
Title: A General-purpose AI Avatar in Healthcare

Title: Assessing Large Language Models in Mechanical Engineering Education: A Study on Mechanics-Focused Conceptual Understanding

Title: The Effect of Human v/s Synthetic Test Data and Round-tripping on Assessment of Sentiment Analysis Systems for Bias

Title: Crowdsourced Adaptive Surveys

Title: TelME: Teacher-leading Multimodal Fusion Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation

Title: Few-Shot Learning for Chronic Disease Management: Leveraging Large Language Models and Multi-Prompt Engineering with Medical Knowledge Injection

Title: Into the crossfire: evaluating the use of a language model to crowdsource gun violence reports

Title: TranSentence: Speech-to-speech Translation via Language-agnostic Sentence-level Speech Encoding without Language-parallel Data

Title: Automated Scoring of Clinical Patient Notes using Advanced NLP and Pseudo Labeling

Title: Harmonizing Code-mixed Conversations: Personality-assisted Code-mixed Response Generation in Dialogues

Title: A Comparison of Veterans with Problematic Opioid Use Identified through Natural Language Processing of Clinical Notes versus Using Diagnostic Codes

Title: Progressive Distillation Based on Masked Generation Feature Method for Knowledge Graph Completion

Title: Evaluating and Enhancing Large Language Models Performance in Domain-specific Medicine: Osteoarthritis Management with DocOA

Title: CIMGEN: Controlled Image Manipulation by Finetuning Pretrained Generative Models on Limited Data

Title: Locality Sensitive Sparse Encoding for Learning World Models Online

Title: TCE at Qur'an QA 2023 Shared Task: Low Resource Enhanced Transformer-based Ensemble Approach for Qur'anic QA

Title: IndiText Boost: Text Augmentation for Low Resource India Languages

Title: Towards Trustable Language Models: Investigating Information Quality of Large Language Models

Title: Probabilistic Demand Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks

Title: XAI for All: Can Large Language Models Simplify Explainable AI?

Title: DISCOUNT: Distributional Counterfactual Explanation With Optimal Transport

Title: Seed-Guided Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Science and Engineering Domains

Title: Analyzing COVID-19 Vaccination Sentiments in Nigerian Cyberspace: Insights from a Manually Annotated Twitter Dataset

Title: The Language Barrier: Dissecting Safety Challenges of LLMs in Multilingual Contexts

Title: NLBAC: A Neural Ordinary Differential Equations-based Framework for Stable and Safe Reinforcement Learning

Title: SpacTor-T5: Pre-training T5 Models with Span Corruption and Replaced Token Detection

Title: CFMatch: Aligning Automated Answer Equivalence Evaluation with Expert Judgments For Open-Domain Question Answering

Title: Compositional Generative Inverse Design

Title: AgentBoard: An Analytical Evaluation Board of Multi-turn LLM Agents

Title: Generative Design of Crystal Structures by Point Cloud Representations and Diffusion Model

Title: Topology-aware Embedding Memory for Learning on Expanding Graphs

Title: Multitask Active Learning for Graph Anomaly Detection

Title: On Principled Local Optimization Methods for Federated Learning

Title: ULTRA: Unleash LLMs' Potential for Event Argument Extraction through Hierarchical Modeling and Pair-wise Refinement

Title: TAT-LLM: A Specialized Language Model for Discrete Reasoning over Tabular and Textual Data

Title: Scalable Link Prediction on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Graphs with Large Language Models

Title: From Random to Informed Data Selection: A Diversity-Based Approach to Optimize Human Annotation and Few-Shot Learning

Title: Adaptive Crowdsourcing Via Self-Supervised Learning

Title: SEER: Facilitating Structured Reasoning and Explanation via Reinforcement Learning

Title: UniMS-RAG: A Unified Multi-source Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Personalized Dialogue Systems

Title: MF-AED-AEC: Speech Emotion Recognition by Leveraging Multimodal Fusion, ASR Error Detection, and ASR Error Correction

Title: Can AI Assistants Know What They Don't Know?

Title: RefreshNet: Learning Multiscale Dynamics through Hierarchical Refreshing

Title: Towards Explainable Harmful Meme Detection through Multimodal Debate between Large Language Models

Title: MaLA-500: Massive Language Adaptation of Large Language Models

Title: Debiased Sample Selection for Combating Noisy Labels

Title: Text Categorization Can Enhance Domain-Agnostic Stopword Extraction

Title: Clue-Guided Path Exploration: An Efficient Knowledge Base Question-Answering Framework with Low Computational Resource Consumption

Title: Multi-Agent Diagnostics for Robustness via Illuminated Diversity

Title: Can GPT-3.5 Generate and Code Discharge Summaries?

Title: SpeechGPT-Gen: Scaling Chain-of-Information Speech Generation

Title: Towards Understanding the Riemannian SGD and SVRG Flows on Wasserstein Probabilistic Space

Title: Beyond Concept Bottleneck Models: How to Make Black Boxes Intervenable?

Title: Large Malaysian Language Model Based on Mistral for Enhanced Local Language Understanding

Title: Prompt Weight Experiments for LLM Instruction Fine-Tuning

Title: Evaluation of General Large Language Models in Contextually Assessing Semantic Concepts Extracted from Adult Critical Care Electronic Health Record Notes

Title: Graph Guided Question Answer Generation for Procedural Question-Answering

Title: Consistency Guided Knowledge Retrieval and Denoising in LLMs for Zero-shot Document-level Relation Triplet Extraction

Title: MM-LLMs: Recent Advances in MultiModal Large Language Models

Title: Stream-based perception for cognitive agents in mobile ecosystems

Title: DenoSent: A Denoising Objective for Self-Supervised Sentence Representation Learning

Title: VisualWebArena: Evaluating Multimodal Agents on Realistic Visual Web Tasks

Title: Graph-Informed Neural Networks for Sparse Grid-Based Discontinuity Detectors

Title: Inadequacy of common stochastic neural networks for reliable clinical decision support

Title: MambaByte: Token-free Selective State Space Model

Title: The Definitive Guide to Policy Gradients in Deep Reinforcement Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Implementations