
Title: RoleCraft-GLM: Advancing Personalized Role-Playing in Large Language Models

Title: Incorporating Riemannian Geometric Features for Learning Coefficient of Pressure Distributions on Airplane Wings

Title: LoMA: Lossless Compressed Memory Attention

Title: Memory, Space, and Planning: Multiscale Predictive Representations

Title: Functional Autoencoder for Smoothing and Representation Learning

Title: Accelerating Data Generation for Neural Operators via Krylov Subspace Recycling

Title: BERTologyNavigator: Advanced Question Answering with BERT-based Semantics

Title: Improving Classification Performance With Human Feedback: Label a few, we label the rest

Title: Sharing Knowledge in Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning

Title: Aligning Large Language Models with Counterfactual DPO

Title: Towards Scalable and Robust Model Versioning

Title: eipy: An Open-Source Python Package for Multi-modal Data Integration using Heterogeneous Ensembles

Title: Learning Shortcuts: On the Misleading Promise of NLU in Language Models

Title: Physics-Informed Calibration of Aeromagnetic Compensation in Magnetic Navigation Systems using Liquid Time-Constant Networks

Title: ClimateGPT: Towards AI Synthesizing Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change

Title: Convex and Bilevel Optimization for Neuro-Symbolic Inference and Learning

Title: Tiny Multi-Agent DRL for Twins Migration in UAV Metaverses: A Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Stackelberg Game Approach

Title: Harnessing Density Ratios for Online Reinforcement Learning

Title: Comparative Study on the Performance of Categorical Variable Encoders in Classification and Regression Tasks

Title: Offline Imitation Learning by Controlling the Effective Planning Horizon

Title: Exploration and Anti-Exploration with Distributional Random Network Distillation

Title: Applications of Machine Learning to Optimizing Polyolefin Manufacturing

Title: Resolving Regular Polysemy in Named Entities

Title: A Comparative Study on Annotation Quality of Crowdsourcing and LLM via Label Aggregation

Title: Leveraging Biases in Large Language Models: "bias-kNN'' for Effective Few-Shot Learning

Title: A Semantic Approach for Big Data Exploration in Industry 4.0

Title: PatchAD: Patch-based MLP-Mixer for Time Series Anomaly Detection

Title: A Fast, Performant, Secure Distributed Training Framework For Large Language Model

Title: All in How You Ask for It: Simple Black-Box Method for Jailbreak Attacks

Title: MatSciRE: Leveraging Pointer Networks to Automate Entity and Relation Extraction for Material Science Knowledge-base Construction

Title: Behavioral Simulation: Exploring A Possible Next Paradigm for Science

Title: GA-SmaAt-GNet: Generative Adversarial Small Attention GNet for Extreme Precipitation Nowcasting

Title: Cooperative Edge Caching Based on Elastic Federated and Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Next-Generation Network

Title: Meme-ingful Analysis: Enhanced Understanding of Cyberbullying in Memes Through Multimodal Explanations

Title: Enabling On-device Continual Learning with Binary Neural Networks

Title: Infinite-Horizon Graph Filters: Leveraging Power Series to Enhance Sparse Information Aggregation

Title: HGAttack: Transferable Heterogeneous Graph Adversarial Attack

Title: SymbolNet: Neural Symbolic Regression with Adaptive Dynamic Pruning

Title: Towards Generative Abstract Reasoning: Completing Raven's Progressive Matrix via Rule Abstraction and Selection

Title: Sketch-Guided Constrained Decoding for Boosting Blackbox Large Language Models without Logit Access

Title: Better Explain Transformers by Illuminating Important Information

Title: Gradable ChatGPT Translation Evaluation

Title: Gender Bias in Machine Translation and The Era of Large Language Models

Title: R-Judge: Benchmarking Safety Risk Awareness for LLM Agents

Title: Self-Rewarding Language Models

Title: Large Language Models for Scientific Information Extraction: An Empirical Study for Virology

Title: Antonym vs Synonym Distinction using InterlaCed Encoder NETworks (ICE-NET)

Title: Code Prompting Elicits Conditional Reasoning Abilities in Text+Code LLMs

Title: Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated Learning for Speech-to-Text Tasks

Title: Power in Numbers: Robust reading comprehension by finetuning with four adversarial sentences per example

Title: Marrying Adapters and Mixup to Efficiently Enhance the Adversarial Robustness of Pre-Trained Language Models for Text Classification

Title: Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model for Traffic Prediction

Title: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Maritime Operational Technology Cyber Security

Title: Beyond Reference-Based Metrics: Analyzing Behaviors of Open LLMs on Data-to-Text Generation

Title: Chem-FINESE: Validating Fine-Grained Few-shot Entity Extraction through Text Reconstruction

Title: Enabling Efficient Equivariant Operations in the Fourier Basis via Gaunt Tensor Products

Title: ChatQA: Building GPT-4 Level Conversational QA Models