data and Bias Challenges in Mental Health

Title: A New Adversarial Perspective for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection

Title: Harnessing Event Sensory Data for Error Pattern Prediction in Vehicles: A Language Model Approach

Title: CLASP: Contrastive Language-Speech Pretraining for Multilingual Multimodal Information Retrieval

Title: Prompt Augmentation for Self-supervised Text-guided Image Manipulation

Title: F-Bench: Rethinking Human Preference Evaluation Metrics for Benchmarking Face Generation, Customization, and Restoration

Title: Locate n' Rotate: Two-stage Openable Part Detection with Foundation Model Priors

Title: Move-in-2D: 2D-Conditioned Human Motion Generation

Title: StreetCrafter: Street View Synthesis with Controllable Video Diffusion Models

Title: GaussTR: Foundation Model-Aligned Gaussian Transformer for Self-Supervised 3D Spatial Understanding

Title: Proposer-Agent-Evaluator(PAE): Autonomous Skill Discovery For Foundation Model Internet Agents

Title: CoMPaSS: Enhancing Spatial Understanding in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models