
Title: Informal Safety Guarantees for Simulated Optimizers Through Extrapolation from Partial Simulations

Title: Do deep neural networks utilize the weight space efficiently?

Title: Polynomial time auditing of statistical subgroup fairness for Gaussian data

Title: Beyond Eviction Prediction: Leveraging Local Spatiotemporal Public Records to Inform Action

Title: FaKnow: A Unified Library for Fake News Detection

Title: Context-Former: Stitching via Latent Conditioned Sequence Modeling

Title: Effective Controllable Bias Mitigation for Classification and Retrieval using Gate Adapters

Title: Supervised Contrastive Learning based Dual-Mixer Model for Remaining Useful Life Prediction

Title: InfoLossQA: Characterizing and Recovering Information Loss in Text Simplification

Title: A Discriminative Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for High-Dimensional Data

Title: GuReT: Distinguishing Guilt and Regret related Text

Title: Deep Learning for Multi-Label Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: SelectLLM: Can LLMs Select Important Instructions to Annotate?

Title: Autoencoder-Based Domain Learning for Semantic Communication with Conceptual Spaces

Title: Beyond Image-Text Matching: Verb Understanding in Multimodal Transformers Using Guided Masking

Title: LLMs as On-demand Customizable Service

Title: Leveraging Professional Radiologists' Expertise to Enhance LLMs' Evaluation for Radiology Reports

Title: Massively Multilingual Text Translation For Low-Resource Languages

Title: A Linguistic Comparison between Human and ChatGPT-Generated Conversations

Title: ToPro: Token-Level Prompt Decomposition for Cross-Lingual Sequence Labeling Tasks

Title: Consistent algorithms for multi-label classification with macro-at-$k$ metrics

Title: Improving Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Efficient Reward Model Ensemble

Title: Breaking Free Transformer Models: Task-specific Context Attribution Promises Improved Generalizability Without Fine-tuning Pre-trained LLMs

Title: TeenyTinyLlama: open-source tiny language models trained in Brazilian Portuguese

Title: Incoherent Probability Judgments in Large Language Models

Title: Using Motion Forecasting for Behavior-Based Virtual Reality (VR) Authentication

Title: Augmenting Replay in World Models for Continual Reinforcement Learning

Title: Gradient-Based Language Model Red Teaming

Title: Recovering Mental Representations from Large Language Models with Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Title: OWSM v3.1: Better and Faster Open Whisper-Style Speech Models based on E-Branchformer

Title: Fast Dual-Regularized Autoencoder for Sparse Biological Data

Title: Is Artificial Intelligence Providing the Second Revolution for Weather Forecasting?

Title: The Detection and Understanding of Fictional Discourse

Title: EdgeOL: Efficient in-situ Online Learning on Edge Devices

Title: Multivariate Beta Mixture Model: Probabilistic Clustering With Flexible Cluster Shapes

Title: Recent Advances in Hate Speech Moderation: Multimodality and the Role of Large Models

Title: Towards Generating Informative Textual Description for Neurons in Language Models

Title: Engineering A Large Language Model From Scratch

Title: MT-Eval: A Multi-Turn Capabilities Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: Diffusion model for relational inference

Title: SwapNet: Efficient Swapping for DNN Inference on Edge AI Devices Beyond the Memory Budget

Title: MolPLA: A Molecular Pretraining Framework for Learning Cores, R-Groups and their Linker Joints

Title: Extrinsicaly Rewarded Soft Q Imitation Learning with Discriminator

Title: Graph Fairness Learning under Distribution Shifts

Title: Enhancing Efficiency and Robustness in Support Vector Regression with HawkEye Loss

Title: Can Large Language Models be Trusted for Evaluation? Scalable Meta-Evaluation of LLMs as Evaluators via Agent Debate

Title: Accelerated Cloud for Artificial Intelligence (ACAI)

Title: Learnable Prompt as Pseudo-Imputation: Reassessing the Necessity of Traditional EHR Data Imputation in Downstream Clinical Prediction

Title: Encoding Temporal Statistical-space Priors via Augmented Representation

Title: H2O-Danube-1.8B Technical Report

Title: Coseparable Nonnegative Tensor Factorization With T-CUR Decomposition

Title: Evaluating ML-Based Anomaly Detection Across Datasets of Varied Integrity: A Case Study

Title: State Value Generation with Prompt Learning and Self-Training for Low-Resource Dialogue State Tracking

Title: Cross-Lingual Transfer from Related Languages: Treating Low-Resource Maltese as Multilingual Code-Switching

Title: Energy-conserving equivariant GNN for elasticity of lattice architected metamaterials

Title: Online Resource Allocation with Non-Stationary Customers

Title: Two Heads Are Better Than One: Integrating Knowledge from Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for Entity Alignment

Title: CORE: Towards Scalable and Efficient Causal Discovery with Reinforcement Learning

Title: Evaluation of Out-of-Distribution Detection Performance on Autonomous Driving Datasets

Title: Robust Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering

Title: Bayesian Optimization with Noise-Free Observations: Improved Regret Bounds via Random Exploration

Title: Forecasting VIX using Bayesian Deep Learning

Title: CRUD-RAG: A Comprehensive Chinese Benchmark for Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Large Language Models

Title: Scalable Mechanism Design for Multi-Agent Path Finding

Title: SemScore: Automated Evaluation of Instruction-Tuned LLMs based on Semantic Textual Similarity

Title: NNOSE: Nearest Neighbor Occupational Skill Extraction

Title: Traffic estimation in unobserved network locations using data-driven macroscopic models

Title: Explainable data-driven modeling via mixture of experts: towards effective blending of grey and black-box models

Title: Large Language Model Evaluation via Matrix Entropy

Title: Layered and Staged Monte Carlo Tree Search for SMT Strategy Synthesis

Title: Planning, Creation, Usage: Benchmarking LLMs for Comprehensive Tool Utilization in Real-World Complex Scenarios

Title: Conditional and Modal Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: Zero-Shot Reinforcement Learning via Function Encoders

Title: Transfer Learning for Text Diffusion Models

Title: NormEnsembleXAI: Unveiling the Strengths and Weaknesses of XAI Ensemble Techniques

Title: Morality is Non-Binary: Building a Pluralist Moral Sentence Embedding Space using Contrastive Learning

Title: LLaMP: Large Language Model Made Powerful for High-fidelity Materials Knowledge Retrieval and Distillation

Title: Weak-to-Strong Jailbreaking on Large Language Models

Title: Robust Prompt Optimization for Defending Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks

Title: ReacLLaMA: Merging chemical and textual information in chemical reactivity AI models

Title: Weaver: Foundation Models for Creative Writing